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Oct 2024 · 71
WoodsWanderer Oct 2024
Would I be forgiven,  
if I lay with my cheek
pressed flat against the *****
of the grass,  
with last nights rain that came
in startling sheets,  
as heavy
as the shame, wrapped
around my heart in threads  
out of calculated missteps,

Would I awaken  
as fresh and fragrant
as their small green bodies
bodies that bend softly
under the kiss gifted  
by the morning mist,  
under frosted silver cloaks  
in anticipation
of the suns awakening.

Tell me, would I be forgiven?
WoodsWanderer Oct 2019
You are delicious
A feisty bite of life
with a variety of sweet and spice
And a soul that dances through this chaotic life with hypnotizing abandon.
You are soft
Yielding as a kitten before it's learnt to use it's claws
But not for long
A fiery zest runs under
Your smooth complexion
Pushing and questioning authoritative boundaries
Grounded, you seek the meaning to spirit
The ache in your feet as they try to dance out the beat
In a rhythm mysterious and timeless.
The searching in your veins
That pulled you to faraway places in an effort to find that voice
That was calling.
But this caller is ethereal
Some would say - not real.
You and I both feel
This energy winding through us
Connecting our souls
To moss covered knolls and oceans that stretch for miles.
This energy shoots to the sky
Which is only a threshold to the universe
Where spirit dances freely
Unchained from human beliefs and limits.
You have touched the infinite, my love.
That sparkling desire
To connect and surrender
Is so strong, it's almost
If only we are mindful
We can release ourselves to the sublime divine and swim in the unfathomable
With human relationship our trampoline to a higher
poem one, week one.
Oct 2019 · 380
My love
WoodsWanderer Oct 2019
I'm shattered
To be selfless
To be respectful
To give you freedom
I've shattered us.
This tearing pain
Rips my heart to shreds
And the child inside me yells to bring you back
But I can't.
These fingers clutched
Too tight for too long
No matter how painful and wrong this seems
It's needed.
I love you as the ocean loves to move
With a depth that seeps into my bones because you are pure magic
bliss and love.
Why must my heart want to wander so?!
To keep you and my integrity too
Is a battle already lost
We both know you deserve full complete love
And my being stutters at the idea of forever because somewhere,
threads of discovery are calling
And to not heed them would be lying.
I'm still trying
To figure out why my heart is telling me to lose you
when losing you feels like dying.
Oct 2019 · 149
WoodsWanderer Oct 2019
I am infinite
Powerful, commanding soul movement
Floods my system
Limbs lightened
My senses, reborn.
Look at this beauty
I have created
Coals of strength
Burn hot in my heart
Giving courage to my spirit
Giving voice to my soul
This strength and power are mine
I am worthy
I am a goddess
I know what I want, what I need.
I can communicate
My deepest feelings
Fear, running cold and quick like an adder
Anger, burning hot and furious
an under skin fire
Yielding, bending and holding my infinite being
I am power
I am change
I am love
I am healing
Dec 2017 · 342
A letter to myself
WoodsWanderer Dec 2017
These storms
awaken waters
raging with passion
that never
I'll take you
hold you
love you
caress you
mock you
shake you
laugh at you
and dance with you
Time is but
exploration of eons
years happen in
And moments can last
We are
dream walkers
earth shakers
ocean talkers
Parting seas of insecurities
Doubts painting
we can choose
not to live out.
each breath
a choice
of freedom
each breath new and
retain this wonder
and wander
to your expansive hearts content
For lessons
in pine trees dripping emerald tears
on peaks each footstep brings closer,
Are what build you strong.
Roots of soul
working through your veins
the framing to become
and everything
You are.
WoodsWanderer Nov 2017
I reel in the silence of my own heartbeat
This familiar aching embarrassment
Spreading through my limbs
And instead of facing the hurt that pulses underneath, I embrace
The racing molten lava burning through my veins.
Explosive, I strike out physically
The energy throbbing behind my furious eyes as slick mitts slap dull against worn canvas
The sweat that mats my hair, dripping into my eyes to leave a residual sting,
Is chosen over tears
That have been shed over one far too skilled at yanking my heartstrings.
I succumb to the hot fire flood
Pounding fists into bags worn and tattered
A scream of frustration building behind clenched teeth
Unwilling to voice the pain
Of distance gained through meaningless conversation.
The hurt of unexpressed sentiments held back to create space
For my insecure imagination.
This wall of rage rolling across the shattered surface of
heartache at being
Once again.

How hard is clear communication?

I kneel at the heart of my exasperation
My own lack of courage.
The kind of bravery allowing one to speak real words of feeling.
But it hurts when you don't respond
like you used to
And your words - cut short - hold little meaning
seemingly altered and unforgiving.
This jostled dissonance mocks my vulnerability
So instead of defaulting to crying
I bypass tears and scream
Fists flying.
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Mountain Muse
WoodsWanderer Apr 2017
Follow that burning you feel in your bones. That tingle of pure fire running through your veins
Ignite your soul.
there is so much I would love
to see

These trees
wrap their arms around my blossoming soul; my true home found in the purest laughter of the wind
and the dancing call of the creek

I am you and you are me

                                 we are everything

To be anything. Moment. Living present to recieve our presence. You are only ever here. Now. Embrace the breath found in these rolling forests
our glittering banks
Embrace your breath.

We are freedom. Living simply, living peacfully. We are love. Embrace this moment always.

