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Jimmy Solanki Jul 2014
The tape keeps on repeating
No disgust or hate
I just cannot relate
Any longer
Here I can't escape
Even though I ran
And I changed
I stayed the same

Too tired to sleep
Too afraid to dream
Stuck in a bowl
A delicate stream holds me
Down to sanity
Here I can't escape

Tried courage
Valiant I was defeated
My dreams won't let me in
Here I shall never
Escape my fate
Insanity cackles
Taunting each vein
I'm still running
Too tired to wake up
Too tired to fight
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2014
The snow melted
As the sun rose up raging
Creating and destroying
All of its creations

She came by with a smile
Into the cold damp place
That was my heart
Filling up the space

She whispered quietly
Do you want to build a snowman?

Awakening from
the dust
Leading me into the open
Each time I heard her say
Do you want to build a snowman?

The sun and its storms
Can't destroy it all
Everything perishes eventually
Yet the last inch of you remains
That is what your heart contains

Deepening my
long lost trust
Of this world so frozen
Each time I heard her say
Do you want to build a snowman?
I wrote this for someone very special whom I met just a few weeks ago.
And right now, that person is a vital part of who I am.

I fell in love.

And this is one of her favorite lines.
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2014
Your memory lingers around
Like the soft smell of wet earth
Like the persistence of old parchment
Of burning rubber and gas stoves
Of cinnamon and crushed cloves

I can feel you
Even in the very air
I can breathe you in
So far
Yet so close

A cold star with a fiery heart
Words like flames that rip apart
all shields of this fallen heart
Your words hang around
Unsung sonnets and sounds

I can hear you
Even in the core of my being
I can touch you
So far
Yet so close
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Alone here
Another soliloquy in my head
Only desires live
and the living dead
Alone here
An abyss for company
Only desires live
and the dreams faraway

Million voices swirl
A black hole in a milkyway
They sparkle and shine
While I drift away

Million voices swirl
The Sun and the Moon and the stars
Collide to condense
****** in an apocalypse
Licking their fresh scars

Darkness cuts into the deepest corners
Living off the bright
Out of mind
Out of sight

Alone here
As the fates divined
Dark and Light
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
My heart has sunk again
As a crimson iceberg struck
Bittersweet disdain
by the Gods above
Realizing I got stuck

In a starry sea
Under moonlit remains
We met in a hurricane
My heart has sunk again

The moon whispers soliloquies
Legends and tales of eternal love
Mysteries and Immensities
Legends and tales of you and I

In a fiery haze
Under the silent refrain
of the crackling of fire
Our eyes met again
Nothing else made sense
Nothing else mattered

My heart has sunk again
Don't save me
From love's domain
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
In isolation
Alone, without you
And no consolation
Could console
My heart, my soul
One day, you walk to me
And an angel smiled
Upon my heart and destiny
Decided what was meant to be

Cheated death by living
But in a moment with you
And I wonder
How do you?

The hurricane, melting away
the memories and the pain
Your eyes, created the storm
Your smile, killed me a thousand times
To revive me, to forget pain
To stand up, again
And I cheated death by living
But in a moment with you
And I wonder
How do you?

I was a kid, immature
Hurtful and ignorant
How would I have known
What I'd lose
For I lost heaven itself

Left your side
When you were fighting
Sulked out
When you were leaving
Yet you smiled
And you said, 'Don't worry'
And all I did was
How do you?
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