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  Apr 2016 A Lopez
The wedding photograph took centre stage
Eight great years
Two years gone now
She had sort of moved on
She gazed at the photograph
So strange, it looked different
It was as if he had taken two steps back from her
She began to study the photograph again
Maybe it was just that photograph
She looked out some others
It didn’t make sense
He was behind or in the distance
Moving out of her life
She began to shake
It didn’t make sense
You can’t change photographs
You just can't
The family photo
He was at the back
Was she going crazy
She grasped at the wedding photograph
Watching as he slowly began to fade from view
Was he punishing her
Trying to tell her to move on
She woke with a jolt
Studying the room
God, that was awful
So awful
She needed coffee, and quick
The caffeine kicked in
She spoke out loud
Okay Tom, I finally take the hint
Glancing at the photograph
So strange she thought
She wasn't in it.
A Lopez Apr 2016
Treasure hearts
Hurting, moaning
Babies dying
To men's
Sight to

  Apr 2016 A Lopez
Lost Poet
The yelling, screaming, shouting,
In my head,
I can't focus on anything,
I have to remind myself to breathe,
I have to convince myself to breathe,
I have to tell myself I want to go on,
But it all depends on me,
It's all up to me,
No one else can save me,
No one else can lift me from this vacuum,
But how can you save someone you hate?
  Apr 2016 A Lopez
brandon nagley
Around two weeks ago, part of a three-part dream,
I hadst seen Christ as he is; and always wilt be.
I wont speaketh of the other sections-
Just the part of the Savior,
Get thou to the right direction.

I sawest mineself, what looked to be in a hospital bed,
Fear and anguish wrapped mine mind, was I living-
Was I dead?

The two women I thought, originally to be nurses,
Saidst to me Brandon art thou ready for thine
Shot, I felt the rush and high they gave was

They stuck the needle in, pain medication's rush,
I calmed, de-stressed, mine spirit un-bunched.
After a few minutes, of this reality's vivid way,
The two I thought to be nurses spoke to me-
"Brandon art thou ready to meet God",
Mine high started floating away.

They saidst to me, come on " follow us", twill be ok-
I argued " I'm not ready " not ready today;  yet they
Hadst a tranquility about them, as I noticed these
Weren't thy average nurses, I followed them out
Of curiosity, as the shot faded from working.

They led me to a gigantic tree, not the norm you'd see,
It was like an oak, but it's height spoke, from heaven's
Reach. The tree hadst a door, they opened it for me-
Again they saidst " Brandon art thou ready "?
I stepped into the tree, getting first view,
Their was a stairway leading up, the path
Narrow, darkened, with handrails on the
Sides, as an abode, or earthly view.

As soon as I looked up the stairway, to the unknown,
I sawest a face observing downward to me; mine eye-sight
Hadst froze. I couldn't seeith the ****** features, just the glowing
White thick glorious beard, and thickened wool-set hair, I didint look at the body, because his countenance shone- as a million sun's, I got ****** into the light, from his face I felt one.

Beams were rapturous, as if a halo around his head, though
Twas not a halo, just the way he glow's tear's wilt be shed; then the man I sawest, disappeared as if mist, it hit me it was Yeshua ha'mashiach, Jesus Christ in mine midst.

The two women saidst again, ready to meet God? Fear built inside me, I wasn't ready because the sin I've got; though the man I sawest, didint cause me any fear, he was waiting for me, ready-
As tis I followed these two nurses up into the tree's care.

Getting up inside this tree, I stepped mine feet on hard ground,
It looked as if I walked into a new York flat, if in luxury Earthly
Bound. The room was big, with a brick wall in the back setting;
The two women took a right, into a wall they disappeared.
Again I thought, " Lord I'm surely not ready ".

I kneweth where they went, into the realm where God's throne-room was, I cowered behind them, I ran back down the step's for mine own good. I ran all the way back down the tree, closed the top door, ran out the bottom, shut the other one behind me, coming out of the trunk, not needing to know more.

