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Stephanie Proctor
Wilmington, NC    23. Student. Low-key poet.
Salil Jha - Naked Soul
Boston, MA    I invite you to join me: undress and be naked with your heart’s truth. It’s the only way to uncover what resonates with your own …
Devon Webb
Auckland    Follow me on tumblr:
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Francie Lynch
A poem is like a tickle, it gives both joy and pain: with blissful tears and tearful giggles, you'll read that poem again. A poem …
Petal pie
Brighton, England    Loopy lady loves to muse and converse with others, writes amateur odes from time to time. I love flowers, my kids, making things, my job …
Ember Evanescent
I live In books + my mind    They say you can tell a lot about a person from their biography So I hope mine proves useful in that regard I was born …
Jamie L Cantore
The Land Of Flowing Hair    J.L. Cantore: Poet. Author of the minor epic poem Dristig Trekk, Poems Of Expression and The Art Of J. Lawrence Cantore
Andrew Switzer Stoned Ferret
25/F/Japan    Hola ❁ I love green and flowers
"Write hard and clear about what hurts" - Ernest Hemingway All the pieces I post are mine and are originals. Feel free to share but …
Liz And Lilacs
America    My writing is from the heart. I spend little time planning my poems. A thought pops into my head and I give it freedom. All …
Kelsey Doolittle
Muse: Carried by a wayward wish to hold on to something still which steadies my achy bones while it moves my soul at will
stéphane noir
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
37/M/Canada    Smoother than sex on silk on a Sunday.
Maryland    I'm the kid with the Salvador Dalí watch. Please, I'd love your feedback. I'm awfully amateurish and any sort of constructive criticism would be greatly …
sentimental / semi-mental twitter: @aprilxcv All Poems Copyright 2014 © April Joy
La Jongleuse
The Habits of My Heart
United States    "You made the flowers grow inside of my heart again."
Gwen Whitmoore
butterflies in my brain
Atlanta    infp, cancer, feminist, cat owner, beatlemaniac, vegetarian, reluctant sports fan, disney freak, writer. i hope to live in amsterdam with a lot of cats someday. …

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