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Feral pigeons are so human-friendly. 
I can call them city birds gently. 
Mostly found in parks and buildings 
Feeds on grains, seeds, berries, and things
Known as "rock doves," most commonly 

Pigeons symbolise 'Peace' biblically. 
Have intelligence, as per the findings. 
They are found in human dwellings. 
Feral Pigeons 

They are not aggressive, typically.
I can make friends with them so easily. 
Rays of hope seen in their sightings 
I wish they knew our hidden feelings. 
In our neighbourhood, they are seen widely. 
Feral Pigeons
Oh! What friendship,  will never end
Forever you will be my friend
We treat each other with mutual respect
We'll never give chance to suspect
Honestly, we do not pretend

Together, spellbound time we spend
What ever comes, we will accept
From each other we don't except
Oh! What Friendship

In whatsapp, wishes that you send
To say, they'll perfectly blend
Touch wood "Our Friendship" is well kept
Because we believe it's perfect
Relationship that can extend
Oh! What Friendship
A fine reunion is happening. 
Fantastic! a nice gathering. 
One can cherish their memories. 
The heart sings beautiful melodies. 
Many things are known by sharing. 

Past photos are mesmerising. 
Looking at photos gives me no worries. 
We united here despite life's challenges.
Fine Reunion 

Although we are busy working, 
I found some time and came out searching. 
We gathered here in the US, in New Jersey.
Memories will remain treasures. 
Till the time we meet next spring, 
Fine Reunion
Star Gooseberries, subtly tasty
Sour, ****, sweetness fifty fifty
Be eaten with salt or sugar
Medically said, gives vigor
Mostly preferred by the Laity

Can be used by anybody
It's significantly weighty
The fruit bunch looks like a dainty
Star Gooseberries

Best for anti-aging and health safety
Used for pickles, its uses are plenty
Relieves cough, treats diabetic sugar
Helps maintaining healthy figure
Also enhances memory
Star Gooseberries
Guitar sounds good, eases frustration
Improves One's own concentration
Fretting chords correctly is enduring
Strumming right strokes are fulfilling
Boosts, improves mental health function

Playing songs give satisfaction
Good style known as Fingerpicking
Simple tunes are really soothing
Guitar Sounds Good

Guitar played for relaxation,
It's fun, hobby, and updation
Learning music gives understanding
Skills are mastered by improving
Music is my destination
Guitar Sounds Good
Kashmir Valley, a World Heritage Site
UNESCO declares, for its might 
Alpine floors are so amazing. 
A diverse ecosystem is blazing. 
The valley is enchantingly quiet. 

Blending hues that are colourfully bright 
Unique flowers are engaging. 
Blue poppy, dog flowers glancing 
Kashmir Valley 

Whiteleaf hogfoot flowers delight 
Himalayan roses are polite.
Snake foil flowers nicely glazing 
Hooked stick seeds are tantalising. 
Fascinating it is, that's right. 
Kashmir Valley
Life at sixty is of celebrations.
It's like making one's own creation.
For well being physically
To be good emotionally
Think of inspiring recreations.

Walking exercises are the best action.
Practice being strong mentally.
Doing lovely things gracefully
Life at sixty

Writing poetry helps build notions.
Reading poetry clears intentions.
Canvas painting will give joy presntly  
Good art work gives happiness endlessly.
Painting my life so vividly
Life at sixty
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