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 Aug 2014 Joeysguy
A B Perales
Sleepless nights
when I've
laid in
the thick darkness
listening to the
sirens scream
the city.

Drawn out sleepless
nights ,
nights that I spent
conjuring up
images of better

Sleep deprived
lonely nights,
nights  I spent
someone else's
legless sheep.

Nights I spent
wasting hours
by thinking of
nothing but
the past.
 Aug 2014 Joeysguy
Do u wanna know, what does your life in the world mean ?
Then think about a seed like a bean !

After it's been sown
you simply leave it to grow
Keeping an eye on it, will be better though
In the meantime, you'll try hard to protect from the winds once they blow
But you won't permanently do so,
since once its mission is done,
you simply will leave it to go
To where ?!
To the ground where it had been first sown
Do thoughts inside you flow
Telling you:
" if every thing is created for a purpose, what have you been created for ? ....
 Aug 2014 Joeysguy
Sarah Spang
He is the tumultuous ocean,
The twisting, rolling sea
That feigns a certain gentleness
Until its rage breaks free

So vast and so unending
And limitless in worth
I took him once for granted
As I wandered through the surf.

Without the tumulus ocean
Without its rolling seas
Without the tide that tosses me
And never sets me free

The arid, fallow earth would crack
Beneath my burning feet
Reminding me of which I lost
And dried up with the heat

But salt leaves me to languish
No sweetness he can quench
Time will only tell from here
If love can fill this trench.

— The End —