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 Dec 2013 Jaz
 Dec 2013 Jaz
traveler of souls, a
looking glass shattered,
the infected cracks
murmur to my eyes,
telling me more
about myself
than the
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Sits down with the nervous ping on the skin and
sits shivering in the warmth of confidence
and the concoction of nervousness.

In a few moments, what could be but
a few minutes to that of a few hours
the two come to such minute differences.

A single move forward or the delay for
a major progression can lead to the
end-all for one or the other.

In every move comes that sense
of instant regret, that maybe I should
have done it all different.

Maybe in that idea I spun the web to
catalyze my own structure, safety, and
the units of infantry.

In silence, the heart screams against ribs
and the mind plays it off as though it
were really okay all along.

This is not the sort of sport for the weak.
This is not the sort of sport for the scared.
This is the hardest game ever constructed,
and only the defiant and the brave
will take on such a risk.

Congrats on the new world Champ, Magnus Carlsen. Incredible to watch every game and see both sides struggling to be the best, and good job to Anand as well.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Matthew Walker
we place immeasurable weight
on worthless unnecessaries
mindsets carousel pointless
reverberation off desolate hearts

school, jobs, money, houses,
cars, clothes, shoes, religion, media,
materialistic vacancy

food is waste
shelter is empty
water is dead

I don't want to survive
if I'm not alive
 Dec 2013 Jaz
 Dec 2013 Jaz
You want a place in "My Heart"
But the room’s not vacant yet
You see, I would love to occupy you
But I’ve got unfinished business
My last tenant was a trip and left the place a mess
I’ve cleaned up some, but I don’t know how long it’ll take to clean the rest
And yes, I’ve noticed that your room is already cleaned from your last guest
But my room still has bags left
I guess it’s safe to say my last tenant left more of a mark
You still wanna see the room?
Okay, where do I start
Half of this **** don’t even work no more
And I would hate to put you here when it’s cold
Cause the heater broke
So I’m sorry if I’m not being warm enough for you
But my last tenant made me something like a different dude
So I’m more cautious about who I rent my space to
So I’m sorry I can’t love you like you want me to
But my room just got too much junk in it
And I just don’t think its enough space for you
So sorry but my apartment's closed
Even though I hate to say it
After I sort things out I’ll look you up
Hopefully you’ll still be Vacant
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Cas Morgan
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Cas Morgan
i didn't cry today
my mother did though
she says i've changed
it happened a long time ago

my thoughts are sad
they burn like coal
my words have changed
i am not whole

my wrists are sore
decorated red with fear
or is it blood
i won't last a year

i haven't eaten today
my ribs are showing
i smile at my reflection
my future is closing

The day has come
i have gone to sleep
my mother cried
i'm just another soul to reap
 Dec 2013 Jaz
 Dec 2013 Jaz
honest hospitals
no need to be afraid you
are already dead
another haiku
 Dec 2013 Jaz
diseased cure
 Dec 2013 Jaz
i always romanticize
those past moments of
what i believe was
untainted happiness
because i am stuck in
the discontent of the
present moment, but
i'm always discontent
in the present moment
because i romanticize
those past moments
of what i believe was
untainted happiness.
i try to take life by the
throat but i don't have
the energy, and i don't
have the energy because i
have been trying to
take life by the throat.

i'm stuck in a cycle.
i am a fallen creature
and no amount of
effort or escape will
ever change the fact
of my dissatisfaction

but maybe i need
to give up and
accept that i am
dissatisfied, then
and maybe then
will i become
life is a paradox
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