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Jul 2015 · 794
JAM Jul 2015
Some of us just wanna live
Some of them just wanna die

We'll do things they never did
They do things we'd never try

They look for beauty like it's been hid
We look for beauty in the holders eye

Most of them will have some kids
Most of us will stay kids flying kites

I just wanna be
You just want me to never leave

I just wanna plant this seed
You want me cause I'm what you need

- J.A.M
JAM Apr 2015
I can't wait to get off that plane
Kiss you, watch your face turn red and
Let the endorphins flood your brain

It's sad to know three days later I'll be gone
Not sure of when I'll return again

Too good to be true could fit this situation, but there's nothing "too good" about it

The lackluster notion of how much is just wants floating around in our hearts turns me to stone and I keep reaching for something to give me some type of leverage on reality

So much of me is magnetized to you, yet so much of me has no clue

What it's really gonna take to make this real, what it's really gonna take to make or break our ordeal

I'll let it run it's course, but I can't act surprised
When everything I want drowns in the blink of your eyes

Nothing ever gets in my way if I really want something, but your not just "some thing"
Your human, you have your own wants, your own needs, you have a heart, and you have feelings

I'm gonna do my best to make my chest a place where you can frequently lay your head to rest


I want nothing from you, but if you want you can be everything to me

Now if this wasn't ******* corny enough, than I don't know what is....
Unfortunately I love you to death and I'm just "thinking out loud"

Sep 2014 · 423
Why Don't I Trend??
JAM Sep 2014
Nothing to read here.... Just wondering why.   I notice if I constantly post, I trend, get 'likes' and Comments all the time.  I guess I'm just expressing what it's like to know how political and influential others are to what gets read and what doesn't. Unfortunately, there is so much artistic and expressional work on this site that never gets read...
Aug 2014 · 423
JAM Aug 2014
Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing
But a bad thing could be a good dream
Let the wind blow and let the heat release
Pressure on the seam needs to be relieved, so let the stitches rip and throw away the pet peeves
Grant a breathe to whats left and let it breathe

Give up a little bit, give a kick to your troubles kid and just walk this earth with intent to live

Some... Someone once told me
Some... Someone once showed me
One... Once upon a time
Someone told me
Not to pay attention to time and just live boldly

Give a lil' bit and get a lot more
Hear the clock click as the ship hits the shore
Now your livin'
Now... What more could you ask for?

Stress may get the best of the best
And the luckiest may become unlucky and be quickly laid to rest

Just continue to stay stationed
In a venue where your complacent
As life falls into a crevice adjacent...
Aug 2014 · 567
Thoughts on Paper
JAM Aug 2014
I fall in love with my ideas at night
Call upon smiles and tears my of life
Its all ups and downs, lefts and rights
Grippin' this beer doesn't helps me keep up the fight

I sever my truths and lies,
So no need to use a disguise, but some will never know who and who's  not on their side,
It's A Matrix type surprise

You'd think so much expierence
Would leave me fearless, but the world is deaf and nobody hears this

Drip, drip, drop.
Is it blood or rain, no one can explain their plot
So I sing, sing, sing along cause it wont be long until I'm skippin rocks in a pond
Wishing I could light my own fires and drop my own bombs
Few can relate to the way my thoughts detonate so they try to separate reality from fiction with great debates
Makes me feel awkward as ****, like I been stuffed in a locker and im stuck, but I could shift this ****, if I just had a proper clucth
So...good luck... tryin to relate *******, i got more miles on me than interstate truckers
I help the devil sell dreams to crippled human beings that know what it means
To need to feed cause we feign to bleed
On my nightstand lie a couple of things, 2 sticks of lung disease, 1 magazine and 1 pic of a dead human being
Jul 2014 · 554
Writers Block
JAM Jul 2014
Every now and then when you can't eacape through your pen
When there's no letter to send, no heart to mend, you can't pretend
That perhaps you might just wanna collapse cause you feel so trapped
Like your foreheads been stamped, with "out of order" cause the light bulb won't light up in your lamp...

Jul 2014 · 487
Food for Thought
JAM Jul 2014
Not spoiled or rotten, but I might be rotting
Cause I'm everything you never wanted, but you got me
Turning the page... as the page flipped you metaphorically shot me

A quick shift of the hips, as you puckered a kiss, you needed to turn the page so you licked, your thumb and your fingertip then gave it a flick

Tell me, tell, tell, tell me... What you thought I was
Tell me, tell, tell, tell me... Everything you want cause
I'm right here... Right, right here my dear.

The way this was written is so descriptive you might as well have a prescription of your own incentives, but instead you dismissed it for a place in the fake heavens with the rest of those *******

Jun 2014 · 531
Standing Alone
JAM Jun 2014
I stand beneath the sun
Clenching teeth just for fun
Leaching bogus conundrums
I get clumsy cause I can't run
I'm not smart, but I'm not dumb
Leave me a piece to eat
Even if it's a crumb

JAM Jun 2014
From time to time , there might be a hiccup in my giddy up, leaving people patiently waiting for what? ... Like they have a plate of pancakes and I'm the last drop of syrup.

