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 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
I'm reckless, I'm crazy,
I'm letting go of this daydream,
I'm drinking, I'm smoking,
I'm hoping people won't notice,
I'm selfish, I'm stupid,
I'm ****** off with cupid,
I'm hoping, I'm praying,
This craziness is decaying.
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
I will be honest,
I'm not sure what stings the most,
The tears or the shame.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Luke Reed
I’m a verbal chameleon, feeding on and leading onto what comes next.
I’m a lexical shape-shifter, made swifter by the twitter of your vibes,
Your guise,
You guys.

My political agenda is neither right nor left behind.
I’m blind to colour but not colour blind,
I’m not pigeon holed, fully sold or moulded on someone else’s dream.
I’m simply,
From them,
From you,
From me.

When now becomes nowhere without here and now.
And “unite as one” is paraphrased as a power phrase.
Let’s unite as individuals on separate viduals to overthrow ourselves.

Don’t follow crowns, clowns or crowds.
Don’t follow punishments, covenants or Governments.
Don’t follow Religion.
Don’t follow Science.
And especially,
Don’t follow me

Because I’m a lyrical paradox, toxic and hypnotic to even my own thoughts.
Copyright Luke Reed March 2009
 Jul 2013 Jay
Dalton Burnett
You see the soul that's torn and cold,
Where demons lurk with tales untold.
The idea of speaking and letting it out,
Shall forever fill this soul with doubt.

To confide in another and lay it all to bare,
They'll take on this burden or they won't care.
Why then should it speak just to bring others down,
Or talk to the walls who don't hear a sound.

Don't ask this soul if it's doing alright,
It hurts more to hide it than it hurts to fight.
This soul won't confess and let others in,
It will lie in its' longing until the bitter end.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Balancing Act
 Jul 2013 Jay
I started picking up doubles
So that I won't step outside the confines
of home & work because without that
***** uniform and these worn in walls,
I am a broken mess & I'm so sick of
lying drunk and high in random beds
at the edge of my life,
teetering back and fourth like everything
is balanced on the tip of my nose
and too often I drop it
While I simultaneously lose all
of my friends to an other bad decision
In an other sketchy bedroom
With an other broken body
And an other aching soul
 Jul 2013 Jay
Wedyan AlMadani
 Jul 2013 Jay
Wedyan AlMadani
As I blew my twenty birthday candles
I blew away my pain along the old love songs
I blew away the memory of where I used to belong
I blew the late nights bongs and cigarette smokes
I blew the spattered glasses and the charcoal ashes
I blew my scattered dreams across the galaxy
I blew the ghosts that haunted me day and night
I blew the haze of your love stains
I blew away the past, the memories I never wanted to last
I blew the pain of twenty year that were shattered like glass
My birthday was on Monday, my god it feels like a step closer to death.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Kayla Emily
 Jul 2013 Jay
Kayla Emily
breathe in the air
can you smell fear
along with despair?
inhale the polluted oxygen
society left an unhealthy scent
one that you cannot forget
 Jul 2013 Jay
 Jul 2013 Jay
One moment we laugh, the next we cry
Invigorating this emotional rollercoaster ride
So slow going up, so fast coming down
Young hearts breaking at the speed of sound

Slapped in the face by the experience of life
Unwarranted emotions of hatred and strife
Roundabout the station we begin to ascend
Straight down then curve as our minds warp and bend

Terror overpowers and tortures our souls
As we reach our ****** of out of control
Attached to life’s rails we’re moving so fast
How long can we expect this passion to last
But nobody wants this ride to be over
It’s all so intoxicatingly sober
Traveler Tim
Re to 11-17
 Jul 2013 Jay
 Jul 2013 Jay
Lately I’ve been thinking
about the water,
and the way the waves swallow the sand.
And I’ve been thinking
about affection
and the way one feeds from it –
drinking it in, soaking it up,
and then draining it from their pores.
I’ve come to realize the idiocy that is affection,
and that love is the precious moments
that hide under your pillow.
I’ve been thinking that love is
a facade,
and that the sand may, in fact, swallow the waves.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Paul Hardwick
Just need a little space right now
hydroponic gardens, and all the plants that do not know
which way is up, or in which way to grow
no gravity to give me mass, so I flot around inside this tube which splits space from me
inside my uni of my mass.
I did say I am very surreal.  SEams like something DOCTOR WHO would say.
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