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Dec 2014 · 278
Javier Garza Dec 2014
This key to my heart is long lost
No way of breaking the walls of stone
This soul forever hidden

No heat can melt this heart of steel
Deep inside only frost and power,
Not even the brightest of stars can thaw this being

This shattered broken boy rebuilt at last
The strongest of hammers can't break him again
Rebuilt to his formal power and glory
No man alive can hurt him again
Dec 2014 · 205
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Through the heart it goes
Through the soul does it hurt

The secret kept in
The pain it holds
The lies the dark mind spews

In love was this foul act committed
And through guilt will it burn the very being

Will he speak?
Will he brand himself?
Or will he remain in silence till death?

Let god know of his cowardice
Of his malevolent character
Not here with this man who holds the truth
The power, the secret that is vital as it is painful

May god show no pity on his soul
He'll burn in hell
Re-love the very moment that at its time was heaven, but now is the very hell

His secret,
Their dark act,
Her end,
My secret
Dec 2014 · 435
Javier Garza Dec 2014
The fight has left me
Can't take anymore
Too much pain to bear

Cornered now, whimpering to the shadows
What I've succumb to
A mere shadows of the fighter who I used to be

Ready to give up
Waiting for the next blow
Just end it all

The hope I had is gone along with my pride and strength
I've been stripped of everything that defines me
I have no power
I'm just another broken child

Hang the noose,
Tighten the chains,
Doesn't matter
Lacerate my skin,
Burn my soul,
Just end it all
I'm already broken
I just wish for the peace after death's eternal sleep
Dec 2014 · 279
Rotting Shields
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Can you see them?
The cracks, they are growing
How long before I shatter?

I'm falling to pieces, do I hide it well?
With dark circles and bags beneath my eyes
Can I make it through another day on my feet

So paranoid and cold as usual
Does no one see the truth?
With so many lies, how long can I keep this act up

I'm breaking from the inside out
On a path of self-destruction
Will I open up to stop the breaking, for self-preservation?

These shields are rotting,
My defenses falling
Will anyone strike mow that I'm so vulnerable?

What's happening to me?  
I thought I was stronger but my mind betrays me,
My scars shout in vengeance

I'm falling, breaking down
Finally reached my end
Is this where my story ends?
Dec 2014 · 287
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Feel this cold embrace
let it surround you
At the end of the day you have nothing
No use om breathing on
You've lost the fight
Breaking down until you snap,
Wish to stop  the shattering?
Just accept this freezing embrace
Cold steel can surely split the pain
If not, at least purge your soul
Dec 2014 · 383
Javier Garza Dec 2014
I won't speak out of term
This pain sealed within I will hide
Just to make you happy, just to keep the peace

I will not show weakness
These tears  I shed, I'll hide from the world
This I do to show you strength, to appease you

I will not rebel
This poet and artist will remain to the shadows, dormant from all
Just to not catch your sinister eyes
Just to not be hated

I will not be happy
This homosexual will remain dead
Just to not cease to exist
Just to be noticed

This life I will not cherish
I'll seal the casket to fall asleep
Just to escape the searing pain that you give
Just to at atast, obtain peace
Dec 2014 · 228
Rusted blade
Javier Garza Dec 2014
You dig them up from the grave, you send them to break my resolution
You always bring on the streams of pain

Never once cared to show love
You're a rusted blade that digs deeper with every insult

You bring down my masks
Show the true face behind the smiles the laughs
Breaking down my walls is what you do

Never once did show pride in me
You cut through the stitches
Reach the veins to slice them all

You make me back to that little boy who wanted love
******* me down
You take my strength away is what you do

Always bringing rage in the end, its all been about you
As you burn deeper into my bone your thirst rises

Rage is what you instill in me, leaving behind a shadow of resentment
You put out the fire which I worked so hard to light up is what you do

Never bringing hope, always at the bottom  of the darkness
You're just another rusted blade
Another cursed scar
Dec 2014 · 258
Dear Father
Javier Garza Dec 2014
All I ever wanted was to be protected
To have someone who could defend me
All I ever did was fight on my own
A war of all against one

Always thought I needed no one
Didn't think I could be so weak again
But seeing you proved me wrong
Where were you when I needed you?
Did you not care that your son fought the world alone?