Birthday cards.... Anniversary cards... a personal letter...
I feel the pressure
To do better and better

There is no more "xoxo, love Joe"

I have no daughters, I have no sons, but I do have loved ones
Ever since I started to put in verbal/written efforts, I've become bummed

Give people an inch, they take a mile, all the expectancy has started to pile
Like ... you wrote that for him/her, what about mine? with a lame smile...  -J.A.M
May 2014 · 363
The Blame
JAM May 2014
Well get a load of this lil lady
It was far from a maybe
when I called you my baby, but lately
Since you claim I'm acting shady
I've feel like it's yours and my time we're wasting, even though I was patiently waiting to continue creating
Things were so simple all we had to do was keep behaving
Now I point the finger at you, you point yours at me and it's eachother we're blaming...
May 2014 · 400
JAM May 2014
You see these lines on my face right?

It's probably cause I only sleep three to four hours a night

Wish I had the gift to see, wish I had the gift of sight

Instead I've been given this gift to write

So each day my day starts at midnight

Wish I had the sense to leave when it's time for flight

Instead I've been givin' the choice to fight, I've been givin' the choice of life
May 2014 · 275
Do You Get It Now?
JAM May 2014
Soon as you think you just might have things locked down
Is when all of those things break free... this is a good thing

Do you really want a pre decided life based on something
your mind once entertained as "the goal"?

Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions will always change...

There is no finish line, there is no goal.

Whatever you believe in and however you feel about certain things at this moment, will change, and that's a promise.

All you can do is exist... You can, love, hate, laugh, struggle, fight, and even try to fly without wings. In the end your still a human being
Apr 2014 · 406
JAM Apr 2014
You watch me go out that diner window
As I jump on a bus to go fullfil my goals
You know it's better this way, but your sadness shows
There's no more hopeful hope fors
Or closed doors, this is one big force
A hit to your body, the pain pours out your pores

This seems to be one of those things that couldn't happen in your wildest dreams
Yet you have a tendency to mislead
It makes it hard to breathe

Makes me wanna swing my fists
It's not a lack of intelligence
But I can tell you dont get my gist
Don't worry I'll make this severance swift

Mar 2014 · 444
JAM Mar 2014
We should and shall recognize the greats
The ones who made barriers break
The men and women who changed the way we think
The influential, the leaders of changing perception
To be like them, we need to both remember and forget them
To understand, but disagree
To move forward and progress
Use the tactics and influence
Use the knowledge and power
Use these tools to attempt to be better
In order to be great ourselves
We must break our own barriers
We must change how people think
We must influence
We shall disagree only because we understand

And we will move forward

We will be better

Mar 2014 · 539
Just Stress...
JAM Mar 2014
I wish I could distain this pain that I feel right now
Take and break the picture frame of this dark cloud
Change or rename my own name right now

Just to escape for a minute, to be free instead of stuck in it
Tired of the chase to win it, sick of the race to the finish
My free flight to live... is nobody's business

I ask with manners and say please
But still get thrown to handlers with ease
Cause peoples standards change like the breeze

Why would you ask if I'm upset when you clearly know I am
Why would you interupt while I'm attempting to do all I can

It's either I hang on for the ride or step to the side
I have no ego, no pride, I'm just trying to live my life

Mar 2014 · 740
JAM Mar 2014
I slip away into my thoughtless bottomless pits
Give way to effortless thoughts that still persist
I live days with stress, but live nights in bliss
And I play even when
Even if.. the record skips

I Cross my "T's" dot my "I's "
Slip into the abyss of lifes lies
I **** every verse so I drive
Around in a hearse with a casket full of words
Whatever it's worth, it's worth,but ever since birth
I curse myself, but curse you first
I enrich my life with poor decisions
Then levitate inbetween the space of the floors and ceilin's
Greetings from hell my dear
Wish you were here
You probably can't see me
Cause I make myself clear

Go ahead wreck it... I just go ahead and wreck it
I know they don't expect it, so I just go ahead and ******' wreck it
Not what they expected from a man that's diseased and infected

It's no wonder...some people wanna go down under
Not to Australia, but 6 feet deep beneath where you slumber
I'm not outnumbered, but it's my time to speak cause they called my number
Then they ask I put on a mask and chop up this cop like I'm chopping lumber
All while I walk these streets with bare feet and attempt to feed my hunger

It's one of the most deadly effects of time
But don't worry you got defects and I got mine

Misinterpretation is so common
Speculation becomes a problem
Here's some equations... Now solve em'
A plus B equals you and me
D minus C is backwards chemistry
**** it...
Just pass that glass of Hennessy
Watch me go from being an *** to being friendly
Sit back watch me bypass the many

As I...

Wreck it...

