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 Mar 2014 Joe Hill
There are love songs playing through the static and I can hear them faintly as I fight anxiety with wine that cares for me more than you could ever pretend to.
The notes fight through the white noise and the words climb against the wind and rain to see day. They will succeed and the static will fade away into the beautiful music that usually fills my universe,
...but not today.
Today is just a promise that things will eventually be okay...
 Mar 2014 Joe Hill
James Jarrett
I am too angry to write
My words will burn through the paper
Tear it to shreds
Smoldering anger
Burst into flame
Will destroy
Whatever I write
I am so angry that it feels like
Pouring out from deep within
 Mar 2014 Joe Hill
 Mar 2014 Joe Hill
The days are good, but the nights are cold
and there are always gunna be things out of control
Cant pay rent, but I can pack a bowl
Sometimes I'm sad, but it's not all that I know
Your heart's only as heavy as your mind defines,
you can't keep on your foot on the brake when its time to drive
You gotta rise up
and be floored just to floor it
sometimes life hurts but you just gotta ignore it.
 Feb 2014 Joe Hill
Tasted the lips of death, but I haven't met you yet, but I can feel your heavy grip as I struggle to breathe at night, the way you touched and tried too hard, how I fell for the pain of art, the way you kissed me into a grave, and how you made me scream your name, as the smoke of lust, it completely filled my lungs, took me down and let me drown, love is a dangerous game to play, yet it keeps you on your toes, ready for a hit, another cigarette to blow, amazed at how it keeps you wanting more tomorrow, you know, it keeps you calm and chilled, almost ice cold, but it's real, the tense, hot air that cools and twists and turns, trying to conceal the passion and overall devotion, the love which is addicting and truly sickening, it keeps you thinking, and loving.
I just wrote this without thinking too much about it making sense. Any opinions welcome, positive or negative. I've been smoking and drinking, so I'm quite creative right now, might post a lot of random writing, so I hope I don't annoy anyone. I just love writing, from the heart, because that's what makes it real.
 Feb 2014 Joe Hill
Samantha Creek
Speak, ******!

Your words lace up my veins giving me courage
to fight the shattered glassed wind
that peals me apart,

But your absence of words that propels between your lips
allows that sharpened sigh become wind
that makes my feet miss the ground.

Your silence crucifies the tunnels of my ears
that plead for a satisfaction to my thirst
whineing to be spoon fed with words given in droplets on a sponge.

What happened to the letters bleeding into words,
dictionaries of f'ing words, that dripped
from your mouth that perfectly iluminated me?

Anxious thoughts, a moaning stomach, and slippery hands
do not resonate together to complete a symphony of calm.
So say something,
 Jan 2014 Joe Hill
Samantha Creek
Silly boy,
that's not me on the other end of your phone line
and that's not how my voice sounds.

Silly boy,
how is that your Christmas tree is decorated when I was not there
and your parents weren't there to catch us
playing catch with our lips?

Silly boy,
that's not my smile tucked away in your eyes
or the scent lingering on your sweat shirt?

Silly boy,
that's not my hand in yours
and that's not my waist your touching.

You silly boy,
that is not my name after your murderous words
"I love you"
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