The sun brushes kisses upon my upraised face
bringing warmth to my soul
opening in delicious appreciation of the wonderful heat that he is.
Everyday. bestowing kisses and asking nothing in return.
What can be more beautiful
then that?

Take this body. Release tension. Breath deep. Breathe to remind. You are anything. Everything. Take your body and live in your truth. Imagine if you did, how free you would be!

My soul is expanding, wide open hugging the earth in all her glory. So diverse, so intricate, so simple. She is everywhere. Fingers of wind running through my hair, salty kisses of the ocean, brushing my toes. The burbling laugh of mountain streams hopping rocks in their journey of release.
There is no search. There is only now, and the enjoyment of the chickadee calling goodmorning to the toes of sun running between the cedar trunks. There is only now. Breath.

I am you and you are me.

                          **we are everything
Feb 2017 · 877
WoodsWanderer Feb 2017
Surrender to flow
Surrender to emotion, fluid in my veins
Surrender to breath caught between the shards of my rib cage
Surrender to the ink lines left dark on sun kissed skin peeling with layers of memories
To love, the wind teasing at strands of garlands strung through mother natures hair, flowing
Surrender, body to stream, floating in silken arms folding my aching soul into insatiable depth
To the shadows nipping at my consciousness, ruling my inner mind and dampening my heart.
heart beating strong, insistent, true.
Surrender, past flames of heat
burning to ash my hatred, my fear, my shame
Surrender, to the infinite love
released from white hot coals
Jan 2017 · 380
WoodsWanderer Jan 2017
My body is accustomed now to your absence
Fingers no longer reaching across rumpled blankets for warmth
That is no longer mine.
My mind is accustomed to your absence
Thoughts moving beyond the future we built
Finally freeing me to dare to dream where you are not
Daring me to build a life, grasp opportunities
Soley for my own souls fulfillment
no longer tied to yours
But still, my heart is not accustomed
I drift into the dream world, content
Only to find your face dancing through the interwoven tapestry of my subconscious self
I wake to find your laugh imprinted on the underside of my lids
And my heart betrays me with its subtle ache
Despite these nighttime relapses, I am releasing you slowly
Bit by bit my frozen fingers are pried off of memories too sweet to forget
Forced to drop expectations I built in your fading words
I am learning the anger that rides beside the sadness
Is only temporary blindness to the wisdom of love you brought me
The wild dance of freedom you injected in my veins
The otherworldly rush of adrenalin through my body
I am learning I have the right to be angry but also
that is is too powerful
an emotion to
waste on you
You who does not want any part of my erratic heart
This is the simple knowledge that is allowing me to shed this skin
you've left me drowning in
and to breathe free air
once again.
Oct 2016 · 299
WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
To dance is to put poetry into movement
Oct 2016 · 296
WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
I have lost
In moments pushed too fast
Too far
The rush caught me in its arms
And In it I have lost

Aspens tall remind me
of water deep
And coaxing in times when
I could walk strong
with grounded roots spreading
My soles into rich deep earth
Remind me
What it is to be one
With this beautiful
Remind me how to
Oct 2016 · 467
Car Radio
WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
I still miss you
Even though I know I shouldn't
Your smile haunts me
Every time I turn the radio on

My brother asked me why
Some hours late after work
I sit in the cooling car, stars scattered like starbursts above
and let soft notes
Drift out from the cracks in the
Frame and I do not tell him
It is because I find you
In late night songs played dull and lonely
I find you in the drifting melodies
That hold my heavy head
And heart space where the beats echo
Faintly because there is only
Emptiness left
I find you in lyrics written by artists who have been broken in the same way
Only into different pieces.
I do not tell him it is my moment of weakness
Of loss
Of anger
Of hurt

I do not tell him
It is my way of letting you go
Each tear a memory released
Each note a whispered kiss blown
To the autumn wind
Each verse the broken promises turned to dust for the shadows to eat
Each song my way of moving on