I Go ahead and wreck it... I just go ahead and wreck it
I know they don't expect it, so I just go ahead and ******' wreck it
Not what they expected from a man that's diseased and infected
Feb 2014 · 490
Verse 7,864
JAM Feb 2014
Im not sure what world, which worm hole I came from
Seems like anytime I try to see eye to eye with anyone
I'm wrong they're right, I look then get blinded by the sun

I can write songs
But I can't right my wrongs
I'm begging for a magic wand
As I flick my last penny into this pond


Please... Oh please
Lock me up and throw away the keys
Let me rot, let my existence cease
Maybe, just maybe
That'll bring me peace

I don't mean to seem so dramatic
I just like to abuse these words
Call me a word addict
It feeds me the mental protein
I need just to procede to make these proceeds
To be able to leave early
like my last name was Ledger and my first was Heath
My mental health is weak
and I swear these elve's are casting spells on me
Cause I know my brain is rotting
My vision is getting spotty
Instead of sayin' i gotta "****" I say "*****"
It's like I'm five yrs old again being punished cause I was "Naughty"
Ain't it gnarley the way I keep gnawing
Away at this bit bit like I'm starving
Got the munchies, but can't eat, my stomachs still crawling

I don't pay no mind to the daytime
Cause everytime the undefined lines
In my undefined mind start to shine


Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Lovin' The Obstacles
JAM Feb 2014
It ain't alwayls all good     in hollywood
I think you got the lights and cameras     misunderstood

Your either rich and famous or your broke and nameless

If you find treasure there, make sure and claim it

I would if I could    but I'm sinking on a ship just off shore
All from doin no good     and takin' a sniff of somethin' too pure

Everything in between is just ways to the mean
And every other thing just might seem, like a golden light beam
Givin' me the light thats green,    but it's the red light I shoulda seen
Now I'm at a crime scene    lookin' at a body as its soul leaves
watch them clasp for that last breath then I feel deaths cold breeze
I realize I should've stayed at the party
At Corey's
maybe even had someone hide my car keys

Now the police
Are gonna check    My blood alcohol content
There gonna search my car next,  
find the pills,powders and forged checks
What can I do now      except.....
Run! ....  Run! Run!
3 min later I'm hidin' in a   tree fort
K -9 scratchin at the   tree bark
Cop lights shining through the two   by fours
Head for the hills head for the forest

Its all the bad decisions that brought me here
The thoughts in my head and words in my ear
Escaping capture doesnt mean I'm in the clear
I'm probably gonna spend the entire next year

Trying to shoulder the bolder
That already ran me over
Shouldn't have let those ashes smolder
cause the heat just made things colder
Keepin up the run just to be run over
Theres no beat or instrumental to be sung over

Clearly you've run into you .... Into you, into yourself
Oh ****! Me runnin' in to me my own worst enemy
How shall I now procede, I cant move I can't speak , what the **** is wrong with my two feet?

Who knows....

I still Would   Never, never, never

I would never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
I wont rearrange extract or change a ******* thing
I will never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
Not one thing in my life
I'll still die laughing
Even if I die tonight

I will continue
To misuse
Abuse the excuse
Just to refuse
The fact that I even tried to make an excuse

I called it a reason cause I was reaching
Fell to short to excede my own region
Vultures in the sky watchin' me lie half alive still bleedin'

I don't know if I'm gonna make it past this one
Either shes about to sing or the fat lady already sung
Everything I had tied together has come undone
Under one thunder proof roof in a thunderstorm

But I can't complain, I love the drama, I love the rain
I love the electricity of the lightning makin' this blood pump through my veins

That's why
I would never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
I wont rearrange extract or change a ******* thing
I will never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
Not one thing in my life
I'll still die laughing
Even if I die tonight

Ok, okay
Next test, the next step, the best relief of stress
Except this is not a passable test
But the only way to move on is to accept
The fact that I might be a devil's reject
I take a moment let myself level and reflect

Ok, Got it....

I have....

No jack,no bean stalk, no golden eggs
Just me, my talk, my walk on both my legs
No tricks, no gimmicks, no magician with cards already positioned
I will attempt to fix but not relinquish the hand I've been given
Cause no matter what this mother ******' world keeps spinnin'

And I'll say it again...

I would never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
I wont rearrange extract or change a ******* thing
I will never change a thing! I could never change a thing!
Not one thing in my life
I'll still die laughing
Even if I die tonight
Feb 2014 · 629
Rough Draft
JAM Feb 2014
Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

Give me
Stability, when this bridge is weak

I'm lookin' for a platform to stand on
As this lifeform hits its peak
Not inside, but outside, the norm of normal looks for a barrier to breach

Steady as I wobble , you take from my hand, but still.. I... am... a handfull
No push, only the pull... no life left in this knife, the blade clearly is dull
There's no safe, no lock, no code... Only thing you need to crack is my skull

Not how am I, it's how are you doing, how's life? how's time moving?
Are you sick... of the *******? How's barely gettin' by going?
I'm not one to prove while improving, just tryin' to get by while keepin' ongoing

My mind took off
My body stayed put in the loft
What about me makes you think I have the self control to keep from goin' off!?
I'm a mental slob
My brain just oozes thoughts
I don't think, I just act, like that one time I got mad and slapped my boss!!

