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 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
If someone offered you a burnt rose you would scrunch your nose up for sure

It would be frail,weak and lack so much allure

It would be black and crumble between your fingers

You would cringe and the hurt would linger

Who wants a burnt rose lost of colour or a pleasurable sight

No one,you give someone that out of sheer spite

So I ask again,who wants a burnt rose that will crumple with the wind?

That the bees stray away from and the birds refuse to sing.

Mother nature forgot that rose as fire consumed it

Everyone forgot as the rose swiftly lit.
"Push harder"* I scream,
As your fists attempt,
To regain a pulse,
And send blood surging through,
My non-existent heart beat.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your lips dampen mine,
Transferring fresh air,
And leaving it to inflate,
My corrupted lungs.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your eyes stream wet tears,
But my mouth remains,

Your screaming for me.

*But I can't breath.
I can't breath...
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
My Darling
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Does it surprise you, My Darling
That I fell into a trance
That I abandoned my battle stance

Does it upset you, My Darling
That I lost myself in you
That I believe it all is true

Isn't it wonderful, My Darling
That you've found me
That we're meant to be
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
It really is shocking
That someone like me
Could trip and stumble
And fall right into
That hole in the ground
Filled with happiness and tears
Filled with risks and fears
That we all call love

I never thought
That I could ever
Be so utterly consumed
By one man
By one soul
And sometimes
It shakes me to the core
I cry a little more
Every single time
You say, "I'm glad you're mine"
We can stay this way forever
Fill our infinity with each other
Hold on to one another
And, as always, I'll cry a little more
Tears Of Joy
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Raphael Uzor
I sit and I think
Seeking a poetic opening
Daring to write my masterpiece

I haven't written in a while
At least, nothing worthy of a "Like"
Such poetic redundancy!

I read lines from other poets
Brilliant! Wonderful!! Astonishing!!!
How inspiring, how sweet!

So now must I write
And retain my rightful place
Among the nobles- called Poets!

Life was good- mundane!
Then came poetry- exciting!!
And now it's dwindling- Oh no!!!

Putting pen to paper
I scribble for hours, still nothing
I'm losing it, I freeze at the thought.

I'm sorry to disappoint you
But this is not a poem
For I sought it, but didn't find it.

For poetry is like a chick
Elusive when sought
Flirtatious when shunned.

So, must I wait
Not seeking to find her
But surrendering, for her invasion.

© Raphael Uzor
No inspiration!
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Daisy C
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Daisy C
Last night in my dream the world was okay.
Last night in my dream everything was different.
When I woke up
I had to face the real world.
Sometimes our dreams have a way of messing with our
It messes with our head so much that we wish that they would
come true.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Andrew Durst
I don't mind
that you care.

I mind
that you worry.


Because I don't understand.
It's not important.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Thank you for breaking me
And making me
A better me

Thank you for hurting me
And making me
A stronger me

Thank you for shooting me
And making me

Thank you for burning me
And making me
This is an older poem. Things have changed since then. But this poem is highly relative to a lot of people and I liked it well enough so I posted it.
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