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 Sep 2014 jomiravel
I'd rather be a poor shepherd

than a rich sheep.

Your expert fingers gently
    strum and pluck at my strings                
Making every inch of me sing.

My body thrums
    With each staccato beat
And goosebumps ***** my skin as we race towards the crescendo.

The music peaks
    And beautifully tuned notes entwine
In heart-stopping harmony.

Your bass blends
    With my soprano
In a perfect balance of tone and pitch.

In the stillness that follows
    The music fades
Into a duet of breathy sighs.

And then we :||
Let's make beautiful music together.
Poem 4 in my "7 Poems in 7 Days" self-challenge.  Bonus challenge: All titles must be school subjects.  Feel free to join me!

— The End —