So here's this...

Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

Obviously aware of all these lessons, I keep stressin'
I might not even have a steady vocation or profession
No sleep even when I should be well rested
I even hate the attention,
But I purposely leave words worth the mention

Now lets just question
The difference between hell and heaven
Whats the difference between an "L" and an upside down seven?
I have no religion, so what's a priest, what's a reverend?

Put it this way at least... Lettin' my mouth off it's leash
Will allow me to speak loud enough to speak my peace

Everytime I fade in
I fade out
Everytime I fade out, I still fade in its just about

The 'who,what,why,where,when??.
How can now be going back to then?
I must be runnin' in ******' circles again!
I lost the dice I tossed to the wind
Maybe I'll give the wheel of fortune a spin
And if it's fortune I win, I'll consider myself fortunate then

Give... Me... Somethin'.... To burn
Without smoke from the chimney, I'll make a fire with words to create heat
I'll just take and keep what's within reach
Even if it's the world beneath my feet

I... Don't... Want... To ... Earn
So without a landing beneath me, I still dive head first when I leap


Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Edge of the Pier
JAM Jan 2014
You might never understand why I walk around with clenched fists not open hands
Cause the unplanned always happens and ***** up my original plans

Maybe if I was rock hard tough I couldn't
Be bent
Concrete enough to be
But these are all just thoughts to

Another extra expense, still lookin' though my cracked lens, I dont need your 2 cents
Do I even make sense? Can you understand the irrelevance or you still on the fence?
Here I am
Still clenching my fists waiting in suspense

Jan 2014 · 411
The Mirror
JAM Jan 2014
Simple to unsimplified until you realized you were believing in your own lies
Took off the disguise looked in the mirror and saw your own eyes
Not one, not two, not even three try's could materialize the ideas you try to rectify
Please specify

What I... am

If I... can't

Recognize or at least be hypnotized to believe in lies
I'd sometimes rather be stupified than be the wise
Instead the unclear gets by next thing you know it's not him, but me that died
Not her, but you that cried, not exactly what I
Visualized, it's just mental excercise for the unjustified to be justified

Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Personal Awareness
JAM Jan 2014
Branches break, the earthshakes
But not from earthquakes or big shifting plates
Its the mistake you made
That made your foundation break
That put ripples in this once calm lake
So... Now
See here, before you see there
Be heard if you cant actually be there
Now that your factually aware, you should see clear
That your still
miss, miss, missin' the point
Still tryin' to avoid coming to terms with your void
Your an adult now, no more toys
Make sure your words are properly deployed
So hate that developes can be destroyed
It was..
We make decisions that we know are regretable
Were gonna have to eat whether or not the food's edible
But you can always break the mold and throw out the stencil
Just look at my ways of creating gold with the tip of my pencil

Jan 2014 · 1.8k
Relate To Me
JAM Jan 2014
I won't beg or borrow, but I'll barter
I'm the child of a deadbeat father
Made my early years hard and that hot seat hotter
Everything between just built my strength and
Made me smarter

All I need is these words to fall into the right hands, then ill be a made man
Cause when I push, I push harder than the pressure of water,
against a **** dam
When I fall I get back up and stand without the help of a helping hand
I won't wear their brand or be governed so **** uncle Sam

These lames wanna try and put the blame on my name and make me feel the shame for the blood stains,
On the mattress that lie between their bed frame
So I pack another duffel bag, hit the road and I'm rollin' stag
til' I build up the strength to take another stab and take back what I once had

The voice in my head has a voice of it's own and makes choices on it's own
I try to reach it, but It wont pick up the **** phone
This world can be a lonely home
I found my clone, he's stuck in another time zone
maybe I'll write him, when I write another poem

Dec 2013 · 721
JAM Dec 2013
Every wich way a switch blade cuts
The divets of the wounds give me a rush
Just enough too make me blush
Like...*******! can you really tell I like it that much?
Give me a bucket full of blood and a paint brush
I'll paint these walls, while you build a dutch
Never ever, lean on me cause I'm not a crutch
Dec 2013 · 502
JAM Dec 2013
What exactly do you want from me?
A frontal lobe lebotomy ?
Maybe a probe into the heart of me?

Every so called simple piece
Is more than just lines in a wrinkled sheet
Define what you wanna keep
Then add time to the quantum leap

How much time should I spend?
Shall I unwind or start to mend?
Just help me understand so I can comprehend...

