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Joseph Schneider
Leipzig    A collection of not very good poems by a not very good poet. Read my blog if you think other types of writing could be ...
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
Ben Ditmars
Human poet transfixed with love.
Amitav Radiance
Welcome to my world of poetry. My writings are a simple way to express my thoughts and ideas, which emanates from the journey of life. ...
Christian Escandell
Miami, FL    "The Pen is sharper then a Sword" ... and yet the paper doesn't easily crumble.
here and now    unparalleled pathos. redefining the embodiment of my self and mind. my writing is the only thing i cling to. reminder: these poems are my property. ...
Linguist Musician
orlando    Ive Wriitn Enough To Start A book,And Need To Show The World What I have Inside,My Deep Thoughts follow on instagrams! @Linguist_Musician
Philippines    I'm a little girl with great big plans. I wrote about what I feel. I want to own a library. I have this shirt form ...
Mrs Ashley Somebody
27/F/No longer wandering :)    Joined September 14, 2013. | Changed my meds and now I think I'm back to how I was before my writer's block—will I be writing ...
Alexis Martin
just writing a bunch of words down
PH    @cringecore
East Coast    somewhere between hollow and hallowed. all the poetry i post here is original work.
St. Louis   
M/Bedfordshire, England   
SG Holter
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise ...
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
Aylin Soto-Aleman
20/F    I believe I'm still shy but I'm more confident than ever before. I finally learned to love myself. Thank you all for your beautiful words.
Parker Vance
Baton Rouge    I write as much as I can.

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