At the end of the dream, switching to the last part, I took mine parent's to the scene, as mine story touched their heart's. I showed them the wooden giant I was taken up into, I told them of the two women I thought to be hospital worker's; though in reality being Angel's of God's truth. I spoke to them of the face I sawest up the stairs in the tree, how it shone like the star's all together for thou and me. In the tree there was a shelf, mine parents walked in, saw it for themselves. The shelf hadst huge tomatoes, and fresh vegetables I've never discovered, this was a tree of life with Christ, it's signifying mean's soon a death for me, as Christ awaits me; or like all the rest having rapture dream's- Yeshua is telling me his coming is soon, I'm just warning one another.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©My dream 2 seeks ago,
Saidst- said.
Twill- it will.
Hadst- had.
Twas- it was.

This poem is based on a ( real vivid dream I had meaning more real then real can be) I'm not only one having these type of dreams. As a Christian I know Christ will soon be calling up his people when he raptures ( calls up) saying as in Revelation ( come up hither, come up here) taking his chosen off the earth before the coming 7 years of tribulation. I speak truth and many by the thousands are having rapture dreams by the thousands now. And seeing prophecy tribulation dreams by thousands to. I've had three prophetic fireball dreams along with seeing a huge mothership ( what mainstream news calls aliens is not alien as Hollywood pushes...) Pastors now agree there is coming a GREAT alien deception as what many Christian scholars that mainstream hides is what the watchers were.. The ones that corrupted gods man by the watchers in Enoch ( meaning fallen angels, demonic beings) coming down sleeping with women putting their seed into women... Creating giants also known as nephilim, though mainstream alien theorists don't believe in a good or what really happened as even scientists know the ( great flood from Noah happened) though will try to deny the fact why all these giant beings were swept away... As genesis spoke. ( 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Noah's Favor with God
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

The watchers ( fallen angels) By mating with women tried to stop christs perfect line of blood which connects to Noah and other generations... God found favor with Noah and destroyed the corrupted bloodline here on earth that the watchers ( sons of God also known as, and demons in reality) tried to create... The men of renown and old were nephillim and called giants same thing that were around before and after the flood. Mainstream knows that and hides it.. Thus why schools leave anything out with God . and your history books dont teach you on nephilim or giants... Anyways back to story had three fireball dreams plummeting the earth last dream saw a huge ship ( not of alien kind as Hollywood preaches, the watchers returning during tribulation... Meaning demonic beings.... So I'm very aware what's coming... If you see what's happening in your world right now Quakes of huge magnitude have Hit daily from equador Japan Mexico 5-7.0 plus sizes... Volcanoes from Mexico to Alaska to now Russia to by where Jane lives in Philippines to other places are all popping tops off at once!! Scientists are shaking their heads who know not Christ and God but deny him saying this is all happening at once? What's going on?? They are scratching heads they know California is way over due for a major quake... Fish, animals whales species of all sorts are washing up worldwide dead matching prophecy Hosea 4:3( 3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.) The seas are in perplexity as bible spoke would happen right before Christ calls his people up in the catching away, harpazzo, rapture ...( The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven. Quakes are happening globally huge now and everyone's worried. What did Christ say before he calls his people up??? He said( Luke 21:11
“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Divers also meaning diverse meaning ( many) places shall quakes be hitting and in mass form which is happening now more then ever... Pay attn why all the Islamic people are coming to Christ converting in the middle East... Why? Because Christ is coming to them by dreams and visions and in death for these people to return and tell you same... Also he's showing himself to Hindus Buddhists monks, atheists agnostics in dreams visions and deaths... Many are seeing like me fireball dreams visions, quakes opening up California and seeing souls coming up into the heavens from the cracks...many are seeing global side tsunamis, seeing rapture dreams of actually being caught up into the air with many others with Christ and his angels right before the calamity hits planet earth!!! By the thousands friends!! Thousands!!!! In my dream... I saw two nurses I thought to be nurses... They gave me a pain shot. Looked like I was in the hospital, I felt high and good after they shot me up.. They said you ready to meet God? I wasn't ready because sins I must overcome in my life I'm not perfect, bible tells us to be perfected in Christ I'm still perfecting myself working on things I need to wipe from my life and need prayer for that ...anyways two women who I didint reallt see their features what they looked like I just knew they were good brought me a peace... They took me to a tree huge one. I looked walked into it door at bottom. Look up a staircase looked up in narrow dark way looking up with another door you must pass at top...  First thing I see looking up Jesus Christ!! Which fun facts... Mother got in a car accident  about two weeks ago little after I had my dream ...before she got in car accident she had dream of people taking her van( that crashed ) parts away. My mother chased the people and a man stopped her... A man she now knows was Christ as she was picked up into him arms as if christ was saying stop worrying it's gonna be OK....she got ****** into Jesus Christs turquoise blue like eyes... She said looking in there are pools of water... Guess what people say same thing in death??! They say his eyes are bluish green..and there are pools of water or oceans of water in his eyes and safety is there and peace... As all describe my mother saw that!! She saw his brown hair and how he was on earth before transfiguration.. I saw him like others do see people can see him two ways in death or visions or dreams... seeing him how he was human on earth. Or seeing like me when he will come back after Armageddon with white hair and beard with white robes and purple sash at bottom as people have seen him like that in death and the fiery eyes because he was transfigured .. Spoke of in Revelation....Revelation chapter one John the revelator speaks... ( 2And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