Nov 2013 · 794
JAM Nov 2013
Why the hell do you care what I look like, I aint a ******* model
Im not employed by some type of boy toy brothel
Realize, Im quiet, but deafening, I go full throttle
Like a hit to your head with a glass bottle
YOLO?, **** that.. Im livin' like ten lives, thats my "motto"

Nah, ***** that, I have more bravado
So I'm gonna call it a "code", instead of "motto"
Just for sport
I get in raw mode, burn the lead in this pencil til' it's hollow
Go ahead sing your sorrow, but dont nobody really care if you wake up tomorrow

Like a comedian on stage gettin' boo'd
I'm about to start losing my cool, about to start gettin' rude
My mental median is the only thing saving you

Steadily, I'm knockin' out these scenarios alphabetically
Or was it numerically? Probably...
Nope... It's a science, call it chemistry
Putting together these words is my ability
And I know **** well I do it brilliantly

Nov 2013 · 947
JAM Nov 2013
Ripped... Ripped in half
****... I'm split, split down the middle cause of my past
Up a creek without a paddle, rocks ahead, about to crash
Wild horse, no saddle, how long is this rough ride gonna last?

Quit, quit! Your lying, aint no use trying
The fuse is lit and I can't afford the time Ive been buying
My pillow is wet from sweat not crying
It's a huge dent not a tiny ding, now I know the trouble the future brings

Ok, ok... Maybe I can handle it
Got a short fuse, but I can last like a lantern wick
But all the abuse has got me melting like candle stick

The fire's so hot, the fireplace mantle caught
Two hot wires put together to create a shock
Electricity is what I sought, but a small spark was all I got

So now... Now I eliminate, differentiate
Strategically place
The positives, I made from the double negatives left on my plate
Get what I'm sayin' , are my words starting to resonate?
Nov 2013 · 563
Title? Nope...#2
JAM Nov 2013
Now they both believe they're cursed
Everyday now seems the worst
Two people torn at the seems and it hurts

She misses him
He misses her
Logic kicks in there's no code to decipher
They both sayin' "what the f$@k we fight for?

Time to not be fake
Were human, we make mistakes
I'm positive everybody relates
So stack your problems and deal with what equates

Nov 2013 · 612
Title? Nope...#1
JAM Nov 2013
He might not ever get the best of her
She might never ever get the best of him
The phrase "hope floats" is like kicks to the shins

Hot, cold, rain or shine...
thats the weather and how the world spins

Bend, fold,try to intertwine...
live's together, cant tell begginings from ends

In and out
Up and down
Left, right, all around
They both start to recognize the sound

The onset of rot to rotten, remembered.. But forgotten
Like a drop of water to cotton, its absorbed, but drips keep droppin'

Heavily involved the situation had snowballed
As it dreadfully disolved, both wish the other still called

Nobody's fault, no reason to set the bar higher in life's pole vault
Tried stalling longer after already being stalled...
Its too late to light up these darkening halls

Nov 2013 · 750
I hate titling #3
JAM Nov 2013
I hope you dont think
My lack of consistence makes me weak
Cause if I stink
Persistence has a smell and I ******' wreak
Stuck in my speach,
Cause "I dont give a ****" is hard to teach

So each week,
that goes by the life inside,gets weak

So life I find,
sometimes is outta reach

But... Time passes,
the days get longer and longer

Lookin' for answers in a pile of ashes,
as the resistance gets stronger

It's time to unwind, but I end up crashin',
cause I wandered

Keep it sublime, let the clock move slow like molasses,
while I ponder

Nov 2013 · 701
I hate titling #2
JAM Nov 2013
If you got murdered today
Your family would probably hurt and pray
Shovel dirt on your grave
...possibly pay the debts you have'nt paid

Hopefully you've made a name
Hopefully you've played the game
Hopefully you've weighed the guilt and the shame

Now I don't hope, now I know you'll stake your claim

In between then and now
I'll sew tight the seem on your vow
Realize and redeem question marks you left after the word "how" ??

Click clack kerrrr Pow!

Every once in a while
Shivelry can punish a child

But give em' hope, give em' a rope

So verbal delivery can tame the wild
Call it "misery" call it "style"

This ain't "hot" so evidentley its mild.....?

Your not on fire, but 911 is what you dialed

Beginning to end, aint no trend like this worth your wild

Sit back...


Your alive... Smile

- J.A.M
Nov 2013 · 720
I hate titling #1
JAM Nov 2013
Bow to the strings
Three clicks of the drumsticks
Then the bass chord rings
The singer sings
The notes carry on with wings

Give flight to this music
Lock it in your sights then use it
Wrong the right, but dont abuse it
Day or night, just stay true kid

Whether your roped or cuffed
These stores are gonna open up
Break free from your half filled cup
Over flow your own, yeah fill it up
No matter how full you feel it'll never be enough

Even if your rich, even if your clock clicks and your bell rings
You'll never get sick of the rot this rich brings
Keepin your chick just to help sell things,
stable you are not,
your hopeless,
Your beat, your melting
Now you feel the heat that this hell brings

JAM Aug 2013
Without fail, I receive plenty of coupons in the mail
Everyday whether it's rain, snow, or hail they're delivered and received like wind to a sail

These discounts add up to savings of tremendous amounts
Of dollars, euros, or pounds
If I was a vampire on Sesame Street, I still couldn't count

What they say out loud never explains the fine print
Cause the pay won't make you proud and the left over pain charges rent

A trip to a dream world only ghosts imagine
The script seams curled and only boasts something tragic

You were promised a trip to heaven
And heaven is where you end up right after your murdered in front of 7-11

But before your ascension to the pearly gates
   A pit stop in hell is what your contract states...

