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1.5k · Jun 2014
I am the architect
karma is dead Jun 2014
I am the architect
of my own destruction
So don't be under any assumption
That this is self inflicted pain
I just consume corruption
So when the devil returns
Relief is what I'll feel
Knowing this is the end of our deal
1.3k · May 2014
Will you be my Queen?
karma is dead May 2014
In the hours I can't sleep
I like to think of when we will next meet
I know the things I say can be aggressive
And I wish I weren't so possessive
Saying I love you just isn't enough
I know sometimes I make it tough
So I'll continue to write
To express what I mean
So I'll be the King, will you be my Queen?
karma is dead Jul 2015
I met a girl that had eyes so wide,
they were a place for demons to hide.
They filled her with lies, self doubt, and different hair dyes,

trying to defend her heart, with a corrupt shield, thinking,
that maybe she could yield,
some form of defence.

But instead it swallowed her whole.

With no place to go and no place to feel herself,
she surrendered at the edge of a blade

until that last drop fell, and she smiled.
Suicide completely ends the chances of things ever getting better there's a way out, contact me if you need someone to talk to
1.1k · May 2014
karma is dead May 2014
When you separate the complete devastation you feel from life
Life seems all to pointless
We all learn from our mistakes
So we are all born to do wrong
In a small hope they won't happen again
But in a life time you feel a similar kind of pain
A million times before you pass
So why are we not learning
Why is my stomach still churning
I'm trying to see what were meant to be
But all I see...
Is a lost cause
910 · Feb 2014
You're falling
karma is dead Feb 2014
You're falling into an abyss
Of pain, rejection and guilt
Let me enter your head
Before it becomes numb
And full of hate
It's not to late
I promise I'll help you re-create
The outer shell of your soul
And I'll make you whole
880 · Jul 2014
Put yourself in my shoes
karma is dead Jul 2014
Just watch
Just observe
Just listen to every word,
Just think
Just wait
Just recreate,
Just try and do
All the things I do for you
And I promise we could make it through
865 · Apr 2014
karma is dead Apr 2014
It's a disease
A painful virus that runs deep
In everyone's mind
It's pulls and tears
The heart apart
And takes over all other emotions
It clouds your judgement
It renders all happy memories
So next time it takes control
Remember they have a soul
And they still need you to feel whole
769 · Jan 2014
look at me
karma is dead Jan 2014
look at me!
no. i mean it, look at me
how can you look right through me
like you don't even know me
i really wish you could see the damage your causing me
my minds unraveling into its self
its beginning to implode
i'm collapsing, my bodies fading
i no longer care about the words im saying
so just stay for one more day and ill find a way
to make everything okay
760 · Feb 2014
karma is dead Feb 2014
I want to be yours,
So stop shutting all the doors
I'm only trying to be perfect for you,
Because you deserve nothing better
I hate it when you no longer want to be here
Losing you is my biggest fear
When you want to leave the life you live
The worlds floor beneath me
Rapidly begins to collapse
That's when your mind falls into oblivion
A endless pit of treachery , misery and regret
So that is why my mind is set
To remind you of the feelings you felt
When we first met
750 · Feb 2015
I'd die alone for you
karma is dead Feb 2015
You know sometimes I think about if I'll ever find someone that loves how weird I am and respects me like you do, then I think about the fact your with someone and how that takes up sometime and I can't spend time with you as much as I want to, and if I found someone I'll have to give some of my attention to someone else then all I can think about is how I'd rather spend the rest of my life alone if it means I can give you all of my attention and care, and I'd happily be that guy that stands at the back of the room of your wedding drinking whiskey straight and the only reason I'm there is because I'd never miss seeing the happiest moment of your life and then I start to think about how you will never. Ever. understand how much I love you because I'd rather die alone then ever entertain the thought of losing you
Not so much a poem just needed somewher to express it
karma is dead Dec 2014
when a poet loses his words
It's like a bow without a arrow
Useless on their own
But powerful when combined
Because if I was a engine
you'd be my fuel
As I struggle to write
The light because dim
Because you were the light
But now this tunnel is caving in
737 · Jan 2015
They protect me
karma is dead Jan 2015
I like to write because the words
That lay on this tear soaked page
Wrap around my heart and protect me,
It's not that they stop pain from getting in they stop my emotions from getting out and stop me from creating a storm in witch I can't control
723 · Jun 2014
karma is dead Jun 2014
I met this girl once
Her personality was as wild
As her hair
And her sweet smile
Matched her eyes
I remember telling myself
The Sweet little lies
That got me through my day
To make me believe she'd be okay
But there was nothing left for her here
Not after her soul got burnt
I admired her strength
She taught me a thing or two
But now she's gone
To find a new home
And I'll forever remember that smile I loved to see,
You know that one that used to save me,
Nor her eyes that used to amaze me.
720 · Mar 2015
It's that simple
karma is dead Mar 2015
A simple vision

