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 Apr 2016 James Walker
Got Guanxi
You been suicidal so long now,
that you forget what it feels like
to actually want to die.
O Heavenly Creator
I fall upon your grace, love, and peace tonight, work within them.
Please touch my brothers and sisters heart tonight, and every night.
I see your love in them all , just calm the storms within them now.
My heart breaks for their pain, you O Lord do the impossible now.
Heal them of everything that is hurting them at this very moment.
Rescue them, keep their Light from being put out by their anger.
Just restore them and lead them through this darkness to the other side.
Then bless them use their poetry here to heal and bless one another.
I pray this in Christ blessed name amen.
The sun's shone and gone
Nighthawks have flown

Fireflies switch off and on
As night sings it's song

I'm gonna run free tonight
Running free with twilight

I'm running free tonight
Gonna get my delight

Moths all around the street lamp
Frogs screaming out of sight

Black cat dashes by
Oh ! My oh my !

I gonna run free tonight
Without the moonlight

Running , Running , Running
So free tonight
 Apr 2016 James Walker
A band without an audience
Two thousand years of history
An amphitheater
Vesuvius still is trembling
It always echoes through time
Eternity on the run
I hear down, down. Down, down.
The star is screaming

It shares its greatest secrets
Its always us and them
And in the end
We're only ordinary men
How do you feel?
And if your head explodes with dark forboding too

From the dark side of the moon
We'll set the controls for the heart of the sun
And call to you across the sky
We end to become echoes again
At the glory of our music
 Apr 2016 James Walker
I feel it again
A seething, writhing
Burn me down
I see it again
In myself
And I'm afraid
Maybe dreams that help me live
Make me die

I punch the walls
That I'll become
Concrete walls
I'm not afraid of pain
I hurt myself
My emptiness
My busted knuckles

I am again
Leaving my imprint
In these walls I see
These walls again
As I have always been
Will always be
Residual memory
A movement with no feeling

I strike at walls
That trap me in
My hands broken and ******
I'm not afraid of pain
But I'm petrified
Of life like this
My busted knuckles

I'm afraid instead of becoming you
I'll turn into a wall
Maybe hard to comprehend. The king is not a simple man
I got 0 confidence
0 u say
Plz I feel good about myself
Ur over  urself
0 would mean I would
Self harm I don't
Even think of that
You all bring , Great Joy to me your encouraging words.
For your words are beautiful, but your friendship is Great.
I have been so blessed, but getting to know each of you.
You each have truly blessed me as well as inspired me too.
You are all very amazing people, I want to thank you all.
For you all are very special to Christ and to me, friends.
I just do not want any of you to forget the most important thing.
That each of you , are truly gifted as well as being amazing people.
Today I am happy
That's all I have to say
Even though
there are dishes in the sink
and my milk's gone bad
A nod to the poet David Lehman who made himself write a poem every single day for a year to make poetry more accessible, part of the everyday, and demystify the notion that poetry has to be pretentious.  I encourage you all to try it!
 Apr 2016 James Walker
two loves,
two lives,
two more to protect,
two more to put in danger,
two more to fail,
two more to bring me to life,
both different,
both loved,
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