I do not tell him
I just listen until dawn
Sep 2016 · 392
Ocean Tears
WoodsWanderer Sep 2016
Strings of starlight fall lightly
onto tired eyes that gaze in solitude
with only the wind for a companion
whistling gently through the cracked crimson gold leaves of autumn
that drift quietly
onto frost bitten ground.
And in the shadows lay
our bones that are no longer lost
only broken.
wary glances are what crack the night sky
which dances in a cold and distant light
and my soul is suddenly full
of tears
feeling like the ocean each night
as I seep salt water onto wrinkled cheeks
worn down by the soft pounding
of ragged waves
which toss the broken bits of my
heart as they would
shattered shells.
Rolling into the grit of the wild movement
I succumb to the sadness pulling
at my limbs
flooding my lids which droop,
weary from so many tears.
And yet
he still
pulls at my tides
and I wish, with storms battering my insides, that this
feeling will cease
because I am worn and heartsick
from this never ending crashing of waves
eroding my body with their insidious
Aug 2016 · 556
i hate goodbyes
WoodsWanderer Aug 2016
I watch the minutes
Slip into silence
As the river thunders dull
Outside my open window
Cracked wide a mirror for my heart
The pieces which you care for subtly
Murmer in the late night breeze
Your lips painting pictures for my body to fill in
You are lovely
Lively, you rush through my veins like the river
Dull to all except me
I can feel you deep in my bones
Your soul kissing mine under wide open skies and I am lost in the adventures found in your horizons
And all I want
Is a simple call
But instead I watch the minutes
Slip into silence
And the memory of your touch grows fainter
Like the river roaring
Outside my window
And all I want is to tell you
i love you
And you will be mine
At least in my mind
Even as your  touches grow fainter
And your body colder
Farther from my heat
i love you
i love you even as the minutes
Slip into silence
i love you even though
You're gone
Aug 2016 · 375
WoodsWanderer Aug 2016
Snapshot moment
Love, laughter
Hidden whisky shots under silent
Bare foot dancing on piano notes
cascading down from the roaring
eyes, capturing mine in a rosy glow
of friendship, hardwood cool
against bare theighs
Fingers strong, firm, warm around mine
on my side, my leg, pulling warmth to the surface of cool skin
skin, knuckles grazing ribs
teeth nipping gently
quietly as she continued to talk
your kisses on my knuckles
soft, teasing tongue
Body heat pulsing under
bursting stars comets falling
into your eyes
leaning over me, pinning me
almost kissing me
cradling chin, cradling face, cradling body, cradling soul
Your heat, your lips soft
hair, fingers tangled in kitten hair
that brushes my lips, my lips
against neck
I couldn't help
my searching mouth, whispers confessions, want, desire, adventure, freedom, laughter
Aug 2016 · 340
Napkin Notes
WoodsWanderer Aug 2016
When words mean nothing
and ink bleeds dry
I find myself stripped
empty though open
pulsating love slipping through my fingertips
as my heart bursts once again.
My thirsting soul cries
my aching body into sapphire
I am hidden behind walls of mistruths
dishonest dissonant notes
    fill my veins
as he strokes my face
   beneath the bursting
Lips mere inches from mine although
mine belong to another
though I crave his
i am stumbling into vast oceans
of emotion
and i'm setting fire to the waves.
Aug 2016 · 614
You left me breathless
WoodsWanderer Aug 2016
You left me breathless
Hanging with words ripe upon lips
softened under starlight
and fingers that sent shivers
through veins untouched
teasing and tempting with daring fullness
your body close enough to
I could not move
only hold you closer then before.
heat that bled through thin layers of
cotton, skin, muscle, bone
as whispers brushed across cheek bones
escaping to join the
explosions of stars above our heads.
You left me breathless
a kiss unfulfilled but dancing in your breath
against my neck
Bodies twined too tightly to think straight
the stars were my drugs
and your heat my high
My dear, you left me breathless
*unfulfilled and wanting more.
Aug 2016 · 375
Climbing Bridges
WoodsWanderer Aug 2016
Lights flicker as flames
Caught beneath our metal hammock
Bobs gently in the midnight thrill
Your arms wrapped tightly
Strong around my shaking frame
Holding my trembling heart in place.
Feather laughs dance under the pale moon
Hidden by the turtle clouds and stars
That sing distantly down from
Their shining perch as my pulse
Stumbles under your words
Eyes, nose, chest, breath come together
And I remember what lightness is
Running feet bare against
Midnight light, pavement cutting into my feet
Fast forward and you yell
"Bend your knees!"
Deserted, the lot lay open for our blades
My bambi legs not even coming close to keeping up with your dancing soul
My darling, the crack in my wrist is a reminder of the freedom you light in my veins
Kerosene as the metal kisses my palms and fear burns my tongue black I climb
Higher then ever before
Your hands below, your gaze steady
My trust in you in unbreakable
Twisted webs tangle my grasping fingers
Pain lancing through my shaking muscles as we gain elevation
My breath a little shorter, i gasp as this universe expands before me and I'm ignited with beauty harsh and glaring
Stunning, your lips against mine
The only thing anchoring my flying feet to this bar
Expanse of lights spread below
Our personal kingdom persuasive in its mystery
My love, i cannot describe this euphoria filling my limbs
Your touch lighting fire in my veins
You are so **** stunning
Your insanity more beautiful than I ever dreamed
Your seriousness the sexiest face I've seen on you
******* you are fine.
Take me on your brilliant thrill ride of extraordinary experience for my soul has already fallen so hard, both wrists cracked this time
A tower with no chance of rebuilding
I am in love with you
And your crazy beauty
Show me your soul
And let us dance in wonder
May 2016 · 439
Fading Love
WoodsWanderer May 2016
We are grasping at words hidden beyond this wall of misunderstanding
Misconceptions and harsh observations become the crux for our downfall
and your words lash against me as sharp and stinging as willow branches running.
So much pain behind the eyes which watch mine with a distant ache
and I cannot stop.
If my happiness is your hatred how can we go on?
How can we proceed with truth as our mat, honesty our flying carpet and love the wind that buoys our stiff limbs.
My love is tied to the fresh peaks coalesced in my heart as the atoms of my survival and their laughter is written in the snowbanks we fall upon, the gravel spat back from beneath our hot tires racing down old overgrown trails, the burning heat of flint and steel fires gasping in the breeze
we are so different.
my honesty you call selfishness.
We are both new developing beings with the world open to us in every which way.
we cannot hold eachother to what we used to be and your accusing glare grates on my worn nerves and
I cannot stop.
I cannot stop hurting you with my happiness because it is found in trees, wind, rocks, gurgling river beds
places you cannot contend with
I know you hate it.
and maybe we are better off apart
maybe we need space to breathe
to learn how we are as individuals
who we are.
I will still love you.
a small part of me will always love you
but perhaps this is the crossroad
for our relationship
perhaps I will go left
and you will go right.
It will not be nice
It will not be clean or kind
But it will be healthy
and we will grow
and find loves that lift our wings
not dampen them..
May 2016 · 345
WoodsWanderer May 2016
Come, fly with me
my soul cannot be still
with your alpine eyes watching me
and your smile
filling my veins
with bubbles of ecstasy
May 2016 · 718
WoodsWanderer May 2016
I wanted to write a poem
to celebrate the fragility of mortality
The small bones in which hold up arms, wings
are easily snapped by the pressure wave of life
and yet we strive.
a wave in the grass and alarms draw me near
small gasping that only
the mother robin can hear
sniffing licking prancing, the neighbors dog jumps
at my hoarse cry
running with a helicopter tail
as I recover her fun.
The tiny wings tremble
featherless he shivers
rice sized heart thrumming with the life force
of blood coursing through his developing veins.
scarlet pinpricks adorn his pink fleshy body
He is so small.
So helpless
eyes only a fraction smaller then his head
crack open
fear and panic filling their silken depths
and I try
gentle as the soft caress of summer breezes
to lift him into the warm cocoon of my scarf.
breast fluttering
a body the size of half my palm
I cradle him.
Slowly he snuggles closer, young purple beak
burrowing into the soft paisley fabric.
and a love for this baby bird fills my heart and
with a sadness at the cruelty of this world
Because even as he snuggles
in a few hours he is taken from this world to the next
The elements and the shock too much
for his exposed soul to handle
His small body left cold and curled in the nest i attempted
to cradle him in...
laying the baby robin into the cool dark earth