A simple smile

A simple greeting

A simple kiss

A simple wish

A simple dream

A simple thought of you and me

A simple memory of when you died

A simple memory of how much I cried

A simple pain that escalates

A simple reason why I shall never let a day go by, without making you proud of me where ever you may be
699 · May 2014
Anger makes me feel no pain
karma is dead May 2014
Anger is a ugly emotion
But anger doesn't hurt
So when you look at me
And I giving you that ****** expression
You hate to see
Don't ask me what's up
Don't get annoyed when I tell you I'm fine
Because anger blocks my ability to talk
Just look at me and smile
And tell me I'll be okay
And hug me till tears fall down my face
663 · Mar 2014
karma is dead Mar 2014
It feels cold as Ice
But as heavy as a rock
It festures in your heart
It plagues your mind
It binds resentment
To your soul
And makes your insides
black as coal
That feeling of lonliness
We've all felt
And we remember the pain
It has dealt
karma is dead Apr 2015
Would you rather be born great
Or be born into darkness and come out the other side knowing you were strong enough to fight your demons?

I was born and raised into neither instead I began to listen to the sorrows of my own demons and learn from there mistakes sometimes I confide in the darkness and listen carefully because when all is silent that's when you hear the words you minds trying to express
643 · Sep 2014
Sound Of Silence
karma is dead Sep 2014
I like to watch from a distance
Observe from a far
And listen to the sound of silence
I like how it makes a persons
Inner conscience come alive
Because when all said and done
We all have something to hide
So don't confide with your demons
They'll only pull you down
And When you lie still in
Your own Sea of treachery
They'll help you drown
625 · Feb 2015
I don't know what to do
karma is dead Feb 2015
i understand that maybe your not okay
And all you want is the doctors and the pain to go away
I'll stand by your side
holding your hand, I'll even be there when you try hide to escape the fear of feeling dead inside
But please forgive me when I spend
Too long away it's just every tear
That falls from your cheek
makes My heart feel weak behind closed doors
My inner being steps out of this shell
I've renamed hell, and sits alone stitching itself back together
And when it's done I put on my disguise and smile for you one more time
609 · Feb 2014
This is it
karma is dead Feb 2014
So is this really it?
This is how it ends
Not even a simple sorry
I couldn't be there my friend
I don't think you realise
What you've done
I don't think you realise
How cold I have now become
I know it wasn't intentional
I just didn't think the last time
We spoke it would be the final
I waited and waited for your return
But the only thing I saw
Was you walking away
More and more
If your reading this
You know who you are
I wanted you to be happy memories
Not a cold resenting scar
karma is dead Oct 2014
you complain that your never heard
that you wish someone would understand your sorrow
and that poetry is a way to express your innself
then hide your thoughts you write down on a page
as if your embarrased to show your true self
but maybe you should be willing to show anyone that shows
slight interest maybe you should open up your mind for the
world to see maybe you shouldnt look at others
and worry about what they think of me
negatiuve thoughts over come
optimistic actions
and sublimely create destruction
reactions that in time form into sanctions
of allowing someone to find just what there looking for
because lets be honest you've always wanted someone to find you
because your too scared to find someone yourself out of fear
they'll cause you one particular pain you dont believe
your heart can go through again
but how can someone find someone so perfect
if they dont even know they are there
you were given a voice so use it
dont abuse the power of silence because one day it will
be the only thing you will ever hear and break you piece by piece
this is really a poem it was more of a rant about myself, hope you enjoy
feel free to comment
556 · Feb 2014
karma is dead Feb 2014
This picture I'm holding in my hand
Is falling through my fingers like sand
I'm forever wading through grief and despair
But I do not care
For fear drives us forward
Pain compels us to find relief
Shadows beckon for light
So do not fade
For I have made a discovery
For only a higher power may judge me
So just wait and you shall see
Who I really am
Not who society forces me to be
karma is dead Jul 2014
I know there's a lot of things I wish I didn't say
But please believe me I never meant it that way
There's not enough paper in this world
For me to write down how I feel
But to keep it short and sweet
All I ever wanted is for you to smile
And its taken me a while
To reach a point where I can except
That me and you were never meant to be
Only god himself could ever see
How much you really meant to me
but the decision your making
I hope you stick with it
Because you and him just seem fit
To the girl I fell so hard for that her happiness allowed me to fly back up
534 · Dec 2014
Stand up
karma is dead Dec 2014
A wise man once told me
You have to stand for something or you'll fall for everything
532 · Jan 2014
life's thread
karma is dead Jan 2014
when i feel dead
when life is merely a thread
will you sew me back together
will you find the pieces i left behind
will you find out where they go...
will you make sure my scares don't show
will you give me my life back
and make me glow
528 · Apr 2015
Real feelings
karma is dead Apr 2015
I remember the first time I saw you, the world stopped spinning that smile shone brighter then the earths sun it made me believe I could achieve true happiness I kept you locked away in my heart, right from the start this where you have stayed I even through away the key because I promised you I would never forget that little laugh you made and I prayed and I prayed and did everything I could to you believe I could hold you safe forever
505 · Feb 2014
Death's grasp
karma is dead Feb 2014
My mind never sleeps
Because my soul eternally weeps
My life is fading
I'm slowly cascading
My breathe is drawing thin
Death is beginning to win
Im hoping you'll notice the signs
Because within time
I hope to make you mine
So that I can truly shine
And hold back deaths grasp,
So fill the spaces between my fingers with yours
As they fit so perfectly
I'll be forever grateful
You stood by my side.
502 · Oct 2014
Just a mere opinion
karma is dead Oct 2014
