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 Sep 2013 Julio
maybella snow
"its your fault that everything dies;
its because you don't love it enough."*
                                                                               so it was my fault
                                                                     that you killed yourself
                                                                   i mustn't have loved you
                                                                                           i'm so sorry
come back to me
and i'll love you
with even more
than my existence
i'll love you more
than anyone could
just come back to
me, i miss you
everything hurts
i'm sorry
it's my fault
i'm sorry
come back
i love you
 Sep 2013 Julio
maybella snow
my left arm
is that time i didn't ask
if you were okay      
my left leg
is that fisrt time                  
i changed for the worse          
my right leg
is that time I cried to you        
and it broke you apart
my stomach
is the last time
i spoke to you      
did i say that i love you?
my marks
are for the time
i wasn't awake                    
when you were dying

i'm marked with fault
i didn't do enough to save you
 Aug 2013 Julio
maybella snow
10 words

*and if you are, i don't want to know you
 Jul 2013 Julio
Lavina Akari
 Jul 2013 Julio
Lavina Akari
you are fragile
and the boy in the year above you calls you fat
and the girl in the row behind says you look like a rat
and you sit and think about it for a few minutes
minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days
and soon you've lost track of the last time you ate
and soon you've become obsessed with your weight
you forgot what colour your skin used to be
because your arms are covered in red lines
and you cry all the time

you are fragile
and the girl in the hospital bed groans
she is short and she is thin,
skin and bones
this girl is you
and there is only one thing you need to do
but again, all you can do is cry
all you hear the doctor do is sigh
you hear the boy in the year above has died
drunk with a car, an upsetting fate
and the girl in the row behinds period is late
when was the last time you ate?

you are fragile
and the man in the street smiles
he stares for a while
he soaks up any sadness
laughs at your jokes
you are happy -
you remember what colour your skin was
and the last time you ate
because he has fixed you

*you are not fragile
 Jul 2013 Julio
maybella snow
between friendship
 Jul 2013 Julio
maybella snow
but i'm not 'okay' enough to ask
 Jul 2013 Julio
Morgan sb
If I fell
Who would you tell?
I fell for you
And you never even knew
Feelings compromised?
I'm quite surprised
That you never even knew
That I fell head over heels for you
I always looked right at you
Made sure to smile wide too
The things I said were well thought out
I was cautious, flaked with doubt
Was I sweet, does he think I'm nice?
I began ignoring my friends advice
Months later I still write about you
And it's because I wish that
You had fallen for me too
Inspiration from the Beatles song "If I Fell"
 Jul 2013 Julio
There comes a day in your life where you meet someone special…
You try so hard not to admit it but you just can’t hold back the way you feel…
I like you.
You get all those feelings…
Those butterflies you can’t stomach,
That heart rate you can’t put at ease,
So baby …
Sweetheart with the beautiful smile. Sure, I loved sleep
But dreams couldn't compare
Not to talking to you until my mind screamed for rest
And the butterflies in my stomach settled
Darling with the endless amount of love…
your love could fill the oceans and climb the tallest trees,
but could your love belong to me someday?
Be given to me?
Can you feel the way I do for you?
& Boy, sometimes I tangle my own fingers
Closing my eyes, losing myself in a daydream
Where your voice is more than an echo in my mind
And I even believe for a few seconds you're still here
Lover, who writes me poems,
You should know I write you too.
I write about you until my fingers ache
And still after that I keep writing
Because there's just some people you could write about forever
And baby, you're one of them.
And boy who played me a song,
Sweet sounds bow down to my ears,
And the way you play your guitar…
& the way I daydream about kissing your lips...
I can’t wait until the sparks of your tongue burn my mouth
send electric shocks through my body
Cutie… with the funny jokes,
You make me laugh.
Today you made me laugh,
like you always do,
you’re the only one who can now a days.
Baby, with those sparkling eyes,
Your eyes haunt me whether I'm dreaming or not
And what haunts me more is the fact that
I can’t have you now
because you ruined it
It hurts to think about it,
So I have to block you out.
Play your songs to someone else,
Read your silly lines of heartache to someone else,
And go find… someone else.
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