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Kagey Sage Dec 2021
How else can I choose to view this moment?
It doesn't matter what I pick
so long as I can stall
the wheels of that accidental
over rationale

Yes, I'll learn better next time
That's all I need from this
evolutionary process, so
I'll let the wheel slow

breathe and enjoy the superfluous
us madmen threw around
I'll newly choose
what's good and bad about it
No, good and evil

Let that divine multiplicity shine
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
I gotta salvage my siding
Homie's helping me fix a
hole in the wall
and it's grueling

Other goals today:
Make a Thanksgiving leftover sandwich
don't eat meat on weekdays but I
cheated on Thursday when
at dinner with my parents
Ma won't take no for an answer
for to-go plates
I'm thankful I
still don't live with my folks

I wish I lived alone here
in my home by the river
but gotta save wishes for Xmas
where I'm sure to eat too much
give and receive pointless ****
Every year ma and pop say it'll be
more low key
Imma just gonna get
down in the bass clef my **** self
How vegan is OE?
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
I accidently created a homunculus
while trying to foster up all the
homologous ways to
see you once more

In that meeting
I hoped to enamor you
half as much as you have me
Instead there’s a 13 armed monster
rolling across the house

branching off realms of reality
that ought to have stayed closed
If I would have left it alone
my wishes and luck
just might have been enough
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
Oh the Americana days
are waning babe
Feel like I gotta put on spurs
and give those haters the boot

cause you said our love
would grow bigger than
Texarcana to The Ohio
Oh baby didn't you know
the lines in your mama's
old trip tips continue to grow

The distance ain't just physical
it's in my rattling antique thinker
as well as the snow
on them cold smoky mountains
did you really forget to
hang up the phone?

or was you talking to your sister 'bout
that dude at the ranch
from your sepia childhood picture
I found in the locket
you left by the brass lamp

I blubbered all night
hoping he's a long lost brother
you never cared to open up about
Here I am popping another
Genny red tall
while your answering machine's full

Oh whoa whoa whoa
guess this is what they mean
about changes in the fall
I skip another rock across
the whole **** river
but no one else saw
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
The sand
they let blow back to the sea
was once a sculpture
a mandala and
a brick to an Atlantean home
How could you just let it all go?
I feel much different
than I once did
and the scenery and cast
has changed
but for the parts that got stale
the dynamics are gone
I can only sing in double pianissimo
The reverberations of good times
bounce around my bedroom walls
nights and mornings before I forget
the broken wish fulfillment dreams
I'm clinging to past lives while
forgetting the flames I fought
I'm done being what I think I ought
from all the fictions wrought
I'm about what I am
no imperfect influences unexamined
I'm me, I'm you
I'm god, I'm my ma and pa
I'm the pub floor stone that
built this town and slapped me around
I understand me by knowing you
don't waste your time
knowing me no more
The caterpillar that overanalyzed
his life never got in that chrysalis
to learn to fly
"Know thyself. A maxim as pernicious as it is ugly. Whoever studies himself arrest his own development. A caterpillar who seeks to know himself would never become a butterfly."

Andre Gide
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
If I wait to finish my
to finish my food
all the tiny
notifiers to my superego,
my id
would wither
music, writing, commiserating,
and commiserating
eight-fold path that could
fit in my pocket

I can play
Make children with songs
that have been inside me
half a lifetime
when I picked up an axe
14 year old me
Shyer in most ways
but bolder
in interesting ways
I walked the path
humming 4 noble truths
in between theses

erratic days
I lived a myriad of lives
I fear it’s all
swirling to be the same
Circles within samsara
used to last for
months now I’m stuck for
and I no longer
wish to become
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
Get up off your thinking chair
and ski-doo all your blues away
Drive a cold heart through a snow drift
Realize that the static's too blurry
to rationalize through the fake
So don't look for clues, junior
The facts of life are that sitcoms
are no way to base a future
So all I can do is find breathtaking views
and write words that ought to be listened to
by people kneeling in pews
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