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When the wind blows, the sky glows.
Then the trees move in an ever longing fashion
I feel the breeze against my skin and suddenly
It takes me to eternal passion.

I have trust in all that surrounds
and feel the earth as one
the need for peace it hounds and hounds
but still we pretend it’s done.

All is won in our minds eye
but we now know better
to keep a watchful one
because she’ll steal your life if you let her.

It’s all in our heads, so they say
and peace will prevail someday
that day, I pray comes soon, for we
can’t afford to loose another precious moment.

I see the trees, they are free, just like you and me are meant to be.
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
I lay down under the scorching Manila sun
It feels something like searching
for solace in discomfort.
Eyes clenched.
My body sinks into the earth.

I want to breathe.
But the air is dense here
And my every other breath
is diluted with smoke.
These lungs push into the
walls of their cage;
Eyes clenched and anxious
waiting for the day to end.

But tonight…
I will run alongside the wolf,
Follow her as she chases the moon,
Mimic her proud howls to the sky.
Tonight I will run alongside the wolf,
Follow her until I’m lost in the night
And search for her shadow in the sunrise.

I will breathe.
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
v V v
He used to think he had it all
and then he did -  and didn't want it anymore,
so he gave it up to climb the rocky coast inside his mind,
where days and nights were lost between
his thoughts and empty bottles.

He sat and listened to the surf collide below,
the years would pass, in time
the wind would tell him he could fly,
her voice the voice of angels with the dawn,
he stood and leapt into her arms
everything up to now
has made me
who I am
~ perfect

not focusing on the pain
of the past
but celebrating me now
~ perfect

not caught up
in the worry of the future
but celebrating me now
~ perfect

the shadows show up
when I need to release them
then I feel the pain in the now
~ perfect

who I am
celebrating me
in the now
~ perfect
© Delores Wiltse June 2010
Watch it won’t you?
My heart beating,
Throwing itself against my chest,
as I hear the words you say

Feel it won’t you?
My heart tugging
Desperately struggling in its fleshy bounds
Reaching out with clammy hands, only a child would own

Listen won’t you?
My heart thudding,
Each beat a cry,
For a touch, a taste, of forbidden happiness

Love me won’t you?
My heart spluttering,
Last beat straining,
Last look loving.
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
A J Ward
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
A J Ward
Your hands are mirrors.
Hide your eyes behind them.
Welcomed with open arms to the world of vanity,
an arrogant grin peels open from your face.
Your background Ignored: a blurred oil painting, timed anti-clockwise.

There's a blot on the canvas -
care to repair?
The painting develops into a framed photo.
Love caught in a blinding flash.

The ink blot re-emerges,
the photo dribbles black tears.

Abusing Respect,
Your eyes undress wondrous possibilities,
Running away from a portrait, streaming thick droplets chase you.

Desperate to feel whole again?
You selfish little boy.
Memories scare you
you turn to your mirror for security.

As the clock hand turns faster,
your body will jolt
at the sound of ringing realisation.

You never realise what you have until you lose it.
 Dec 2011 James Lindsay
The time will
present itself
when I should want to keep my head.
When my stomach should be calm
instead of gently churning.
When my tongue
should bend and twist and tut
at my command, instead
of swelling uselessly.
When my feet should follow
one before the other
in a seemingly well-rehearsed
line instead of lazily
trudging helter-skelter.
The time will
present itself
when more problems than
solutions fill this wine glass
to the brim, and my mind
will wail for lucidity.

But that sensual time
is not tonight.
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