I felt my airway seize
at the quick surety of death
so young.
And as my tears water his grave
I am reminded how precious this gift is
This gift of life, of love
of wings we grow to soar these skies
vibrant only because of it's short span of discovery
It will be over before we know it
So let us live
let us soar for those baby birds who's wings were broken
before they ever learned to fly
let us be free
*and alive.
May 2016 · 1.3k
A letter to my best friend
WoodsWanderer May 2016
Hey you
You with the crinkling eyes and the dancing laugh
with the arms that ensare my waist to throw me against
pure emerald mountain sides dripping with late spring rains
the shucking of pine bark to twirl wooden towers down lilting slopes
and the gangly limbs reaching towards the sky
in an attempt to capture the clouds
for the sole reason of dancing through their
you with the pure soul and poise fit enough for the queen
if only you were anatomically different
you would rule this world better than she
honesty running through your laughing veins
as you summit mountain after mountain
pure glacial eyes darting to capture mine
mischievious depths speaking of hidden love
I know you
so well.
Even though our friendship has been
2 months 30 days long
I know you better than I know myself
My best best friend you called me
as true as these wild trilliums we run past in an attempt to throw
the other into the lake
the fires which serve as a competitive twinkle in your eyes
we are so free.
You who contains the most pure soul
pure intentions I have ever come across
You are so loved
You are so perfect in your innocence
In the wise notes held in your fingertips
you provide wings to leap with.
I know there are waves trapped in your veins
calling for your brilliant smile.
I know when your head rests against my chest
it is with the innocence of a child
You are my best friend
My comrade in arms
My birch gatherer.
and this love spreading through my limbs
for your tired head and tumbling curls
is hard to ignore.
I know you are being called away
a bright future awaits
a familial expectation to fufill
I'm just here to tell you I will be waiting
In these mountains, these peaks
roaming annd laughing and dancing
waiting for the day my best friend realizes
his happiness is more important than others expectations
and I will be here
as free as when you first found me
ready for our adventures to begin
Come fly with me.
Apr 2016 · 398
Spring, She laughs
WoodsWanderer Apr 2016
I am content
To hear the humming of small frayed
wings and the gentle chirps
of newborn babes
I am content.
This wild laughter caught between
silvery trunks
gives wings to the love growing
in my limbs
small gestures of Spring
Release, bring forth
a new time of enjoyment
the solomon seal
bitter and dancing on my tongue
reminds me again
and again
of how content I am.
This beauty unfurling as golden lashes
open upon the earth
is no less beautiful then faith,
caught between pages.
In every newborn leaf
I am found.
Apr 2016 · 375
Spring, She Calls
WoodsWanderer Apr 2016
Ahh the rich sound of spring
Unfurling fresh wings as she whispers
green buds across the
The sweet soft kiss of the sunlight
nuzzling fresh sprigs of grass
  poking their
      young heads
through the fragrant soil.
She trails her fingers over sparse
  branches, a deep laugh
swallowing the hills, as welcoming
as warm honey
       down the trunks.
Ahh the shaking roar of the river
furrowing into mother earth and shivering
    leaves, newborn and streaming
the river releases my breath in
   a gust
joining my neighbors gentle wind chimes, and
the wild dancing
   of the
Evergreens, who's cloaks of white have slipped into
the warm
         rich soil
to aid the bringing of the Spring.
for we are alive to hear the thrushs
humble song
echoe over the breathing land
A sigh of release
as deep winds stir the suffocating
   stillness and I let the days stress
slip away and
       this vibrant
              song courses through
                       my singing veins.
Ahh the bright dancing newborn green
fill me with a happiness I cannot
    name, nor want to
the tips of these aspens, laughing in
     the breeze
        and the running step of wild hearts
                  up unbeaten trails are pure, pure love
gentle drops on sheer rock faces
speak to me in whispered tones
      of connection
             and life.
We are one with this blossoming land
    We are one.
Apr 2016 · 401
Nights like These
WoodsWanderer Apr 2016
The asphalt stretches out before my hungry tires
a ribbon of blackness snaking through the sleeping mountains
leading me
everywhere and nowhere.
Soft lilting notes spill from the worn speakers and even with the soft breaths coming from the backseat
I am alone.
My thoughts snake along the road
dancing over the glittering black water
and fracture into flashes of random as the moon gazes with
soulful eyes.
I cannot name the emptiness I feel in my veins
Nor can I pin point when I began to feel lost.
Perhaps I was born lost
and this road is all a journey
to create what I believe to have disappeared
But this seed
Has left a wanderlust in my bones
A search in my blood that no amount of road driven
lovers kissed
or mountains conquered can rid me of
This thistle fire tingle
in my veins.
And with eyes full and bright as grandmother moon
I wish my fear to the heavens
to the deep inky depths eating at the edges of these trees
These nights
which shake my every sense of reality,
are what feed my searching fingertips.
The uncertain held in front
The unknown dancing across the line
as my tires do
I feel lost
and I have never been
Apr 2016 · 475
Northern Skies
WoodsWanderer Apr 2016
Salty kisses trace their beauty down tired cheeks
Songs split with the heartache of too much love
And my palms are empty
I reach for some sort of conclusion
Some suggestion as to where my bandaged heart
May warily stumble
I am lost.
In eyes the colour of chocolate milk and lashes reminiscent of licorice
I am lost
In eyes the warm dawn blue of glacial landscapes
Laughing with years of happiness crinkling their edges
I am lost.
My exhausted heart struggles to hold scattered emotions
That scud gently across the surface of reality
Disturbing the dark waters of my soul
And crying to the wanderlust in my veins
They speak to me
The peaks jagged in the brilliance of dawn
Stand majesticly
Tall, demanding, inviting me into their surreality
And i am lost
The harsh white glint of sunshine on frozen snow captures the notes trapped in my fingertips
And i want to sing
I want to dance under the expanse of life spread before my stunned eyes
Kiss the drops that rain down on young hearts in love
with life
I want to sing to the glistening stars
Wheeling above our awestruck heads
intermingled in a cold condensation before released to the darkness
such a profound feeling of connection
my heart is full
my palms empty
and my cheeks salty
Love found in freedom along the lines of his arms
which raise in admiration of the wild beauty we are
submerged in
I am in heaven
If it were made of cold stars, singing snow, soft breaths, unexpected laughs and an infinity of limbs which reach for eachother
Strings of freedom plucked to the symphony of the ranges
that cradle our bodies
Bodies heavy with the honesty caught in these peaks i let a tear cascade down my cheek
Because I am lost
Between chocolate warmth and glacial ecstasy
Both of which catch my swollen heart with hands meant
To cradle and breath
The mountain air that crisply reflects our tired limbs
The hoarse crack of the whisky jack nipping scraps from
frivilous fun
A spoon, glinting in the alpine spring sunset as his laughter
lightens my soul and sets free my wings.
We are so perfect
ly unperfect
A silly meandering giggle permeates our friendship
But eyes
Like the warm dawn blue of a glacial landscape meet the salty depths of my soul
and look right in
Profound understanding, contentment caught in the smile in his eyes
the light touches of my foot
hands red from the cabin heat
set free the smile trapped in my shoulders
And i am whole
He is more to me than these limbs are to my torso
He is my legs which run down the snowy hill
The stomache i slide on as we glide down penguin slopes
The fingers i use to ink down my indecision on scrap paper found in the lines of my heart.
He knows how much I care
He asked "do you love him?"
a crack in his  voice
his shoulders hunched with the weight of my emotional betrayal
I could not answer
My lips formed
I care for him. I may even love him.
But he is my best friend
My sword fighter, my rock scrambler, my running through the dark blindly spinning underneath the wheeling stars for the pure hell of it lover
He is the raw moonlight dancing through the clouds
kissing the branches with laughing lips
He is lightness.
And I am lost.
I am alone
And so i should be on this journey to freedom
Buf he makes me feel as if i belong
My mind is a canvas
These mountains my muse
and he is my paintbrush
Streaking sunset hues across my landscape
And I cannot decide.
So i release and let this mountain become my guide
Mar 2016 · 399
Late Night Aches
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
I miss you

