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 Mar 2016 Jamie
Sad Girl
A Must Read
 Mar 2016 Jamie
Sad Girl
She's a beautiful being
much like a flower,
from which I could learn,
examining for hours.
I admire her smell
and how she speaks of me,
the knowledge she carries
makes one feel less lonely.

From her crown to her toes
she is lovely and free,
a companion that was placed here
for irrational me.

She speaks like the wind
knowing I am delicate,
drops petal-like compliments
that I consider reverant.
She seems like a sea
in which I could drown,
a pure contribution
on this heavenless mound.

I know her as I know myself;
or any book from any shelf.
Open it up and read just a sliver,
ask your questions-
she'll surely deliver.

She knows when to play and when to relax,
she understands my being-
reads through the cracks.
She understands the importance
of an honest, open heart.
She shares my love of music
and creates striking art.

At times she makes me feel
as though I am the advisor,
but I have read a few pages
from her and feel wiser.

I've never quite finished
any book that I've read,
so I'll put the books down and
read into her instead.
 Feb 2016 Jamie
The Ghoul
 Feb 2016 Jamie
There are rumors of a ghoul
Who stalks abandoned places
They say he is never full
And he wears many faces

He can hide in a memory
While you visit a loved ones grave
He can hide in the obituary
Of someone you couldn't save

He can feast on the living
While he is fed by the dead
He can constrict your breathing
If he can get into your head

He can eat away dreams
And leave behind despair
He'll split lips at the seams
To hide that he's there

His games are the worst of all
He'll pretend to be gone
Then laugh as you fall
Then he'll keep feasting on
 Feb 2016 Jamie
Victoria Queen
The thing about Love is that it swallows you whole,
rather than taking bits and pieces at a time.
It does not ask permission,
it does not knock and wait for you to answer.

Love does not ask if you are ready,
or come at the right time;
it does not settle for
"maybe," or "almost."

Love does not rest, or
soften its grip.
It is not patient.

The thing about Love is that it
crashes through you like a wave;
it fills your lungs, breaks your bones and
drowns the cage around your heart.

Love destroys and rebuilds at once,
and I'm not sure whether to smile
or ache.
 Feb 2016 Jamie
Tafuta Atarashī
Excuse me miss,
My name's Joseph,
And yours is?
I saw you across the way and just had to do this
I don't mean this to be the average
spontaneous compliment
That you must receive on a daily basis.
And so, may I have a moment of your time?
If yes, let me start with your eyes.
 Feb 2016 Jamie
Louisa May Alcott
'Beds to the front of them,
Beds to the right of them,
Beds to the left of them,
Nobody blundered.
Beamed at by hungry souls,
Screamed at with brimming bowls,
Steamed at by army rolls,
Buttered and sundered.
With coffee not cannon plied,
Each must be satisfied,
Whether they lived or died;
All the men wondered.'
 Feb 2016 Jamie
it's ok
 Feb 2016 Jamie
it's ok
we live for the weekend
and all the days in between
I'm not alive just to survive,
We live for the night skies and
We live for the morning breaks.
 Feb 2016 Jamie
Stephanie Lynn
to grieve the loss of someone alive
makes me wish i were dead
facing fears we once faced together
i face alone instead
the unthinkable had to happen
though it'd been a long time coming
now the dust has settled
i'm no longer left wandering
i couldn't say goodbye
i couldn't even look at your face
the hole left in my chest
is such a hollow space
it was the opening of a door
that was meant for my way out
the one i had refused to open
i'm now being pushed out

i've seen four stages of grief
up until this moment
and now the only one left is
it isn't any less hurtful than the other four
and i've return like a stray
staring at the door

but it's not to be opened anymore.
(C) Maxwell 2016
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