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 Jun 2014 Jake Hodges
[a poem on poetry and on writing; dedicated to af]*

a noisy silence,
like hunger,
fulfills me.

Those times,
I seat in a porch,
in the bluish mist of dawn
or in the rust of falling skies,

and I wander,
looking at thousands of words
floating in my porch,
dancing in a slight breeze,
like a thousand glassy hummingbirds.

I pick one
and another
and suddenly
in a swirl
an all flock
and its brilliance
draws what
I do not know.

Strange realms
as the swirl of wings
fades away.
I enter these new worlds
I see.
(*) Rimbaud à Paul Demeny (Lettre du Voyant, 15 mai 1871)
 Jun 2014 Jake Hodges
Entering survival mode.

Feed upon your remaining heart.
use leftovers parsimoniously.

Take that one everlasting memory.

Stage a friend, a dearest one.

Plunge into poetry.

Take a deep breath.

Remember all the words
in a myriad of fairy worlds.

nothing left to say.

no one in the distance.

Exit survival mode.
(*) In extremis:  (Latin) "in the farthest reaches" or "at the point of death".
 Jun 2014 Jake Hodges
Joe Cole
I didn't drink and drive mum, because you said that it was wrong
So why am I the one whos lying here as my blood pools on the ground

I was being careful mum about every single move
Then he came round the corner mum on the wrong side of the road

Why's it so unfair mum, why's it me who's lying here?
While he's not hurt in any way, standing smoking over there

I here a voice behind me mum saying "she's not long for this world"
Why me mum, why me I'm just a teenage girl

But know its nearly over mum and I'm the one to die
Cut down in my youth by another drunken guy
Will the lesson ever be learned
 Jun 2014 Jake Hodges
Joe Cole
Sitting under a tree for 3 hours painting pen pictures


Ok lets make a start, sitting on my little canvas stool
my back against a spreading oak
Facing west, sun behind my shoulder
20 yards away to my left a lake,
carp rolling. Sun silvered scales flashing
mirrors in the light
Above my head young squirrels play tag
a deadly airborne game for you and I
warm suns rays filtering through the canopy of rich green leaves


A passing overhead cloud
the lake now a dark and sombre place
no sign of life there
The squirrels ceased their play some time ago
what do they know that I dont
OK into the rucksack for a cold beer
after all times not a problem


The suns moving round to my right
throwing strange shadows cast by the bush over there
shadows ever moving, fading and growing
shape changers with every passing cloud
Squirrels are back but no longer at play
Over on the lake a canada goose with 5 young
bundles of fluff
Time to get a photo or two


Well the suns out again, moved further round now
but over to my left dark ominous clouds are rolling in
The air is suddenly still, sultry, heady with the scent
of flowers
Silence now fills the air, the birds and animals gone to places
only known to them
A lightning bolt rends the grey black sky
its time for me to go
I never made the 3 hour target
but I tried
The idea was to spend 3 hours sat under a tree facing the same way and to write about the ever changing scenery
I learned to live loosely, lovingly and loudly. Loving every loose moment of every loud life living around me.
Leaving light lingering on grounds and sky like leaves leaving in the fall I left before life decided to leave me.
I left to look for a love to lean on for life, and for myself to loan a moment to live for.
To listen, to long for, just long enough to look like a sky-lit sunbeam.
The loquacious levity of the life lasting around me lived lividly, keeping its eyes open, looking for lucidity.
I made a piece, mostly using L words.
 Jun 2014 Jake Hodges
You walk down the street,
You said you won't be long.
But as the hours pass by,
They don't notice your gone.

The rain falls down hard,
Freezing you to the core.
Try to block out the words;
Rude. Dumb. *****.

Words echo in your head,
Each causing you more pain.
Getting away from the hurt
Is worth a little rain.

You sit on a bench
In the dark all alone,
Remembering the days
When this place felt like home.

You wonder what changed,
How they think this is right.
Wondering if they worried
When you left home tonight.

You walk down the street,
You said you won't be long.
But you left with your things,
And you're forever gone.
He didn't have the ***** to kiss me. His mouth was too busy asking for things I wasn't ready to give.
He didn't have the ***** to kiss me, but begged me to come into his house so he could **** me.
He didn't have the ***** to kiss me, but he had the ***** to ask if he could film it.
He didn't have the ***** to kiss me, but had the courage to grab my arm and try and drag me in.
(The bruises faded)
He didn't have the ***** to kiss me, but he confessed the only position he knew was doggy.
Ironic, because I was never a girlfriend to him. I was a set of *******. A pair of legs. Full lips, a tongue, and all he wanted was between my thighs.
Never a girlfriend, always an object. An animal. A toy.
 Sep 2013 Jake Hodges
You aren't going to **** yourself tonight because, in one of the

spun sugar fragile sequences of the events in your life, it works

out. There is a place, somewhere amidst star stuff and cosmic

collisions, where you are not the problem daughter or the

biggest disappointment or the most regretted kiss. There is a

place where you sink into a desk in your eight a.m. class and

a boy with bags under his eyes and a hole-y sweater pulled

over his knuckles says, "hi." There is a place where your father

comes back from the war with sand grit in his eyes, blood

under his fingernails and lets you save him.  There is a place

where you live in India, where you aren't afraid to love, where

everything hurts less, where you stopped punishing yourself for

the faults of your parents. You are a girl. Not a dart board or a guilty

verdict or the final, desperate ****** of a sword through

someone's chest. You are made of the same stuff as Marie

Antoinette and Catherine the Great and Elizabeth, and you

can command the winds too. You aren't going to **** yourself

tonight because no one ever asked you about the scars on your

thighs but that doesn't make them nonexistent or unimportant.

You aren't going to **** yourself tonight because you've grown:

stronger in some ways and weaker in others, but you are still

a result of rhapsodies in violet and trees bowed to the sea

and soldiers with wind burn on their cheeks. Tonight, you are

going to wrap your own arms around your own chest and

breathe, swaying silently to no music. You are going to

memorize the sound of silence, and you are going to listen hard

for the even, jagged, pitter patter of your heart. You are going

to thank your body for waging war against itself, you are going

to apologize to your head for bruising your heart. You are going

to feel the roughness of the floor and the vastness of the entire

world and all of the eventualities spread before you. You are

going to remember that this is only one, that atoms and

molecules are flighty, whimsical, prone to selfishness and

longing for the promise of stability. You are going to press your

lips to your own wrists and know, as surely as Anne Boleyn

knew when she walked to the guillotine, that no one can save

you but yourself. You aren't going to **** yourself tonight

because you are not an accident of the multiverse. You are

purposeful and beautiful and young and reckless with your

feelings, but you are not a mistake. Listen to the trembling

of your heartbeat and breathe. You aren't going to **** yourself

 Apr 2013 Jake Hodges
Love, love,
Or lack thereof
Rules my life so far.
But someday soon,
I'll find the moon,
To match my every star.
I don't typically write well in rhyme, but I like this one.
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