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 Jan 2014 Jaz
 Jan 2014 Jaz
You can’t push me down
You can’t make me hate myself
You can only make me hate the blindness of other people
And their idiotic need to push people down like they were tears
You want to be the highest on the power ladder
Instead of climbing you force other people down with a kick in the face
But you can’t push me down
You can’t control me
I am my own master
What you personally think means nothing to me
People like you mean nothing to me
Nothing at all
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Skylar Del Re
Words are just words
Unless there's feelings behind them
I can't stop loving you
But you hate me
Which feeling is behind these?

Words so sweetly heard
And so delicately placed
Words filled with love
Words twisted with fate

A word so deep and kind
With broken hearts dragged behind
A love so strong and true
Completely lost in you

Forgetting of the past
To build something to last
Forgetting of a we
That was never meant to be
Never for you
Never even for me

But the memories run dry
Like the tears in my eyes
Words to heal the past
Words meant to last
Words to soothe your soul
Fill all the space of the time to unfold

A strength growing a new
All because of you
This fire burning away the pain
Saving the sanction of my brain

Love so true in you
Knowing the sweetest words
Will always be the opposite
Of your old lies untrue
That you spoke to me
When all I did was love the heart in you

But at last we have found our closure
Full exposure of what we held so much closer
A memory of you
Will always ignite me
And imploding explosion of light to grow
To heal what's buried so deep inside my skull.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
The Noose
 Jan 2014 Jaz
The Noose
She looked so defeated
Lying on that filthy stiff mattress
In a dingy room
With no furniture
Light or life
The walls were sticky with bleakness
The atmosphere reeked of poverty

Clutching her throbbing belly
Cradling nothingness
I prayed she would not cry
For I would not have been emotionally equipped
To handle such state of affairs
Face swollen, skin inflamed
Unbothered by her unkempt hair
A slight tremble in her voice
My heart sank and burned a hole in the floor

The sound of the small television
In the corner
Sliced the silence
My mouth was dry of words
If only I could shove my hand
Down my throat
To pluck the right words to say
Out of my core

Words of sympathy can be an insult
When nothing you say
Can lessen the hurt
I said nothing
When our eyes met I said all I had to say
Inspired by someone I know very well whom I went to visit after she had a miscarriage.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
rained-on parade
 Jan 2014 Jaz
rained-on parade
I want to tell you

Everything there is
to know about me.

About how I ran from
the highest hill down
to feel the air push
me behind.

Once I bent down
before God
and asked Him to give me
death over happiness.

I used to believe that
dust was nothing but
dead memories
fallen away from us.

I will tell you everything.
If only you asked.

Because I want to.

I want to give you
a piece of my mind.
I want you to get
inside the mind that controls
this melancholy body.

I want you to get
inside the chambers of my heart
and wrest dark secrets
from its broken symphonies.

Fix it.

I will tell you anything.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
rained-on parade
I hear some music
muffled away
in the dark
evening sky.

And I get the feeling
that I want to
love more
than hate.
For all the people who have known me, know what a ****** up spiteful year 2013 was.

Reading this, I feel positive myself.

My resolution for 2014: Run with both legs tied together. Eyes shut. And arms open.
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