I miss the stark moonlight that danced across my sheets
Reminding me of your
bare strips of flickering silver light illuminating
my hallucinations
of your face in my dreams.
I recall wood smoke
drifting through the evergreens as you laugh
at my meandering soul
my searching hands
my wandering feet.
And I wonder, not for the last time
If the stiff conconctions my late night brain produced
could really substitute for a real life you.
Something my empty hands could
Hold on to.

*I miss you
Mar 2016 · 493
Florida Thoughts
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
Hushed mist collects
Under palm fronds enveloped in the night melody
Consisting of crickets, far off moters and the warm heavy sound of contentment.
Orange lights flicker throigh the overgrown trees
Whom drape themselves lovingly over old RVs and quaint trailers.
Those of which house old souls
Content and humoured by their journey through this unexplained world.
And as I sit
Skin already warm from the midnight heat
the crickets my only companions
I wonder if my contentment will measure to these mischievious souls
When I near the end of my journey.
For these moments
Small pleasures
Unexpected uncalled for experiences
Amount to a life worth a thousand laughs.
And what is life?
but laughter light and love
Mar 2016 · 818
City Lights
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
Is what these tight walls offer
A cage for my creativity
A damper on my soul
Lights bounce at 12am
Sirens shrieking through my veins
And I remember why I'm a small town girl.
With hands accustomed to soil
feet accustomed to pine needles
And a heart that sings with the wind
That nips the larch's branches.
Sleep evades my mind
Which is so used to the sound
Of wild waves rushing over rumbling stones
The dissonant singing of the stars
The quiet
night of the forest.
My body aches for darkness
And the sweet subdued which is lost
In a city where wilderness has been suffocated
And the hustle
Mar 2016 · 490
Piano Blues
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
Walks in fields
whisper memories like leaves tossing
in the wind.

