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Your words hurt just as much as your actions,
I don't know what you're trying to do,
All this love I have for you,
You just want to break it in two,
Do you even care if I hurt?
I'd never hurt you,
If I'm really not what you want,
Then just say we're through,
Really, must you torture me like you do?
I've never asked anything of you,
I've just loved you unconditionally,
Then you dare come to me,
Saying it's all a lie,
If I'm lying to you,
Why have I been here since the start?
I learned morse code so I could understand your heart.
Never have I known
the love I found
in your arms
the love I see
when I gaze
into your eyes
the love I feel
with every beat
of your heart.

Never have I known
a man so tender
who seeks my pleasure
a man so strong
he protects me
with every fiber
of his being
a man so compassionate
he feels for all creatures
who are helpless.

Never have I known
a man like you
who swept me off my feet
stole the key to my heart
and took possession of it
who came into my life
and made me whole.
 Sep 2012 Kasandra Curtis
I think we all agree
He is a master of his craft
His ready wit and wisdom
Can make us look quite daft
Although his face we do not see
His words are all we really need
So from us all on hp
Happy Birthday FJD
Barefoot I walk
the shifting sands
within your sleeping eyes
tracing I love you's
upon the shore
were I  but able to swim
within your tears
and enter softly your dreams
I would
for sleep steals from me
your kiss
your touch
your laughter
let me but kiss your shuttered eyes
and taste
my sweetest of dreams.
I'm sorry to tell you but the little things you treasure;
An old letter from an ancestor
A silver trinket
A memory
Will all
Crumble into dust
Tarnish into black
Fade into nothingness
So before all the years and months and weeks fly by
Detach yourself a bit from your clutch on these
small things.
Read the letter.
Play with the trinket
Enjoy the memory,
But all things must away and so
I urge you to live in the moment
Rejoice in the light of the present day
And shout for no other reason than your existance.
But heaven forbid,
I implore you otherwise,
Please do not say
"YOLO" - please use responsibly
I fell in the sea
and it was made of love
And the love became the taste
Of saltwater on her neck
And she taught me to dive
With my eyes wide open
Looking through the water at the sun
Breaking the surface.

"It's like just like dying," she said.
And I heard "diving"
Because it was like diving
But it was also unlike diving
And so it didn't seem a silly thing to say
Though all the things she said
Like them fishes in a sea of love
Hooked by a line at night
That came out of a boat
And made us shure
That the unsaid things
Were both unsaid
Were silly.

I forgot my shoes.

We made love between the boats
Gently pulling ourselves along the rope
From one wine dark evening
To the sunlit morning below...

And even my lips
Remind me of her
Waking so close
Her eyes could touch mine
Nice dream
Like the lift of sunrise
Between us
And the need of nothing else
But these warm shivers and...

Blistering Barnacles!

I just fell in the sea
And it was made of love.
Through the Great Depression.
We saw couples make it last forever.
Through World War Two.
We know some couples survived.
Let's call it love of a lifetime.
Through segregation era.
We saw couples male it together.

And through it all.
They struggle and strived.
So, what's wrong today?

We hear couples fighting over common things.
Except making love work.
It might be money.
Which when discussing become mine.
Ours, isn't a unional thought.
One can't be the voice of reason.
While the other wants to be the voice of choice.
And they wonder why some couples has years of love?

Those that hadn't nothing during the depression, wars and segregation.
Worked, at earning it.
Not demanding it.
Call it love of a lifetime.
It can be yours.
And it can be mine.
If in one moment I could convey to you
An eternity of my love's affirmation,
if I could plant everblooming flowers
in the places you have lied, fields of wildflowers
formed in the shape of your prone body.

Though far and wide lovers may stray
across the vast horizon running,
trying to catch the day;
our hearts are carrier pigeons
always flying back home to roost with each other.

Why run, I say, saunter,
glide like an eagle,
though you fear you may stumble.
I will send my kiss waltzing to you,
So my lips might dance and twirl with yours.

Venus glowing in the night sky
is still there, though unseen during the day.
So too my love remains
in the depth of night it is a golden sun,
in the glare of day it is a silver moon.

From burning dreams, and nightmares,
flames frozen in the clock face of the mind,
Outside your head is the warmth I carry,
through your open eyes
I project this warmth, as my body in abscence.

When we lie together, let us not speak,
I will listen only to your breathing.
All words will dry up, and we will communicate
only with our bodies. Our minds will bend
towards the singular goal, of pleasing each other.
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