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Hollow-minded without a thought,
A numb mind assesses the world.
Amongst a static hiss of sound
Against feet untouched by ground
Demoted to the empty void of blue

An empty mind impotent of thoughts
A happy mind blissfully ignorant
An unconscious mind rendered numb
A dumb mind assesses the world
The Lady is a month to me, A title and half her name;
Her mask sustains the mystery, the beauty beneath the chains.

The pompous men explain, about Christ in all his passion,
But they know not the pain, of a life spent folding napkins;
To serve and serve in silence, with no whisper of complaint,
The quiet of a painting and the patience of a saint.

Hold her petals gently, lad, but the stem you must grasp firm,
My Rose, a perfect pupil, never shy to grow and learn.
I'm sorry if I crossed you, it was only with respect,
As every rogue treats treasure, we must mark it with an X.

I could only give you words, and sadly I have known,
In truth what you deserved, was a kingdom of your own.
The maid will get her palace, and her carpets crimson red,
Fine wine in her chalice and gold ropes around her bed.

But first, we'll to the ballroom, along paths with gems inlayed,
The bedding will come later; there's other games yet to be played.
We'll dance there, Miss December, On the garnet tiled floor,
And every stance of mine will render, Love incarnate; underscored.

I know I wasn't perfect. No, your Highness, not the best,
And though I haven't earned it, for your kindness I was blessed.
So now lend your Bard his drummer and he'll sing for you a tune,
Compare your eyes to summer, if your name was Lady June.

Yet, I think the winter fitting, and I do not mean the cold.
For I'm on concrete city benches sitting, dreaming of your soul.
I sit beside a western shore and look at western seas,
The water has no more joy for me, the Lady's in the East.

The poem turns to rambling, but I'm half-drunk and it's late.
I only hope she's understanding, what my garbled words would state.
You know your Master's only letters, not a thing to see or feel;
And though I can't do better, at least for me, the words were real.
Fare thee well by islets of time,
Beauteous blooms of fragrance; of thyme.
Gliding symphonies beckons thine eye,
Gentle minds float toward sky high.

O cues sung by the siren, allure!
Once, fusion of reason borne pillar.
Twice ponder, may our paths entwine,
Thrice to act, unlike the tranquil Seine.

Like angelic enigmas par Euler,
Soar upon the painted auric frontier.
Air fresh: an ebullient morning dew,
Wisdom: moisture for the thirsty few.

By spring fountain, if thou art inclined,
Bright sparrow among the bovine herd.
Lo, argent quarry of dust- liquid guile,
Behold, product beyond thunder- gale.

Scents of lavender assail thy sleep,
Euphoric dreams, we welcome with glee!
Sleepy horizons, a glorious dawn,
Morning filled with a trillion suns.

Some time, some day: travel the stars,
Mortal shackles unchain my awful maw.
Pupil of Aristotle, Darwin, and Vinci,
There lies truth; a transient hierarchy...
The passing strokes of my heart remain
on the canvas of the world.  
Waves of love watch
as it paints an ambitious mirage,
faintly touching the realms of comfort.

Where does the beginning of dreams blow?
to the west or the north
Today’s pain seeps upon the seconds
and I breathe a sigh
into the winds of happiness and warmth.

The small things, once again, float
into unlit frames
that looks into your eyes
and then the worlds.
While our spirits refrain from wishing lies
were not deliberately told.

Light swears it is hungry
and doesn’t know
it is flickering like a faithful poem,
pushing to speak out
about itself.
Traveling along with truth
that has been tossing stones.

Lyrics say I love you
and then cry to the back of guilt
because it stared at you in a sense of wonder
when they were wrote.
In an atmosphere
without meter or rhyme.

The taste of a glimpse of wings
leaves painted lips
dancing in the flames.  
Unbound memories are more than we know
when everything is fine
is only said in shame.
You’re always laughing, always walking, always singing, always talking,
As long as you’re around, I won’t leave this funny town,
No matter how much I want to flee.
They won’t come for you and me.

It’s strange how this love happened,
So spontaneous and rapid,
Unlike me in every single way.
You showed up out of nowhere and the heavens sang some hymns,
And now the monotony of life has begun to dim.
So yes, darling, please hold my hand we’ll make the break and take a stand even as the time makes us discreetly yawn…
We will be quiet rebels ‘till the dawn.

Because the night is where we thrive,
Away from humans civilized,
Our love is silent and it is so obscure.
And on every other day,
We meet beside the bay,
And watch the ripples scatter in the glassy sheen.
And that’s when we heard the townspeople all scream.

My father leads the pack followed closely by my mom,
Your mother is crying and whispering some prayer.
Your sister’s looking guilty and my brother’s looking ******,
My grandmother is shaking her small fist.
I clutch tighter to your hand, whimper terrified and sad,
Knowing the end’s coming inevitably…
You lean in close and whisper, “Run with me.”

And so we do, hand in hand, making footprints in the sand, not caring if they follow at all now.
Because we made preparations,
This is cause for celebration!
We’re ready to escape this ******* town.
Where mothers can be mothers only if they are with fathers and fathers have to wear suits every day.
We prepared to outrun the grey.

So there it goes, the gunshot,
Though it is by my hand,
And my mother collapses in the sand.
She says, “I know this was important, but nothing is ever worth this,”
My father gently purses his old lips.
Soon a second gunshot and my love falls down with me,
And from his family’s side a cry of agony.
With only moments left I look into your honest eyes,
And with my heart my body slowly dies.

We were always laughing, always walking, always singing, always talking,
And as long as you were around, I couldn’t leave this ****** up town,
No matter how much I wanted to see,
If the world could handle you and me.
Certainly time will blow the memory
By and by of our existence away.
Only our shadows will then remain verily
In words and deeds, anyway.
Few our efforts and names will recall in this place,
Nonentity or celebrity, king or slave
And even the affluence in life now displays
Will surely melt and slide into darkness itself,
For despite the greatness of our achievements
Into oblivion all men shall sink
While the gist and praise of today's glories
From distant lands someday will echo back.
We're born to die once and die to live again,
Yet none shall live more who die not born again.
Copyright *I'd rather be a fool: poems for the dynamic spirit
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