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 Jul 2013 JMFL
Who I am.
 Jul 2013 JMFL
Who am I?
I'm a dreamer. I'm hopeful. I'm a bag of bones interconected with emotions, through my veins runs as much excitement as blood.

I am messy hair, small eyes and steady hands and my hair is as wild as me, and my small eyes catch all the  beauty hidden in the corners, and my steady hands become an earthquake when I'm about to be kissed.

I'm in my twenties. I'm a teenager in matters of love and I'm a grandma when taking care of my friends. I'm a beast when it comes to fighting and I'm the weakest when it comes to crying. I feel too much and show too little.

I'm a daughter, a sister and a friend. I'm worried. I'm anxious. I'm happy. I'm a rave as much as I'm a book and coffee. I talk until my voice fades but my mouth is a tomb for secrets.

I'm a writer and a reader. I'm a dancing machine and a shower singer.

I'm raising an eyebrow when I don't believe you. I'm a random kiss on the shoulder when I love you. I'm cafuné when I care for you.

I'm optimistic. I'm cautious. I'm becoming what I always wanted to be. I'm strongheaded and lighthearted. I'm in constant wait for the world to show me this is not it and fairytale endings exist.
 Jun 2013 JMFL
Dustyn Smith
Wishing I could see your face
Just one more time in this place
I sit down and begin to cry
Thinking about our last good-bye
I feel some one reach out to comfort me
And look up through blurry eyes to see
You’re sitting tight there beside me
No longer wanting to lie to me
You whisper softly in my ear
That I no longer need to fear
Because you’ve kept this secret long enough
You pull me closer into your embrace
And tell me there is no more partings I have to face
Because you’re coming with me
Across the country on my long journey
Again I begin to cry
These are not of great sadness, but great happiness
And then I wake, to find it was all just a dream
©Dustyn Smith
 Jun 2013 JMFL
Charles Bukowski
in the hospitals and jails
it's the worst
in madhouses
it's the worst
in penthouses
it's the worst
in skid row flophouses
it's the worst
at poetry readings
at rock concerts
at benefits for the disabled
it's the worst
at funerals
at weddings
it's the worst
at parades
at skating rinks
at ****** ******
it's the worst
at midnight
at 3 a.m.
at 5:45 p.m.
it's the worst
falling through the sky
firing squads
that's the best
thinking of India
looking at popcorn stands
watching the bull get the matador
that's the best
boxed lightbulbs
an old dog scratching
peanuts in a celluloid bag
that's the best
spraying roaches
a clean pair of stockings
natural guts defeating natural talent
that's the best
in front of firing squads
throwing crusts to seagulls
slicing tomatoes
that's the best
rugs with cigarette burns
cracks in sidewalks
waitresses still sane
that's the best

my hands dead
my heart dead
adagio of rocks
the world ablaze
that's the best
for me.
 Jun 2013 JMFL
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet,

And whither then? I cannot say.
 Jun 2013 JMFL
Michael Kingsley
Once again I'm staring at the wall
the only piece of you I have left.  

It hurts to remember you
but it's something I have to do.  

The pain feeds my darker impulses
and lets me know who I am.  

I wish it wasn't like this
but wishing counts for not.  

The only thing I can do
is use this pain to move on.  

Through whiskey soaked nights
and wistful days

I remember
who we were
who we are
and who I wished we were.
 Jun 2013 JMFL
Cody Glenn Urban
—an eye—
—so mundane—
—yet so compelling—
—a true spectacle to see—
—every color and emotion—
—can exist in this perfect being—
—flawless in shape and in structure—
—an elegant waterfall veils a cave—
—door for all the galaxies inside—
—divine chasm into the soul—
—when a light catches it—
—all’s forgotten—
—but awe—
 Jun 2013 JMFL
Alexis Martin
and I count the patterns in the paint
and the tiles on the ceiling
and the freckles on your face
and the scars on my wrists
and the threads in the sheets
all in the midst of
a cough syrup haze
 Jun 2013 JMFL
 Jun 2013 JMFL
I'll follow you into the dark tonight.
I'll serenade you with lies so sweet you'll lick them up until the last drop.
I have no real intentions and we have no future.
But with my reassuring lies, I'll stitch away any insecurity you may have.
I'll mend every single last doubt.
Rest assured, beautiful. I'll lie until you feel good.
When you're at your best point, I'll kick you.
I'll kick you until you fall.
But when you're down, I promise to pick you up.
I'll hold you.
I'm a beautiful liar. You won't see past me.
Blinded by my dark brown eyes.
Hypnotized by my soft pink lips.
I'm screaming not to trust me.
But you will always come back.
And I will never let you go.
I wrote this in my perceived point of view of the most beautiful liar I knew. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
 Jun 2013 JMFL
 Jun 2013 JMFL
i am growing ill
with a bad case
of 'missing you'
a high temperature
of 'all the time'.
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