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700 · Mar 2015
5AM Cries
Taylor Hill Mar 2015
It's late.
Many tears have fallen,
But I still cannot escape.
You're always there in the back of my mind.
Which is probably why I can't breathe.
This white box can only hold me for so long,
These restraints, Cat Got Your Tongue
The words, eager to please my suitor,
May never leave my lips.
They tell me it'll be alright,
But sunshine is nowhere in sight.
Deep down, I drown
I'm gasping for air,
All you do is stare.
Are my cries not dire enough for you?
Shall I sit on pins and bleed through and through?
Go ahead, Walk away.
I know nothing I say will make you stay.
But I'll spend the rest of my days
Hoping and praying for sunnier Mays.
April was grim
And the 20th is dim.
I know no matter where I go
You'll be there rain, sleet, or snow.
636 · Feb 2015
Had I Known
Taylor Hill Feb 2015
Had I known I'd never hug you again
I would've held on tighter.
Had I known I'd never hear your laugh again
I would've told more jokes.
Had I known I'd never hear your voice again
I wouldn't have hung up.
If only I'd known.

Had I known you'd be leaving
I would've followed you.
Had I known you were lost
I would've found you.
Had I known I'd never see you again
I wouldn't have looked the other way.
If only I'd known.

Had I known , mom.
I could at least say I tried.
Had I known, mother.
I could at least have told you how much I Love You.
*But I didn't know
My mom passed away about 5 years ago, and I'm only now learning how to cope with it.
630 · Mar 2015
I Apologize. . . kinda
Taylor Hill Mar 2015
To you i'm just some girl,
some girl who broke your heart and left you in two.
you can hate me, and swear at me, and talk all About me.
but that doesn't change the fact that you lovEd me,
or even still do
*kiss emoji
583 · Feb 2015
Taylor Hill Feb 2015
What's been missing in my life is you...
But being me I was too afraid to swoon.
'If I fall will he catch me?' And if he doesn't where would I fall?
But if he does, my God, if he does, I could quite possibly be the happiest woman alive.
Instead of falling I ran
Into another guy's arms
His aren't as warm, his voice isn't as soft, and his word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
I could've, should've, would've done
A million other things. And if I could go back I would...
But our love is forever baby, always has been.

Always will be.
526 · Feb 2015
My Narcotic
Taylor Hill Feb 2015
Take Me.*
For those hours take all the pain away.
Look at me and say
"I Love You."
I never believe it anymore.
Just make my body sore.
Let me breath you in.
Fill me with your toxins.
I'll itch and itch,
Until I get my fix.
If only this could last forever,
But that wouldn't help whatsoever.
I guess I'll get clean,
And be happy- or seem to be.
Then when you get her high
I'll just sit back a sigh.
Reminisce of our times.
493 · Sep 2015
The End
Taylor Hill Sep 2015
Yea you really ****** me.
Mentally, physically , but most of all emotionally.
Got Me questioning my every move.
No no no, not that dude.
But why not?
Because he's just not you.
But goodness, what do I do ?
when you're the only one I want.
The perfect font,
you get my juices flowing.
So creative when you're near me and can't help but sing a song.
Smoke and use my **** , get so high I lose sight of what goes on.
I pleaded and cried , so crazy I just wanted to be your bride. How stupid of me to think that you would ever do such a thing.
But nah, you left me hangin'
Alone and broken, and all I'm sayin
Is , if you never loved me
Why'd you ever say so?
Silly me, how crazy of me to think
That you and I could grow greater ,
stronger and live longer as long as we were together.
But still I wait and hope that in the days without me you'll see how insane you are ,
that just like me, living without the other is just preposterous.
I was so ready for us.
I fiend for us.
Although nobody agrees with us I still believe in us !
You touched me like no one else could, so deep inside me ,
yanked out my heart and set it to the side. Caught me by surprise, I still can't quite understand why.
All the signs were there, friends told me I was trippin and to leave you alone but you were my *****, made my body shiver
That **** must've been something amazing
Cause got ****, it still got my mind dazing.
And even though you ain't around I want you to know I still got my smile.
435 · Apr 2015
No Emotion
Taylor Hill Apr 2015
I've got a fractured heart,
The pain I feel- I cannot part.
Though I've tried
And tried to suspend,
I'd rather **** than feel again.
368 · Mar 2015
; (10w)
Taylor Hill Mar 2015
Life would be empty without you
                            Thank you for *staying
358 · Mar 2015
One Of 'Em
Taylor Hill Mar 2015
Just some silly thing.
One of those crazy, Not really gonna go anywhere things.
Anyone can see we aren't really meant to be,
but in any case. That's why i'm rarely Around.
you were something i didn't expect,
and Now. . . it's *dead.
#random #NothingSerious
323 · Mar 2015
You Sir,
Taylor Hill Mar 2015
You Sir...
You were my first love.
My first everything, my first- because
You Sir...
You said everything right
And with you, there was no wrong
You Sir...
You gave me light.
Gave me dark, gave me pain, and slight
You there with the big hair,
Shiny teeth, and a heart that will never be
Longing for me...
I still think of you through the night
And I know, deep down, we weren't right.
But sometimes I still hope
And sometimes I smoke ***. . .
But not to forget you,
To remind myself, I have someone better than you.
Good Luck To You Two.
Sometimes it's hard to get over the person you fell for first. . . But once you do. . . You allow yourself to find someone better. #Love #InspirationThroughPain
277 · Apr 2015
10w - View Me
Taylor Hill Apr 2015
See me for who I am, not what I've done.

— The End —