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Ashley Brooke Payne
Dawsonville, GA    32 years old. Mother of 2 wonderful kids, 2 cats. Been writing poetry since I was 12. You can find me on facebook under Ashley …
Nowhere    I am a young man adjusting to sunlight. I guess that is all you need to know for now.
Live In the Moment    Rise not on a man's compliment nor fall by his criticism. Rather flourish in an understanding of self ~ T
Puerto Rico    "Art is long, and Time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave."
Karen Elena Parks
Arlington, TX
28/M/New York    Existing inside of the shadow of a doubt.
NY    shit's changed
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
"I should like to write you the kind of words that burn the paper they are written on..." -Dorothy L. Sayers.
Alta Boudreau
28/F/Brooklyn, NY   
Léia Cheshire Estérel
24/Two-Spirit/Lalaland    I am but a masterpiece of miscreations, existing from day to day, on a plateau of nothingness.. ღ ღ ღ These words hold my broken …
William A Poppen
88/M/Tennessee    William Poppen is retired and spends most of his time writing poems, taking photos, and walking daily.
Paul Morgana
Merrick, NY    PAUL Born to middle class Italian folk, Always loved to laugh and tell a joke. The early year's mom loved to feed, Supplied all the …
oh me oh my
Contact me at Tumblr-
Rashika Srivastava
Kanpur    I am a student. .but a sensible thinker hides in me. . i love to share it on hello poetry. . and wud feel honoured …
Hallie Bear
When you are close to me I shiver. -walk the moon
The Habits of My Heart
With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay You said, “Hey man, I love you, but no fucking way”
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