Wore the mask each day
Told the lies to everyone
Until even I believed them
But the nightmares came,
Where all I had was myself
No one to show me what it meant to be a man

With no role model,
I found my own path
I pretended to not care,
But instill cried when I heard you never wanted me, you left me for them

You as much as my mother both broke before I could even stand
You took away my parents
Left me to myself
Stole the arms which were meant to hold me when the storm came

Well the storm had passed
And I still needed you
But now, it's I who doesn't want you
So leave again
You're a stranger
Nothing but another disappointment
Just a long forgotten nightmare
Dec 2014 · 246
Strong as Glass
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Lost myself, fell from once mighty throne
Became a fragile glass boy
Yet I never gave up
Kept on fighting
Even if in the end I made mistakes

Always hidden, mysteries that held power
Lost it all as my castle crumbled
I became human
Yet I still fought this war
Belligerent as ever, I strove to win
Although I only ended losing almost all that I love

Always smirking, confidence on display
All faded away
As the truth arose
It was all fake, lies I made to stay strong,
Still cried when I accepted the truth
Still stood as tall as possible,
Awaiting the next challenge,
Even though I failed

Once feared and hated,
Others began to sympathize when they learn of my silver scars,
The weakness was on display
And I began to seek help
Let those in who loved me
Put each broken glass back together
Still cracked, but strong enough to stay together
Dec 2014 · 285
Javier Garza Dec 2014
When will you learn to keep your mouth shut?
Continuously you shout and spit on others.
Don't you see that that which you hate the most is what you really are?
A ****,a  loner, a bully.

Ever wonder why you're so alone?
It is because all you do is lash out and sting those who love you.
Anyone wishing to get past your barriers, you strike without remorse.

Finished crying out your eyes?
Bending to the will of the blades?
Confirm what we all know.
You're weak and a coward.
Too selfish to see beyond yourself.
Happy now that you have no one?

When will you see things as they really are?
You are nothing.
Only a broken waste of space.
The ones that you love, also loved you.
An ungrateful *****.
Do you honestly believe that bleeding will keep them here?

Are you finally pleased?
You lost everyone that could possibly love you.
Now that you have nothing.
Not even the blade to comfort you.
What will you do?
Dying would be too easy.
Not enough punishment.
So live a life that is dead and filled with agony.
You brought this upon yourself.
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Favoritism, what a great way to treat kids
Pick your favorite, forget the others
Make them hate themselves
Let them cry alone in the night

The twinkle in the eyes,
The twinkle that shows pride
How that mere thing can be something for which a man yearns the most
He'll never have that twinkle
He'll never make anyone proud

Pretend they don't exist
They start to believe it
They begin to bleed just for someone to notice
No one loves enough to stop the bleeding

Insult after insult
They hide the bruises
The cracks it makes on the soul
No one sees them drown in their depression

Parents leaving when children start to die
Returning to find the undead
The gods of the past
The protectors of the young
They are not God
So ask Him for forgiveness

Notice who they've become
See their marks
See that fire that makes them fight
The pain didn't shatter them
Just left them forever scarred
Dec 2014 · 464
Javier Garza Dec 2014
You ruined my childhood
Set the road for adulthood
You showed no mercy
Expected me to feel no pain

You messed up my thoughts
Didn't care that this war was pushing us apart
You had no remorse
Thought I wouldn't suffer

Favoritism was your way of raising us
You had no idea the blade had taken me
Wanted me to not complain and agree
Wanted me to live without a heart

You drank most of my life away
Couldn't see my pain and blood stained shirts
Alcoholism was your answer; you led me to my crutch
Blood is the price paid to not feel pain

But now the years have made you weak and soft
Think that you can treat me the same but expect more
Don't you see that the gap is too wide now?
You've taken my innocence, heart, and soul

Stripped me of my humanity and yet you expect and angel
The least favorite and strongest of the three was always me
Now you hope for your son back
Your pain has molded me into a monster

Keep on denying me, lie all you want
All you're achieving is losing the only only person and ever knew and loved you
You're lies and secretes will come to the light. you've lost your son, you lost his love

Now you demand love and compassion
Don't care for the struggle I'm suffering
You fear what you've created, you fear me
And its my turn to be selfish, it's my turn to end my life
You brought this on, you're the one to blame
Dec 2014 · 359
Javier Garza Dec 2014
This blissful ignorance is what blocks the pain
It shuts the mind and turns me numb
Free of all the blame