The neglect of human life is what you didn't expect, but despair shows no regret
Don't forget... before you accept

Your ticket to heaven promises a pit stop in hell

Aug 2013 · 501
The 12 Steps
JAM Aug 2013
They told me to take steps one through twelve

off the shelves

Pray on my knees so I'm the same height as elf's,

at this height I'm smelling all sorts of new smells,

something moves me now, yeah, it compels,

so I'm casting magic spells

with magic mushrooms from hell,

I know I'm wishing in a pond and not a wishing well,

but I slipped and hit my head when I fell...
Aug 2013 · 601
Dream Quest
JAM Aug 2013
I felt complete yet, I started with an incomplete set

Long before we met...

I had a dream I sketched your silohette

I do my best to lay these thoughts to rest, but it's all insignificance

My hearts on a quest, put your ear up close and hear it beat out my chest

Like an editor puts an article into play

I'm gonna hunt you down, I'm the predator, your the prey

Aug 2013 · 1.6k
Words Worth A Thousand Books
JAM Aug 2013
On the morning of today I breathe lightly

At mid day I will break from thought and just be

Today's evening will creep upon me, the moon will glow and the stars will burn

On the morning of tomorrow I will awake and take a deeper breath

At mid day I will be in deep thought once again

As the evening comes I'll feel a breeze, relax and wait for solace from my day

I was told I have an icy cold heart...

Well... I think it's starting to melt from this fire inside

Aug 2013 · 1.8k
Jack & Jill
JAM Aug 2013
Jack and Jill were two mentally ill verbally armed cannibals
Doing there best to switch their diet to farm animals

They found this rough, like eating crackers with cotton mouth, this task proved to be little more than tough
They promised each other no more cadavers, but a month after this, they called each others bluff

Jack ended up addicted to crack, dope, and smack
Cause the supply of bodies was beginning to lack, spinning more off track
He began to look at Jill more like a tasty snack

Jill took the pharmaceutical cryptic approach
A pill could **** her flesh craving will and keep her from feeling like a post apocalyptic roach
She too was starting to drool and think of Jack like a snack bar,
and couldn't help but remember her first taste when she bit the arm of that high school track star

One night when Jack was asleep, Jill began to slowly creep
Into his room she crept as he slept stuck the knife in and drained the blood from his neck
Jack was gonna be her tastiest snack yet

Jill always seems to forget
Jack is always playing games and putting her to the test
She ends up paying, for Jack knew their growing hunger would soon cause a mess

Jack stepped out of the closet

Jill pulled back the covers to see she just killed her own niece
Jack said "Haven't you ever seen "Hannibal?". "If your gonna be a cannibal, you gotta be smarter than Clarice".

Jul 2013 · 614
J.A.M Talking To Joe
JAM Jul 2013
It's as if time lost is time spent even though we never spent a cent,
never really lived in the moment of it as it came and went

Sometimes the hill feels a little bit too steep
Makes you feel defeat before you've actually been beat
Not everyone is here to compete and all some people live for is the breeze after the heat

Perhaps you'll wanna collapse
Just thinking about mistakes you've made in the past,
but they're all just memories, you decide to let them live on and last

For any thing you learn
During your stay here during your turn
Think of it as priceless, don't just let the thoughts fade and burn
Prices have been paid, this mind state is something you've earned

This is me talking to you, this is you talking to me, this is me talking to both of you, this is both of us talking to you, this is us talking to us.

Jul 2013 · 489
Stellar Brain Cells
JAM Jul 2013
Yo... What up?... Sup? No... Really, what's up?

(I got a question for you)
Would you complain
If day to day I changed
Would your feelings abstain

(I'm not on a quest to bore you)
But, what if I showed up late... left you stuck in pouring rain...?
I might as well change my name to "the one to blame"
But I hope your feelings remain the same and don't ever change

You see, there's very little you'll understand about me,
I was meant to be something I'm not meant to be, so I fight it with every ounce of me
Sometimes givin' every ounce of me takes the bounce out of me and I can't operate properly

Yo... Can you pour a little more in my cup... I don't think I've had enough... I wanna feel like I can't move I wanna feel stuck

Jul 2013 · 683
Law Enforcement
JAM Jul 2013
Your always quick to tell me to get down, eat the pavement and stay down, but when I need you your no where to be found

Where were you last night when those ******* ran up on my grass
Guns drawn wearing ski-masks