This is reality!!! I just don't know if it signifies coming death for me having death experience coming back to tell everyone or just dying? Or if it means like all the thousands of others having rapture dreams signifying he will be calling me up soon and to get ready. But yes told parents of this dream like my other prophecy dreams to Jane and parents and others... So I tell you now if you know not Christ a loving merciful Savior forgiving of all sins and wrongs...if you know him not as Lord an Savior won't you accept him while their is still time? Because I like many know reality... Time is short... Not mentioning your last breath could be today.... Please accept Christ as Lord and Savior.. Please don't be fooled because an Antichrist and false prophet are already on the earth and alot is happening prophecy wise I could tell you of for hours matching all biblical gospel ad christs words are coming true now.... Are you saved in Christ? Where is your eternal souls destination? Heaven? Or hell?? Not sure?? You can be sure in Christ... Christ said ( I am the way truth and the life , no man comes to the father ( God) but by and through me... Not works will get you to heaven ... Christians are saved by what christ did for us on the cross proven true... If we accept him as Lord and Savior... He died for you and me. This isn't mythical. All prophecy is being unfolded and has unfolded and mores happening as I write you this... Bible sais whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... Will you accept him and say prayer of salvation accepting Christ into your heart soul and life as Lord Savior? If want to please write me this is reality... Time to wake up poets!!!! I am sending you a message... Heed the prophecy listen to my warnings. Don't be caught up and left behind when everything takes off... Find Christ please.... Reason I dont write here much anymore I'm busy paying attn to prophecy happening around me I'm preparing myself or trying to. Praying more... Telling others more truth waking others up...been busy busy paying attn to prophecy and letting others know what's happening... So I'll continue to like poems as much as can also my dad had heart attack March 31st and mulitple ones April nineteenth which I had been given signs by God through numbers something was gonna happen to my mother ( her car crash) and dads ( heart attacks) dad had dream of his father who died years ago months ago speaking to him .. Dad couldn't remember what my dead grandpa Nagley told him in dream. I knew was warning when loved one comes to you usually... As dad had dream the day before his first attack seeing me whispering to him two men are at the door... His dream came to life... When the first two men to walk in our home March 31 was two emts...thanks for reading.....!!!

BTW when the nurses ( angels I knew to be) said are you ready Brandon to meet God? I know God and christ are one!! Yet both separate. There is father yaweh Jehovah God, the son ( Jesus Christ who came in the flesh to die for mankind's sin. And the HOLY spirit a literal holy spirit that God will give you in times of trouble and when needing peace that flows from gods throne said by tons who have died and come back.. So when they said God .. Remember Christ and his father are one!! Facts fun for you.

As Joel 2;28 spoke
“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions...
It's happening now
And by thousands!!!

Last part of the dream taking my parents into the tree, showing them gigantic size veggies in that heavenly tree .. Signified to me everything in gods kingdom isn't touched by man it's perfect..  Things there that mankind can't fathom..... Though I can .. The apartment looking place I landed my feet into up into the tree with the ( brick wall) signified to me I am blocking myself with fear.   And need to not worry as mother said.   Because with Christ I have peace.  . such truth!!!
A Lopez Apr 2016
Tossed and turned
Behind me was
My own
The window
I jumped
To stretch my
I saw the world
This morning from
A higher cliff.
I touched the stars,
It's dust caressed my
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