Just like beauty, perfection is an opinion
It's designed and crafted ever so carefully
By the minds of us all
Opinions are unique
Just like the individual
That creates the fantasys and wild
Dreams that involve nothing but
What they perseve to be irreplaceable
And my idea of perfection
Is you
This came to mind about my best friend I'm lucky to have her around
490 · May 2014
What happened?
karma is dead May 2014
You said you'd stay
What happened to that?
486 · Jun 2014
I'm not giving up
karma is dead Jun 2014
These roses
are dead
The violets
are to
But just keep strong
I won't
Give up on you
479 · Jan 2014
that moment
karma is dead Jan 2014
that was it. that moment
your eyes connected with mine
my world began to shine
can you not see what you do to me?
stay with me and ill let you see
the inner me
and that way i hope you stay
and i will not let you be caught by a frey
and alll my dreams will consist of wishing your pain away
karma is dead Jan 2015
Every soul carries around
A small ember to witch it
Uses to ignite the fire inside our hearts
This ember enables us to roar
And it is what renders us human
But when that ember is doused
We become just a shell
We feel no fear no shame nor happiness or joy because when your
Soul burns out and the light in your
Eyes Become dull Try and find hope
It's what a soul is made of even though
It no longer roars it can still be re-lit all that's needed is a spark
so just keep my ember lit
And my roar will keep you warm
457 · May 2014
Locked away
karma is dead May 2014
Look at what you've done
I used to enjoy the warmth of the sun
But locked away
Is where I stay
So thank-you for your time
But please give me back mine
Because it's starting to run out
And I've lost the energy to shout for help
457 · Mar 2014
River runs deep
karma is dead Mar 2014
They say the river runs deep
So at the bottom is where I sleep
Drowning in my pain
Blood no longer courses through my veins
No longer do I struggle to reach the top
My soul was burnt in a melting ***
I just want it to end
I just want it to stop
437 · Feb 2015
Alone and always afraid
karma is dead Feb 2015
Lost and alone in this empty house
Trying to scream but the noise just
Won't come out I'm lying on the ground with the bitter
Taste of tears in my mouth the silence
Slowly destroying my soul
Only trying to reach out and find something new
But my hope is fading
And in death I think about trading
What I have left for one last vision of what I had just to make me smile
Just so I can think of you for a little while
434 · Dec 2014
karma is dead Dec 2014
You are just another scar on my heart
I'm just another promise you couldn't keep
Don't hesitate to give feed back or just to comment :)
426 · Feb 2014
karma is dead Feb 2014
Why do I have to tell you I'm not okay
for you to make time for me
Can't you just let it happen?
Why do I have to crumble
Before you even stumble
Onto the idea that I need you
I'm not asking for much
I don't want your 100% attention as such
I just want to feel wanted
Is that too much to ask
You said you'd always be by my side
I wanted to get better I really tried
You choose to ignore the signs of my decay
And sit and wait for the day
Just before it's too late
Why do I have to wait
Before you help me when I'm in this state
424 · Aug 2014
I thought I was untouchable
karma is dead Aug 2014
When we were young
We were invincible
No one could catch us
No one could stop us
Driving round the streets at night
Being chased in the moonlight
By everyone trying to hold us back
And in that moment it was silent
You dared me to trust you
What a mistake I made
What a silly game we played
I lost it all everylast bit
Well good, you can keep
Just don't come back
424 · Sep 2014
fate played a cruel card
karma is dead Sep 2014
Comfort is something regularly
But eyes like yours
And someone like you
Just isn't
So when you combine those three things
Perfection is created
You always said if you could choose
Itd be me without question
Fate played a cruel card
Some things are just never meant to be
I just wish it wasn't you and me
418 · Feb 2014
Absence of light
karma is dead Feb 2014
And your the most amazing girl I know
your soul glows in the absence of light
and sparkles in the moon light
So although pain may stream through your blood
I only wish that I simply could
Kiss your pain away
415 · May 2014
Do it right?
karma is dead May 2014
Is what enslaves a nation
Into hatred
But it's not what god intended
When we were created
So do what makes you feel good
Do what your heart tells you, you should
So when you lie there reviewing you life
You'll know you did it right
karma is dead Sep 2014
Why do you always
Reignite the fight
Shoot me down when I'm in flight
And then hide your cruelty out of sight
In a harsh attempt that I might
Just give in
To every sin
Just for the pleasure you'll win
You're Evil and corrupt
You have a demon within
You smile at the scars on my skin
And you don't stop
till the light in my eyes
Becomes dim
Then bring me back from the brink
And make my heart sink
I fall so hard I can't even think
About the pain you caused previously
I can't help that your smile
means so much to me  
I just wish everyone would see
That you may be a devil inside
But your always my girl to me.
403 · Mar 2014
Just once more
karma is dead Mar 2014
I understand that your now too busy
I understand you don't have time
I don't know if it's because
You know I'll always stay
Or because your not bothered either way
Jealousy is a disease
And it's growing inside my veins
It's flowing through me
Like water into drains
I only want a hour
Maybe even two
Just one more time
To show you I love you
398 · Mar 2014
karma is dead Mar 2014
In times of peace sons bury there fathers
But in times of war fathers bury there sons
Because when the rich wage war
it's the poor who die
398 · Jul 2014
the devils call
karma is dead Jul 2014
When your mind becomes numb
When your emotions are gone,
When your anger is a time bomb,
When you cry out to the sky
Because your lonely and scared
But only the devil responds
Because god isn't there
Remember your better then
To let your life flow out your veins
Don't let your bones be the only thing that remains
Just remember what your once were
Remember what you can be
Remember who I am
Not who he wants you to see
397 · Sep 2014
Wondering into chaos
karma is dead Sep 2014
Lost in the Forrest of my own mind
Trying to find the trail I left behind
Trying to find where it all began
But still I search only to find myself
Wondering deeper into the chaos
My self hatred created.