Long strands waving goodbye
as mournful notes sizzle in the newborn sunlight
and your eyes reflect the beasts
running through the trees.

wild things
captured in the shadows
held with chains of fear
and pain in lines I cannot remember

Your hands too young to understand
the blind search burning in my veins
and lips ripe with the ideals
of a privilaged life

you sing of a heart full of love
In which my doubt pervades as
reality has dissipated my previous

Shallow lines flicker under the surface
shattered waves reflecting the ache
in my bones
at the mistake found in misconception

and I am lost

once again.
Mar 2016 · 416
Ex Machina
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
My ribs
Are glass shards drifting underneath my skin.
Translucent bones nipping at my nerves
I feel
White light pulls dimensions apart
And there are only blades left.
They grow diligently from beneath my
Glass ribs
Rubrics of emerald glittering dully
I am recreated
Caskets opening to allow
Fresh blood to pump through
Soft matter injected
And my heart begins beating
I am the official AI.
Mar 2016 · 537
Bathtub Haiku
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
Flickering tea lights
Catch the runaway ripples
And I am in love
I am in love with my bathtub <3
Mar 2016 · 417
Winter Sunsets
WoodsWanderer Mar 2016
If there was ever a time to fall in love
This is it
If I could explain why you
Are my definition of beauty
And that even as I pretend not to care your smile haunts me as it haunts the woods I walk in
I would.
I would argue that you are my sun
The warm droplets of rain
The whisteling wind
And your fingers paint silver lines
Into shivering aspen leaves.
The lines I love so much.
Your love haunts me in delicious tingles that
Splinter through my veins
It haunts me in the form of
butterflies that lift  my cheeks and when your lips kiss the air
Wild notes spill from your soul...
I love you more then I can say.
You terrify me
For years I have ran because your brilliance makes me doubt I could fall for any other human
I believe the words that collect around us
Are a cacoon of correctness
And your arms were made to hold mine
Everything screams how perfect
We are for eachother.
How wrong and perfect we are.
I want to apologize
If I sound like an idiot
It is merely because I am that grade six girl running to the bathroom to hide
Because her crush just walked into the classroom.
I am that love song played on repeat
That everyone hates because it's cheesy as ****
But still true
I've loved you since the first time we met.
And you are a star
With so many galaxies to explore
I don't want to limit you to just one.
So the deep green moss
Soaks up
My tears as I rejoice
In our friendship that I have tested
More then once.
I pray you will forgive my needy heart and disregard my unruly love
Because in the hidden parts of my body
I know you don't love me.
And I cannot
Except retain my dignity.
Feb 2016 · 340
Early Morning Dreams
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
I want to fall into the sky so I may swim with the stars
Feb 2016 · 552
The Perks of Periods
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
I love you like I love this armchair
Your hands tickling the skin
under my anklet as I curl my body
into yours
into the armchair that snuggles us both.
Your lips at my ear
my shivers sending dimples into your cheeks
as you whisper softly
and tease a grin to my cramp trodden face
tugging at the sweatpants
encasing my aching limbs
you hold my body tightly
and I silently forgive the little man with the fork who is scraping my ****** apart
because even as the cramps wrack my body
you're there to hold me
and give me care packages
of cookies, tea and mango ginger chews
You are the definition of sweet and the fact
that you kiss my fevery skin
and soothe my smarting pride
makes me love you
even more then I love this armchair.
The stains are laughed away
as you kiss my eyes and twine your legs with mine.
The plush softness of your love
enveloping me like warm rain
and I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Feb 2016 · 353
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
I wish you would see
my words are love transmitted through a computer screen
the little semi colons are my fingers
touching your lips
small computerized winks
my breath warming your neck
a line of periods
my unspoken words that capture the stars in your eyes.
I wish the keyboard was your face so that I may
paint my love not onto hard plastic
but the curving lines of your cheeks
and the letters would make up arms for you to settle in
rather then a sentence on a blinking screen.
We see each other so briefly
and words are lost to signatures scripted into the hard drive
hearts in place of arms
and emoticons in place of smiles.
I miss you.
I miss the real you even though I am "in touch" most of the time
There are so many ways to love
and through a computer is not one of them.
Even as your heat fills my room and your arms slide around me
late at night
it is only after the music
and then your gone before the light
hits my pillow and I am left with a small
computerized heart
flashing insistently from my phone
and once again
my relationship is with the computer screen.
Feb 2016 · 569
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
I wish the words my ink create on a page would replicate
the unending love I feel in my limbs
I wish I could explain
Why I fall in love with warm droplets of rain,
the whistling laughter of the wind
the silvery lines painted lightly on the underside
of aspen leaves
and the laughter hidden in the small lines around his lips
I wish I could argue against the tidal wave
of emotion that controls my fingers like marionettes
lifting them gently to caress
the constellations on her cheeks
the freckles on her neck.
The same fingers which trace his curving spine
drawing images of sunlight but
darkened with the heat of anothers skin.
Let me put it this way.
Words are like fire that heat the blood in my veins and allow me to create
a room of clarity in which my love flows free.
I live to laugh and marvel at the beauty
we are captured in every day.
And for some reason
my passion spills over into affection
until water runs like silk into the depths of her eyes
as the tears spill because I've flirted not only with her
but the stars as well.
And even as my body succumbs to familiar touches
my heart flies free basking in the moonlight
the illuminated treetops in which I see his face and which yield
to my smile.
I am reckless
I spill my love onto anybody who dare trip in my way
I am playing with fire...
And someday,
my heart will learn to control her wild urges
My limbs coordinate themselves
into a dance of freedom
Which calls to the spirits trapped in shadows
and allows the water to run over the skin I have kissed
with only love painting its lips.
Feb 2016 · 823
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
Poetry is what keeps me up late at night
Feb 2016 · 1.7k
Street Lights
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
The night sky spits crystalized drops of clarity.
I stand with eyes painted black
My lips painted red
And ponder my reality.
Unloaded amps, keyboards, guitars take up more space
Then my heart can create room for
Erratic beats and flailing feet explode my sense of peace
and I'm caught in the harsh whipping of the vibrating music
played too loud to hold any resonance
its only purpose to push the sweat to dancers skin.
This music which I normally love so much
Falls flat to ears accustomed to the screams of suffocating ideals
and I forget why I am here.
I forget why these arms love his with a tired affection
that withstands his sublimations and holds his faults in a place where everything he creates is perfect.
We are not perfect.
This rain falls in thin sheets
intermingling with tears that suddenly appear on my flushed cheeks
and I taste salt.
Throughout the infinities trapped in teenage years I find
Its taste a fading memory