Your quick to stop me when you see a minor mistake
Telling me run in's with you must be my fate
I had to take it upon my self and educate

Now I know exactly what you can and can't do
I have a powerful person in my corner and you realized it soon as I handed their business card to you

Call an audible on your play
The next time you wanna drag me away ***** up my day and tell me what I can and can't say

Rethink your plan before you ******* this intelligent man

I know people that will chop you up and send you home in a box
For a couple hundred dollars new shoes and a pair of socks

Some are good, some are bad, but mostly you all just make me mad... So **** cops!
Jul 2013 · 563
Clay Hearts
JAM Jul 2013
Hearts get cold
Hearts get hot
Some hearts get sold whether they want to be or not

Hearts can make
Hearts can break
Some hearts will just bleed out creating a blood lake

Hearts beat
Hearts weep
Some hearts are another's we want to keep

Hearts can't speak
Hearts will never say
Some hearts can be molded in many ways
I hold a heart in my hand and it's made of clay...

JAM Jul 2013
Would you say my words express possible realities
Resulting in different mentalities ?


Are they just written/verbal fallacies
Resulting in abnormalities of letters and words hoping to avoid any literary casualties?

How about both

Sadly, here you can only read it,
So you don't hear it, you just see it, but it's something I'd love for your ears to meet with

Nothing really can compete
With vocal manipulation of speech or how certain pronunciations can proceed

Living through a zub-zero temperature year is what it took for me to be able to reel in my minds cable and see clear
Avoiding a fatal crash I quickly grabbed the wheel to steer
Away from hitting a metaphorical deer

It's not a black cloud that hovers above me
It's god and the devil playing rugby
Every time I try to watch they just stare back and mean mug me

Two opposing forces going head to head?
More like a sorcerer and a sorceress sharing a bed

How many times can a bee sting if it's already stung?
None, it has a single stinger that's the only one
After that, the songs been sung and that bees life is done...

An answer to a question avoiding any deception just so you can understand the expression and find your own reflection

Jul 2013 · 607
Just Another Verse...
JAM Jul 2013
Seems like you had to wait for my injury to consider me a liability
Now you see that I'm no longer in agony

I'm not in arms reach

You'll never have in your arms the lengths
Something to over power my strength

Do you wanna get high?
Look into my eyes and search for a reason why...

I am like I am...    and he is like he is

There are laws I defy
Words I can't define and plenty of reasons I can't explain why

Sadly the resemblance
Barely compares to the relevance
If you pay attention to the details, you'll realize an elegance...

A plan, something laid out to withstand
Any accusation of any man
This is power
This is something I hold in my hand.......

Jul 2013 · 851
Medusa's Mother
JAM Jul 2013
A smug fascination with sub classification has left her alone in a parallel realm right above desolation

She walks alone and mumbles to her self
Trips, stumbles onto a past life she had placed on a shelf

Spending most of life slumbered
Lending her soul to demons, this widowed wife became out numbered

Every day she would watch the orange sun drown in the ocean just off the coast
Used to love all her friends, they would get together after accomplishments, boast, brag, and toast
But, being all alone was when she felt alive the most

Persistence has lent an idea of where she would spend her remaining days
Her existence was spent on the hunt for a precise place

An illiterate hypocrite under the spell of a hypnotist searching for something that doesn't exist
Now an illegitimate exhibitionist only wanting another hit,
Don't ask for truth cause it's something she'll never admit

Jul 2013 · 755
A Realistic Innocence
JAM Jul 2013
It seems like magic, the way we used to have it

No responsibilities, unaware of all our capabilities

The world was so much more mysterious

The second hand ticks away and the minutes that follow make up 86400 seconds in the day

Hours pass, days go by
Memories last and until the day we die

We try our best to stay strong, do whatever we have to, to hold on

To the things we love

Lines in our faces get a little bit clearer
Every time we take a good look in the mirror

Is the person you see, who you want to be?
Or are you living for someone else, not just physically, but mentaly?

Dig deep inside, rip out what you don't like
Throw it on the ground, step on it, cut it up with a knife

This is what tears away at your heart, this is whats eats away at your conscious, this is what makes you do all the things you don't really have to ...

The way we used to have it, wasn't really magic

It was pure, now that we are polluted we will spend eternity searching for a cure

At least a mystery will still remain...
Is this all just a big game?**

Jul 2013 · 721
My Meditation
JAM Jul 2013
My Meditation

I'm drunk on the 101, hopin' I don't see a cop before I see the sun
Always dancing to the beat of my own drum, but hey, I'm havin' fun!