The perfect world is what my unconscious creates
A barrier of thoughts
Blank stares to freeze the insults

As it slowly shuts itself out,
It sacrifices itself to shield me
Losing control and loosing myself in this sea of nothingness

Insult after beatings
No marks are left
The blades forgotten lost deep in the blank abyss
No new scars to show the spoils of internal war

Just this broken being,
Frozen near the edge
When will I rid myself of this hell
Of this halo of ignorance

This fog crawls forward
Engulfing me in the safety of its arms
Slowly dying to shield what's left of this shell
Dying to save someone who's already dead
Dec 2014 · 219
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Sometimes we wish to forget, to not remember those faces that no longer want us. We hate being part of past that they want to hide. Hate being thrown away as if our feelings don't matter. We try to shove those memories away because we know that we are the only ones who treasure them. But in the end, we're just left with bitter memories of happier times.
Dec 2014 · 199
Javier Garza Dec 2014
I really needed you,
But you weren't there
You said you were my friend but you left me

I lay here broken and shattered, who can I let in now?
Who will hold the pieces together?
We made promises of eternity, tied our souls
But somehow you managed to break your oath
When things got rough you packed your things and left
Leaving nothing, not a trace
Now here you are once more, laying flowers on my grave
Why have you returned? You didn't care when I cried your name, Didn't look back when you heard me shatter

You already broke your promise, allowed me to swallow those pills, cared not when I slit my veins open
Yet here you are at my grave, and all you have for me are flowers
I thought you were my friend
Dec 2014 · 195
Javier Garza Dec 2014
Look into my eyes
See the pain locked away
Know why I hide so much

Feel my scars
Don't you sense the anger that split the pain?
Understand why the silver lines stay

Find me in the woods
Witness each silent tear fall,
Know why I'm so cold to the world

Feel my heart
Can you see the cracks caused by the chains?
Now you know why I must be so strong

Look into my eyes
See the fire and determination inside of me
Know why I hope and fight so much
Know why I'll never give up
Nov 2014 · 259
Burn Bright
Javier Garza Nov 2014
It's when my emotions are pure and vivid that I need to write before I need to bleed. I'm here sitting in front of the fire, watching the flames flicker; it consumes the wood. Just how I wish to die, my souls engulfed and I cry a silent cry. The tears you can't see, are buried deep inside of me. My horrid past, why can't it burn and never exist? I hate my life, my mother I lost her. She doesn't want me; hates the being that I've become. She can't accept me. My brothers who I raised, who in a way became my sons, will I ever see them? If I don't love my mother, at least I know that I do love my brothers.
I wish I'd never spoken, that I'd still be in my lonely prison within me, I wish I'd done what my mother wanted; after all, she's just as misunderstood as me. She's innocent, the cruel world has just confused her. But does that justify the hell she's put me through? does it erase the tears I shed, the abuse I lived?
My old crutch the blade, it tantalizes me with sweet relief. But that's part of the past.
Part of the hell I now live in. The battle's inside, no one knows but I'm at war. I'm being torn apart, but this time, it's on my own accord. what do I want? My old life with my mom and brothers? And to have to weep the silent tears and fight the blade? To hold back, take refuge deep inside? Or Move on, leave all of them behind. To start again, alone?...
The fire it burns bright, the heat, it's so pure. Death I see in the embers; life reborn in the ashes; the fire comes to an end. Where does that leave me? A troubled teen staring at ashes? Or a fool that doesn't know how to live again; awoken from the living dead and to speak among the living. I take a gulp of air. Of life, I'm alive and though I've suffered, time to light a new flame. Make it bright and hot. Let it burn and light the night. To rise from the ashes and Burn Bright.
Nov 2014 · 231
Darkness' Path
Javier Garza Nov 2014
Evil has molded me to who I am
Darkness the keeper of my heart for too long;
I'm sorry, this is what I've become

I see fear in my mothers eyes
No warmth nor love lies in them

They sealed me in the hell I wish to escape,
Threw the key away, certain that I can't change

My soul has been corrupted pitch black
My stance is that of a belligerent demon

This monster within, is not who I truly am
Just the face that Evil has given me
Just the path that Darkness has chosen for me
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
School Sanctuary
Javier Garza Nov 2014
I hide my soul in these crowded hallways
I smile and wear my mask.
You see me smiling and laughing
A result of the suppressed hurt inside.