a paling reminder to how submissive I have become
and before I can remember exactly where it's from
Its gone and I am left with arms full of his music gear
and a heart too full to hold with only two hands.
He calls back to see if I need help
and I say no
because what are you going to say when you are shattering and do not know why.
Feb 2016 · 365
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
life seems like a series of repairs
A broken binding
a fractured wrist
a cracked heart.
My repair kit is always open.
From spare screws needed on touring days
where the sun beats down
a headache my eyes can't hide from
To ratchet straps teasing my hands into frustration
by their inablity to work right.
To the blind faith I hand away my love with
that usually leaves my lips smarting and my heart fractured
just a little bit more.
Repairs **** sometimes.
They **** even more then when things completely shatter.
When things break
there is peace in knowing you cannot do anything to fix it.
Broken bits fall to memory
new things, ideas, materials are assembled
and you are given a fresh start.
In contrast a recurring problem, a repair
is draining on the mind and soul, a constant ache on ones psyche.
A blackhole for my lightheartedness
A wormhole my happiness falls into.
Repairs **** sometimes.
And as I sit here
a ***** driver in one hand, a needle in the other and a airbag of frustration
expanding in my chest
I ponder the worth my projects of "improvement" hold.
How many times do I attempt to fix something that has already failed
countless times before?
When the straps slip no matter how many times I tighten them?
When my board bites my calfs no matter the stiched support I give it?
When my pulse trips despite the words spoken to end it..
Repairs **** sometimes.
And if I ever come across something I cannot fix
I will break it.
Just so I will never have to look at the problem again.
I'm actually a very happy person. Just venting my frustration right now.
Feb 2016 · 948
Baby Birds
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
A squeak in the night
the molasses sky muting the silver stars
As they fell
onto the hard packed earth where we lay
unspoken words smarting in the darkness
lips flushed red with promises broken
and lies spread as thin as lip balm.
Their ungainly flight to escape
became a sharp distraction to my muddled emotions as they woke
to the smothered chirps of the baby birds.
Alone and abandoned
they mirrored my cries for help
and gently with hands accustomed to flesh not feathers
We gathered the small bodies in cacoons of towel.
A small barrier from the stalking squirrel
prowling the midnight branches.
Small ******* fluttering in panic
We soothed
and spoke in soft utterances
in contrast with our wheeling minds
and the rescue of three little lives
cleared the garbled words we choked on
until we could meet
clear gaze
clear hearts.
The soft whisper of the wind
carried away our pain.
And as the baby birds pleas faded to contented humming
our bodies settled into peace
and our minds into laughter
and love was once again
a precious gift
Feb 2016 · 391
Familiar Hands
WoodsWanderer Feb 2016
Charcoal grey lines of your lashes
Fill my vision as laughter expands like bubbles beneath my
liquid happiness curls down the vains lining your arms as you pluck
my heart strings one by one with familiar palms
Familiar fingers covered in charcoal.
The dust of longing clinging to our frames
as we curl in eachothers warmth
hidden beneath the silky darkness of the distant sky
stars which laugh distantly at our foolish words.
words that fall as charcoal does
soft, light, all consuming in its subtly
coating the whispered phrases in a filmy darkness.
Even as our hearts beat and our breaths become one it is
somewhow perfectly dissonant in its innocence.
I am not innocent.
The draw you hold on my body is unshakable
unspeakable in its strength  and for years the faded pictures have wrinkled
have crumbled gently at the edges
soft strokes of light dust marring the surface
but it is still beautiful
you are still beautiful.
Black as charcoal
the love I feel for you
stains my heart.
And I have found years later
lovers later
I cannot let you go.
Jan 2016 · 520
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
The small scurry beneath the great oak
The snout
Searching for tid bits the branches have tossed down
The wet squelch of aged moss
yeilding, ever yeilding to the doe's delicate step
the fawns bumbling run
the mountain lion's deadly stalk.
Yeilding and releasing and comforting
Embracing with a soft squelch.
Water feeds the velvet plant
it flows across rounded stones
bubbles beneath the majestic fern
dances with the sharp spice of wild ginger
The roots
Twining beneath the rich fragrance of the earth
wrapping thin unbreakable arms tight
Laying a knotted earthy trail for all critters to run
Laying a strong base for boulders to rest
Paws to trod
and blood to settle, sink, return to the
Deep rich earth.
No past
No future
Just the soft willfull passing of time.
Jan 2016 · 587
Post Essay
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
It is complete
I am done.
3658 words later I am done.
No matter the quality I am done.
Wasn't it always taught quantity over quality?
No? Well it is in the case of a 3000 word essay.
I will save my quality for shameless poetry written under the cool reflection of the stars
For the wave of rhythm that turns my feet into wings of freedom
For the all consuming beat found in Mother Nature's skin
In her rivers
In the silant cedars whom stand watch under a snowy veil
I will save my quality for creativity
And Love.
I will save my quality for dancers feet and watery paints under the moonlight
I will save my quality for the love of life
No more lost sleep over abhorrent essays
That are expected to be born from no structure
No. I am done with my essay
No. I will not re read the terrible word ***** I have exploded onto the pages
No. I do not want to touch, smell, or see my essay ever again
And if I should come to a point in my life
Where loathsomely long essays are required
I shall write more poetry to book end
my traumatic experience with beauty.
(c) 2016. Jess Treijs. All Rights Reserved.
Jan 2016 · 715
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
What if your eyes came back to me
A thousand years from now
When both our bodies have turned to dust
Countless times.
What if I caught you
In the face of a stranger
A perfect stranger.
What if I knew those eyes
What if my own welled with tears of forgotten grief
How can this be?
As I recalled fluttering skirts
Wild laughter
Dark curling hair
A ski ***** nose
and a love too powerful for one being to contain.
What if I capture your eyes
infinities from now
and still know them.
What will they say?
How will they prove souls exist
and that ours found the other in the face of a perfect stranger.
How will they prove that love
exists beyond the boundries of mans wonderments
that is is beyond full understanding
and follows souls between bodies.
Why waste our time trying to disprove and play down such a mysterious thing as love
When we are here to bask in it
To learn from it
To grow from it
And create a love that exists beyond the cage of human flesh
That expands into the very atoms we are made of
and travels through the soft willfull passing of time
What if I told you I loved you enough
To travel beyond the stars
Beyond the dust we are made of
What if I told you my soul loves yours
I know thousands of years from now
When both our bodies have turned to dust
Countless times
We will find eachother in the face of perfect strangers
And recognize the eyes in which the soul lives
That knows no bounds
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Watch i orgins if you want to be mind blown.
(c) 2016. Jess Treijs. All Rights Reserved.
Jan 2016 · 525
Blue Dot Movement
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
"No matter where you live you should be able to turn on the tap and drink safe water"* - David Boyd

