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Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Even though, to my shame and chagrin I am sorrily indeed "the INCURABLE dreamer."


Hark! ere I've breakfast how the cardnal'd hail
With sweetest notes, like last night's tryst fr'intents
Forgot his age-old suit.  And sparrows thence
Sing for my smiles e'en when in sheer betrayl
"The chips are down," whereat I play t'avail
By sorry halves and pray for Thy defense--
'Til lo, delivered 'gain, how we from hence
Half caper through work, happy on that scale.
Dead leaves yet skitter to the winds, astir
At their capricious touch as if the cue
Is flirting games.  Blue heavns thin clouds obscure
Leave fragile warmth to do the honours to
Effect; and though I beg for love, why's poor
To hope or think that any man would woo?

*NOTE:  little known fact...44 years ago today I was 4 months old.  You're allowed to laugh now I've gien you something to chuckle over.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019


Pink gathers on the East and subtly thence
Creeps westward as I watch the orange light's tail
With lo, fir shadows drawn up, til it fail
As robins call for silence, scolding hence
Most vigrously, whilst hark! now in a sense
How sparrows buck at that, to in betrayl
'Non settle; doves yet coo; and winds exhale
So softly as calm sifts oer all fr'intents.
Dogs bark 'non from a distance, people too
Talk, as I strain to hear the dove in tour,
Whilst traffic rushes on its way and blue
Skies yield to gathring darkness.  I strain fer
That voice, to feel the chill nip at me, poor
As nary sweater--to go in 'non too.

The first half (of a Petrarcan stanza) was written out on the back stoop, the second too many hours later, until I wrestle with hating the stanza whilst not seeing clearly how to rectify it, nor in truth intending to ever do so.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019


As lo, how sparrows call, whileas the frail
Warmth stirs 'gain daffodils to rise from hence
To "the occasion"--shadows drawn up thence
By those green, hopeful clusters light to scale
'Non dapples sweetly, robins scold in pale
Excuse likeas their I fr'intents
Want to hark for the mourning doves for sense--
What's left?  For ah, I hear them coo, t'avail.
If only Mum were with me now, as twere!
She'd want a coat or heavy card'gan too,
I spose talk of the Scriptures; praps a tour
Of world events... How doves yet sweetly coo
While robins sing, um, Mavis' song in poor
'Scuse, early:  shadows lengthen 'cross the view.

Funny, my dad chid me again today with "You need to grow up--"  I'm supposed to buckle down and be dull like the rest of society instead of having these dreamy eyes forever looking off into the mists, was it?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...?  I mean, I was aware a week ago that this was a freighted opportunity, but was too inclined to swoon instead.


So we made eggnog after dinner, whence
The kitchen warmly lit and to avail
Alive with jests, loud laughter, and to scale
Keen conversation, should have kept good sense
Upon its honour--but alas!  What thence?
I was too busy swooning in betrayl
To give but half an ear to aught, and frail
As aught excuse for crushes, wandered hence.
O let us laugh, if only that could cure
The folly from these vistas was it?  To
A fault those priceless minutes gone as twere--
Yes, eggnog long gone too, what have I?  Who
Can measure all we throw away in poor
'Scuse for our cherished lies?  And how few knew?

So, lean back and guffaw at me, I guess.  Laughter's the best medicine they swear.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
I guess.


Come, let's begin thus, "while blue heavns" t'avail,
Songs part of dawn's sweet quire for all intents,
Lawns still in yellowed Death e'en as a sense
Of what? now as in Gen'sis moves to scale
Across the surface like God's Spirit--frail
Though aught compare--which ah, the ancients thence
Called by another name or varied, whence
We said "Favonious--" trips through in betrayl.
I only miss the mourning doves' soft coo
In evning's calm, or where the silver dew
Yet waits upon each blade of grass none stir--
Their subtle voice as if unto as twere
My breathless soul the call I yearn in tour
To hearken if tis unto...You?

*manages a weak smile for half a second*  Aren't I downright terrible?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019


O tender blue skies!  How I yearned fr'intents
To sit out on the back stoop, listning, frail
As aught excuse, to breathe again, inhale
That fresher air and simply be.  Tis hence
Gone with the madder hours of work, that sense
I'd yet escape outdoors lost with the hale
Eye of sweet minutes I looked oer t'avail
Me of, sans that recure in poor defense.
Alas.  How I forgot to roll as twere
Whichever words across my tongue to do
The vision up now, is't?  Like, is't in poor
Reply for saying "...the Maple--" lo, um to
Effect an oak whose crimson buds 'gain stir
Now in the breeze?  Bet violets smile now too.

Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Or?  Go figure.  


What? as night's blackness is passe in frail
Excuse, the hours now merely for good sense
Um, stacking up whiles I close down from hence
This slim machine for lack of aught else' tale,
And this where Twitter promised to avail
Itself of all my minutes--all's fr'intents
Too dead, dull, boring--I've moved on, pretense
Worn to a frazzle in aught that I'd hail.
Remember:  "I should write more--" to bestir
Me, yet ideas have flown off unto
Is't nether regions?  cuz I "watched in tour"
Who cares who?  Fashions.  "Follow her--what you
Should wear is...THIS."  I've MY own style, in poor
'Scuse, am ergo at odds with all, cool too?

Sir Philip Sydney would fume at L4 since the rhyme slides into itself over and over.
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