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the poetry of youth is almost masturbatory
the stroking of an ego
pulsing thick down your throats
i do not know
what you see in my crude writings
they are nothing
to the wisdom of age
there is no skill here
merely habit
 Sep 2013 Joe Hill
Alexis Garcia
I wish I was a soldier,
battling pride and bullets
machine guns and picture frames
maybe if I did, I would die for a reason
a ******* reason, but a reason none the less
instead of dark hands that tie ropes and open bottles
hands that retreat for pathetic fears
that scars entrap golden bracelets
for god's sake I wish I was a soldier
battling pride and bullets
machine guns and picture frames
 Jul 2013 Joe Hill
Let's play "Whose tragedy is worse"
     Show me all your battle scars
     The zones where your mind initiated war

Where you wrote "love" on your arms
     And all you got was a t-shirt
     Capitalizing on a loss of blood

Streaming consciousness
     into status updates
     crying wolf is still a call for help underneath it all.

We all lead a masochistic path
     Pushed by a self-destructive past
     Razors tracing the way
     Mapping out the suffering

Spilling blood like divine ink
     Writing a story
     Just remember it's not done

We are everything we thought we wouldn't be until we re-write our own history
They say time heals everything
     But time is just another man-made
    lie like reality

What if we're just addicted to being sad?
     We get caught up in these negative thinking patterns
     And never go back to count the blessings

Bad habits dying hard
     Like a re-opened wound releasing endorphins
     When something doesn't feel good anymore
     or "no one cares about me anymore"

Think again

Yeah I get it you're broken
     But we're all a little broken

It's not about ruminating on that missing piece/peace
     It's about pulling yourself together

Find what's blocking the way and tear it down to size
     Every hero story requires one last ordeal with the shadow

Exploit your demons
     sleep with the true enemy

Don't devote yourself to a self-fulfilling prophecy

Learn to realize,
Life's one big question
     Death has no *answers
This is a battle cry.
 Jul 2013 Joe Hill
Terry Collett
It was she, Buruch
remembered, it was

Shlomit, who during
a nature study class

at school, had raised
a hand to be excused

to go to the loo (other
kids would have said

the lavatory or toilet
depending on their

breeding or class),
but the teacher, Miss

Ashdown, said, no
you should have gone

before. A few minutes
later, Buruch recalled,

she peed on her chair
and floor and a boy

nearby the scene said,
Shlomit's **** herself

Miss. There was a sea
of sounds around and

the teacher frowned
and with beady stare

told her to get out of
there, and told another

girl to go with her to
the nurse to wash and

change (nothing worse)
and sobbing left the room.

Yes, it had been she,
Buruch remembered,

and she hadn't returned
anymore that afternoon.

Gone home, he now
suspected, in borrowed

underwear, her others
washed through by nurse

who said, that will have
to do; and home to her

parents, mother's chide
and father's hand or belt

(who firmly with either dealt).
But to day, after lunch

in the upstairs hall, he'd
gone with her to Bedlam

Park, and showed her
his killer brown conker

on threaded string, a
three penny piece his

grandfather gave, and
she showed him the new

handkerchief her mother
bought her, flowered

with red border. And
she'd kissed him shyly

on the cheek and he
smiled and looked to

the ground, hoping none
of the boys were around.

Yes, it had been Shlomit
who had wet herself

and chair and floor and
been sent away, but she

was dry now and had
kissed his cheek today.
I want that smooth, low voice
not this muppet one I have
but oh!
I can still sing!
    Warble and be your song bird
I want to be a *****
one with a sleek, **** body
but still!
There is something cute
  about a plump girl
   writing poems
     more naked than in the eyes of the Lord.

I want to be so much for you
and sometimes, I am only far away
but you take those things I am
and you see them as angels' giggles
polish those ugly parts of me
and keep them in a display case between your lungs
right where I keep yours
I wonder if wine feels this way?
Sure, she's a chick who knows how to please
and the only way
she got there  is through practice.
But did she want to be stomped in the first place?
There's a reason that the grapes are not 'caressed'
they were never taken to a bed
at least, not their first time,
and no body leaned in and  whispered
It's okay
You don't have to be frightened,
I've got you
the grapes
they get pushed hard against the bathroom wall
and get told not to talk about it ever again.
Then the juice was sipped before mature
and since the cask was opened again and again
far too early
it started to rot
get bitter.
Only man that truly savored her
right on time,
he doesn't care if she's wine, grape, or juice
He just loves her
and she hates that she's intoxicating

I wonder if wine feels like this?
If it ever misses the grape.
Wow, this is the first time I have even mentioned alcohol and not had a panic attack. Especially considering the metaphor, I should be ripping out my hair right now. If I do fall into that, I'll write a couple poems! Panic attack poems are always the best.
 Mar 2013 Joe Hill
Lucky Queue
Before I had you, I never worried about losing you
Only about never getting you
Now that I have you I mostly worry about loving you
Because if we do leave each other
The reason will be a good one
We love each other too much for it to be otherwise
Sometimes when i feel so weak
and i just think
"One more drink"
I look up into the mirror right when i take a swollow
and i see my mama
I see her crying for me and my lost soul
but what can i do?
Stopping isnt an option
It hurts to much to be sober
I just want that amber liquid
Running down my throat
The slow burn of all my
Worries melting away
Untill there is nothing left
The bottle empty and my heart cold
I pass out in my bed
With my pills by my side
Waiting to acompany my screaming headache
In the morning
But at least a hangover
Is the only problem i have to face
When im drunk.
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