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It is here
That the bees gather nectar

It is here
That the birds sing

It is here
That flowers display
Their most fragrant blooms

It is here
That nature

It is here
That I send
A message of love to the world

It is here
That I send
A message of hope

It is here
That I send
A message of peace

It is here
That I send
A message of unity

We can
Look with friendliness

We can
Connect with kindness

We can
Understand our purpose

We can
Create the world once more
17th June 2016
Hatfield House

amidst passing clouds, gleaming

Silent Crusader
 Jun 2016 Joe Bradley
Sive Myeki
Her sole tread this earth when faith became narrow
With the sun disappearing beneath her earthly crest
And perched high up her kin bid her good morrow
Her scent revered across the land when war she laid to rest
This was Pleiades the seven studded sister rooted in love
She who prunes the shrub down to the stem
So light may cleave the soul that fell from above
And such was her beaut the beloved daughter of Shem
Cast into a world fashioned in hate
Eager to condemn and prosecute in cod
How difficult it is to welcome our heavenly fate
How can you experience your self anything less than a God
So when her lips seize to move she awaits your state
Because only your self believes your self to be flawed
Yet things and beings remain as the same
As the tree still rooted whence she sway
As the nightly stars whence she came
Little flower
I consider you closely
And admire your beauty
You are a little miracle
Your colors and fine lines
Every little bit of perfection
In your creation
Leaves me awestruck
I'm glad I took the time
To find you and appreciate you
You represent hope and determination
You are my little flower
As the sun causes you to grow
Your simplistic beauty inspires me to grow as well
 Jun 2016 Joe Bradley
In the quiet stillness
of the early morn stand I,
spellbound by the
sight before me.

Pine-clad peaks
encompass me,
the rosy fingers of Aurora
on the brow of
the mountains.

Nothing disturbs my reverie.
All nature murmurs
Your name,
and my heart
leaps up for joy.

The birds are a-chirp
with song.
The stream gurgles
with delight.
The cool wind
enfolds me
in her embrace.
I am awash
in Your glory.

It is the wind
that reminds
me most of You.  
You caress my face
as you speak of love,
Your gentle hand
mends this
broken reed.

I am drawn into
Your heart.
I am lost in You.
I strain to hear the
echoes of Your name
in the pines.
Was alone until you were there;
You took my hand in yours,
And we walked the times—both vice and fair.
You left me with no words
To tell you how much I care
For you and love you no end.
Remember the times we spent
In each other’s *****,
With nothing betwixt us but love
In our sanctum sanctorum.
In me you remain, and shall sustain—
In a heart that loves you just and sane.
Remember me and, no doubt, I’ll be there
To bathe you in my love and care.
Published in Vol. 2 Issue 1 of LangLit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal (ISSN 2349-5189) under the heading 'Poems on "Time: Temporality and Transience."'
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