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955 · Aug 2015
insignificant significance
I am
A drop in the ocean,
A speck of sand in the desert
Another star in the constellation
A strand of hair on Samson’s locks
The’ ONE Bill who opened the gates of technology,
The’ ONE Tyra who opened the banks of glamour,
Heck not even,
The’ ONE mouse that made its way to the English proverbs
Unfortunately my life may not be that important!
Along the path I have Grown to discover,
Come to love, hate, and reserve and uncover,
If my name was written in this big rock of recognition,
I would live and idolized and immortalized,
If my name was written on the sand
The wind blows it off!
Blow it to all the corners it blows!
And there my name touches all the corners,
However insignificant the twinkle,
However unworthy the speck,
However minimal my drop,
Without it nothing will ever add up,
731 · Aug 2015
Face my demons
When we have too much to bear,
And think to drown them all in the beer,
When we hide our past mistakes in a hive,
But only realize that hives attracts the bear,


Our present begin to hunt,
Our conscious stat to haunt,
And our surroundings begin to taunt


our burdens become too heavy,
Always stumbling on our paths,
As we watch our backs to see if it catches up,
Building lies in place of other lies,
Always finding the perfect lie each time,

And soon,

Honest questions become like double edged swords?
Sincere concerns become like suspicious curiosity?
Genuine concerns become like knife like stares?
Silent whispers in the wind like back stabs?
Suddenly realizing we are slaves
Of our past and our present
Don’t you want to break from this *******?

Facing the demons you created.
sometimes we live hiding the truth, living a lie that might catch up on you... yet you dont want to face it and start seeing people in your shadows...
731 · Oct 2015
Deep within my soul
Deep within my soul
Some mysterious force on the loose
Pushing me to put all my weaknesses into use
Though I got my own burdens
But I see people overloaded
I shed tears but a lot of people bring them down like showers
Because of fear
Fear of the unknown
Listen carefully and you will hear them when they mourn
Hearts turned cold
Same ignorant folks, same negative attitude
From the young and old
Things our fore fathers foretold
Things you will never understand till you grow old
I got to ask myself, Sit here and watch this drama unfold?
I can’t wait till my anger ferments
These are my own feelings I challenge
Because I got a soul to protect
To save a sister and a brother
Give them power
Love like no other
Break them mentally free
Like that bird on the tree
Raise my self esteem
Sip some wine change my state of mind
End all my mental fights
Embrace for something right
Something that we all going to like

— The End —