I bury my heart in these heavy textbooks
Forget my scars as the bell rings;
Forget the self-loathing that still burns my wrists.

I escape reality with each friend I greet
But the solitude returns when the door closes as the final bell rings.

I leave myself locked in classrooms
Throw the key under essays and calculus assignments
Smile as my final tears of the day shimmer unseen by those who pass.
Nov 2014 · 192
Javier Garza Nov 2014
I can't see the future so i wont pretend
It's close, the time for amends

Right now I'm full of pain
My attempts for love in complete vain

Don't know which way to turn
Is love something you earn?

Not sure if I'm wrong or right
My heart, it gets so tight

Don't know what to do
Love it's so confusing, who ever knew?

It's close and oh so powerful
The consuming knowledge is so wonderful

I know I'll soon have you,
The one who's right and true

Just a matter of time,
And then you'll be mine

You're everything I ever wanted
You're the reason my mind is so haunted

I was forced to grow
The pain i lived through, no one will ever know

The ground it was stained not only by tears,
But also by my blood and deepest fears

I know it'll soon come to an end,
On the blade I no longer depend

You're the one that will save me
So that it can be

It took ten years,
Filled with nothing but tears

So i could see the light,
Even through the darkness of night

See me smile and laugh,
Now I'm ready to love

I just have to wait,
I know you wont be late
Nov 2014 · 176
Javier Garza Nov 2014
Lost myself, fell from once mighty throne
Became a fragile glass boy
Yet I never gave up
Kept on fighting
Even if in the end I made mistakes

Always hidden, mysteries that held power
Lost it all as my castle crumbled
I became human
Yet I still fought this war
Belligerent as ever, I strove to win
Although I only ended losing almost all that I love

Always smirking, confidence on display
All faded away
As the truth arose
It was all fake, lies I made to stay strong,
Still cried when I accepted the truth
Still stood as tall as possible,
Awaiting the next challenge,
Even though I failed

Once feared and hated,
Others began to sympathize when they learn of my silver scars,
The weakness was on displayed
And I began to seek help
Let those in who loved me
Put each broken glass back together
Still cracked, but strong enough to stay together
Nov 2014 · 199
Love of the blind
Javier Garza Nov 2014
Trusted you with my soul
You burned all my bridges
Gave you the key,
You wrecked every train of thought

Always had your voice raised
Bleeding ears that suffered insults

Let you in,
You flooded the ventricles, stopped the pulse
Surrendered to you,
You left your mark with crimson ribbons

Never gave a gentle touch,
The bruises you loved so much faded, not the scars

Began to fight for myself
You knocked down my ground
Tried getting back up
You broke my legs

Fear soon began to set in
The hunger for pain made you into a monster

Raised a hand to block the abuse
You snapped my strength with the cold blade
Finally screamed out into the dark for help
You shoved me off the cliff, into eternal sleep

Did nothing but see my love,
You now only see my broken body
Oct 2014 · 225
Javier Garza Oct 2014
A lost puppy, lost his home where he belongs
***** and unkempt, the pup hides in the shadows,
Looking for a matter that can show love

With an injured paw he searches for anything to quench his hunger
Finds none as night falls

Though the pup whimpers and cries, he goes back
Injured, hungry, and lost, he goes back to the monster he calls master

Even out in the rain with still no food nor warmth,
The pup remains loyal
For it's his love for his master that keep him alive
Apr 2014 · 615
Throne of Fire
Javier Garza Apr 2014
I fell from my throne of fire
Lost my crown
My subjects of hell reject me
My kingdom crumbles to dust

My palace is gone
With it the deep sorrows of darkness
This ****** land, no longer mine to command

I lost my power
Weak and renounced
No souls beneath me who fear me
No strength in my hands, these are no longer my lands

I fell from my throne of fire
I lost it all
Let me just burn
Let me just die

This Palace of Sorrow no longer claimed by me
These lives to rule, are now free to be
Let me just burn
I lost my throne
I lost it all
Let me just burn
To escape my biggest fall

— The End —