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Empty glass bottles
left lying in midnight street
expletives galore
Let the light and happiness
Shine onto my momma
Sparking love into your heart
Giving you joy as we celebrate you
Happy Birthday Momma
We love you
Always and forever
 Nov 2019 kainat rasheed
When will be the last day
When will be the last seconds
When will be the last moments

Will it be atleast mine
Will it be atleast mine !
Just tired extremely....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When emerging from a dialogue,
a communion.....with God, taking in
all the good and bad we've poured,
a reassuring calm rests upon us, through
a peaceful silence...a lilt flows in every
word and move...a smile graces all

In the midst of chi kung mornings
all energies one speaks,
a silence enfolds participants...a time
to receive energy, and share...a time
to be strengthen others

alone, by the deck of a ferryboat,
with no bouts of mal de mer...a vista
of the limitless horizon, and the flowing
sea, mutes the human way
to quiet moments, to mull over things, and
discover one's self......senses are made
aware, by a mist of sea water,
and a swooshing wind that brings
a scent of salt
......a peaceful silence calms the soul

a moment comes,
when cacophony heightens.
drums, gongs, church bells and cell
phones ringing, dominate the airs.
in our own found silence, we listen
closely...'til a pleasant beat finally
waves...rhythm is found...and heard,
until music is a dream.
tunes agree, there's nothing left to do
but sing "la-di-das and la-la-las..."

late nights, before and beyond midnight
when the night radio rhythmically plays
a crescendo and diminuendo of snores,
i seek for my muse that teases and hides,
there's the silence of creation...
inspiration, suddenly becomes incipient,
it resonates, at times, stubbornly torments,
no sound could ever distract the flow.
Schubert's Serenade, or Beethoven's Silence
can only enhance......not crumble, nor ruin
the attempt to create......especially when
silence is most eloquent.....i am rendered


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    September 3, 2018
(mal de mer---French term for "seasickness")
Cactus, cacti
fungus, fungi
locus, loci
alumnus, alumni-

it's just about singular and plural
no reason at all to be hysterical !
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