I'm just a young man,
doing my best not to fall back into the trash can

That I came from, that made me tote a gun and steal for a financial fund cause that wasn't fun

I can be a little explicit, but it's my life and that's just how I live it,
I'd rather die chokin' on a biscuit before I'm fed *******

Exquisite and unique it's not my car or my outfit, it's the way I speak
Learned a lot of lessons so I got a lot to teach
Not one to preach, but your gonna feel me if I'm within reach

Painting an optimistic yet unrealistic picture play of a pessimistic set in an idealistic way

No, not me, just someone I see,

So I refrain from being critical I just stay literal, I just play the criminal,
and try to use my words to deliver a message that's subliminal

Maybe I should worry about just me,
Maybe I should stop writing and just be
Maybe I would if I could, but I can't so it must mean

I'm meant to do this...

Jul 2013 · 830
Pushing My Red Button
JAM Jul 2013
I'm beggin', begging... really really beggin' you... not to test me
My words are infectious and I have so many tricks up my sleeve

So many different techniques to make you fold
Tired of the possibilities you hang in front of me... ****'s gettin' old

And I'm sure, Oh I'm so sure you thought you had the lead,
but when you looked up all you saw was the back of me

Just watch how well I don't give a ****

What? You need an example, well here's a sample, nah better yet... a handful

I kissed you, you kissed me, I left you, you chased me
Trust, it's not how I wanted it to be
But I can't be locked in a box just cause you get lonely

People need air, people need their own time even when there's none to spare

An affectionate perfectionist, checking me in with a check list
It could only go on for so long before I would start to not give a ****

So now you wanna threaten me about tellin' people how you got the best of me
Keep it... You got the best of 5%, you never even saw the rest of me

The slander and random banter is really startin' to **** me off though

The last thing you want is to ***** with me, trust me your not ready
Embarrassment you'll bare if I open my mouth has no remedy

So... I'm beggin', begging... really really beggin' you... not to test me

Jun 2013 · 852
Extroverted Introspection
JAM Jun 2013
Inspiration gives birth to motivation and motivation inspires dedication, it's up to us to see the relation

They say patience is a virtue, but can you really be patient if there is no guaranteed future for you? Explanations are due, so we can all figure out the truth. How about life is a virtue..
stay true no matter what you gotta do.

Mainstream magazines sell dreams to pre-teens, tellin' em' how to think tellin' em' how to be,
wait til' they turn 18 and have to look for a job opening
so if we can't see..

Past a visual, we'll never get any real residual, life is physical, not some rehearsed insurance commercial

It hits hard, can trap you like an animal behind bars, discriminate against you and leave scars, we should pay attention to who we are..

So we can look past,
things that don't last

Find something concrete,
so no mistake can break us, no matter how incomplete

If you dig deep within' you,
you can live, keep and reap gifts givin' to you

We all have them, but it's up to us to reach out and grab em'

Don't ever think you know everything, we all have things to teach each other, every minute,
every hour, every day,  in every way...

Jun 2013 · 996
Attempt To Understand
JAM Jun 2013
I've tried to put it down, but it seems this pen is glued to my hand,
No pulse, no heartbeat, similar to the Tin-Man, but I do my best to look alive when I can
At the end of each day I'm still tryin' to figure out who I am,
All this contemplation leads to a lot of frustration and I become a frustrated man

How much can one loss cost when there's no ocean to drown in or swim across? For now, I'll forget about it and just drown in my thoughts

Joseph, Joe, Jo-ey,
or how about just Mr. lone-ly
Call me what you want, but
you'll never really know-me

I'm on an over populated planet,
yet I still feel alone with no home and I can't stand it
Why am I always so cold, tough, bold , maybe you can help me understand my role

It's like amnesia in my brain, still tryin' to write and read my own name after losing my favorite game
So for now just call me anonymous, cause I kept fallin' after I thought I hit bottom so I guess I'm just bottomless,
None the less I must confess, I cheated death, while gambling with my life as I was penniless

Truth be told, I sold my soul and I'm growing old,
So I remain standing alone in the pouring rain, hoping one day it will wash away all my sin stains

Of course I strayed the course and I'm all sorts of original, this world is elliptical,
I'd rather be a corpse than be typical...

Jun 2013 · 528
No Air Vs. Oxygen Tank
JAM Jun 2013
I'm lookin' for an entry point
I'm lookin' for a vein
I'm lookin' for a tangible way
To send these chemicals to my brain

I can't really explain...

She knows it, I know it
****.. everybody knows it and I even show it

Something happened and something was triggered
I now am captain, it must be destiny I figured
Gettin' bigger and bigger, like the hole to your grave and I'm the digger

This is her life, my life, our life
This is your night, my night, our night

I know these might be words to just a silly beat,
Your thoughts freeze and others can't really compete
You feel it and know this poetry's deep
You steal it and know it's something you wanna keep, press play and just let the words repeat

I seldom see double,
but always been the type to welcome trouble
As I re-write my self from my own bubble

Got a split lip and a splinter in my hip, was tryin' not to fall but I slipped...
I skipped the most important step, so my direction got flipped and even if I get bad service I'll still tip

I do it for the small short living moments
Don't let time pass you by, find your calling and own it

This is her life, my life, our life
This is your night, my night, our night

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