Every day I grow
The importance of the preservation of our enviroment becomes more and more predominant.
To grow up drinking from discovered gurgling creeks,
To feel the cool purity revitalize my young soul,
To bask in the clean beauty of our waters,
I took for granted its safety.
To grow up with the river as my guide,  my mentor, my reflector for my inner growth
I learned to listen to the way it laughed and danced
And polished unassuming river stones as it told me of past stories
and taught me humility.
All this time

I took for granted its safety.

It is only now
As my cacoon of security begins to crack
do I realize
This is not every humans relationship to our waters.
Only now do I realize I am blessed to be able to drink from discovered streams, let alone my tap without a second thought
Only now do I realize
Millions of parched souls
have grown with water as an enemy
Wary of the pollutants it carries.
It is treated with caution
Whereas it was once revered.
Water, as a definition is "the basis of the fluids of living organisms"
We are essentially poisening ourselves as well as our earth
with our actions.
It is time to shift as a country, as a nation
To protect our enviroment
to protect our waters
and to protect humanity its self

The right to a healthy enviroment
Is the right to live.
The Blue Dot movement is one that David Suzuki and the David Suzuki Foundation created that is essentially a fight to introduce the right to live in a healthy enviroment to the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms. I was asked to be a part of the youth which spoke to our city council as supporters of the blue dot movement and this poem is what I presented. I strongly believe in this movement not only for Canadians but each and every human being on this planet. Look up "what is the Blue Dot Movement?" if you're interested in knowing more.
Jan 2016 · 457
The Caged Traveler
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
She leaves without a trace of remorse.
Toes dug into course sand
her backpack resembles her heart.
Littered with flags of the countries she's visited
But never been to.
Decorated with key chains she's bought
But never seen before.
Her leathery soles bespeak of her travels
Her eyes of her misery.
Like the ocean devouring the shore
She searches
Pushing away things that under first perception seemed worthless.
Her backpack muffles the screams
Of the caged traveler in her veins
A china ***
filled with crickets.
I watch her taunt limbs cover
Mountaintops and clouds
Exploring everywhere
Yet experiencing nothing.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
A metaphor for my brother
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
My brother is the musky smell of woodsmoke.
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
A metaphor for my sister
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
My sister is a dreamcatcher dancing in the wind. Following every gust of excitment, every breath of desire; she collects passerbys dreams and leaves sunlight in her wake.
Jan 2016 · 312
Spring Nights
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
I want to flirt with the rain.
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