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My arms will be a piano
for you to play the keys
I know they are hard
I'm sorry, there have been others.
my heart will be the drum
your feet will dance to
it is sometimes off beat
I'm sorry, there have been others.
My eyes will be your canvas
you can paint in them the stars
The darkness is already there
I'm sorry, there have been others.
my lips will be your clay
you will have to smooth out the rocks
I'm sorry, there have been others.
My body will be your artwork
you can put your autograph on the cover
I know there are other names printed
I'm sorry, there have been others.
The reason I made it a bit off is because I want the reader to feel how off it is. How off I feel after "there have been others", how off the person writing it a lover trying to explain how she can still be art even after having been used and chipped.

violent things trade off my discord
mistakes from either my gentle heart
or shattered bones


birds take off from the mountain ledges
fragile and fearless
and i compare all my bruises
to falling or flight


i cut my leg on the razor in the shower this morning
blood and water and steam;
good things come to people without feathers sticking from their spine
this is from my chapbook new youth which you can read for free here
i once met an old
who did
with ink and

black or blue
it didn't
much matter
one way
or another

so long as
it was never
he despised
pencil on

on those rare
when he'd make a

he refused
to cross out the incorrect

i asked him
one sunny
summer day
and he told me

that we can't cross out
our choices
or erase
our mishaps
we can only
turn the page

and on he went
to his next
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