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Taylor McKee
Tacoma, WA    Why summarize so much, here, in this little box? If you're truly curious then feel free to message me, I don't mind.
Florida    I love art and pratically everything that contains it. I also love poetry which is why I'm here of course. Don't forget to smile, it's …
M/Washington State    Purser of Happiness Seemingly, a destination and not a trip
Anon C
35/F/Virginia    I walked into the light, only to find it was darker than my nightmares. I found the golden city; it had been black all along.
Tyler Nicholas
we rise again in the grass. in the flowers. in songs.
Rachel Elizabeth
Promethea    i feel therefore i write. “ Something happened to him which perhaps never happens to a man until he is out of his own world: …
Keith J Collard
42/M/Dedham, MA    " I foresee terrible trouble, yet I stay here all the same."--Steely Dan
25/M/Red Bluff   
Aaron McDaniel
22/M/Maine    I think I was born to be a drifter
North Carolina   
Dustin Lanham
Flawless Contradictions
50/F/Michigan    Writing is a reminder that I'm still alive. A hippie with a gypsies touch. Hollow, trying to embrace the earths saliva. Ask me anything I'm …
Charles Barnett
Ironton, Ohio
Shane Bruter Engisch
Farmington Hills    Artist. Lover. Wild. I am trying to show people and be a part of the message of one love so that we may reach a …
Lisa Benson
"I love you more than words. And I am a big fan of words." - Joe Dunthorne
Roger Turner - Poet
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. …
Lover of Words
The Anonymous Joker
I love writing and reading. Ehh. I believe in tolerance above almost everything else. I am quite lazy. Started a blog recently. Do check it …
where is my mind? ☮
Sarita Crandall
Rachel Strowbridge
Expressing - Growing - Flowing
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