I came looking for answers
But all I found is why I
Questioned my very existence
Still I feel hollow
Still I feel trapped
Still I feel empty
Still I feel collapsed
395 · Nov 2014
An finished dream
karma is dead Nov 2014
I remember when I
was young and in love
I remember thinking of
and wanting no one else
I always thought you'd always be the girl I loved forever  
I told you that one day I'd build my house and we would live together
And hear I sit in a throne I crafted to perfection sipping on the whiskey
That burned the most as it was a pain I come to love
I created my home in the way I described and my dream home came alive I guess you could say my dream came true the only problem is this house is empty and its memory's were meant to be filled with me and you
My thoughts are still the same
You're still the girl for me I just wish you were here so you could
See I kept my promise
That I would build a house just for you and me
395 · Sep 2014
What is life?
karma is dead Sep 2014
Life is a
Beautiful lie
And death is
The ugly truth
384 · Jan 2014
Don't lie to me
karma is dead Jan 2014
don't tell me that you fine
because you eyes  no longer shine
don't tell me that your okay
because your skin is turning grey
don't tell me it doesn't matter
because your mind is starting the scatter
don't tell me not to care
because ill always be there
don't tell me it'll be alright
because your not longer trying to fight
don't tell me i can't help
because your mind is starting to melt
don't tell me to leave
because ill forever have you in my head
hoping you don't wish your dead
so smile at the thought...

You're perfect
381 · Jul 2014
ill stay right here
karma is dead Jul 2014
She told me if she could choose
It would always be me
but it only seem to hurt more knowing
I did all I could but it was just never meant to be
If she told me to wait
I'd stay right here
And my thoughts of you would never disappear
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