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 Dec 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Sweep me off my feet
Make me feel complete
Damage me not
Begging you please

Don't get bored
Don't leave me floored
Don't leave me glued to you
Unless you stay with me, boo

Shower me with affection
Prove to me your passion
Or leave before I die
Of bittersweet infatuation

You are stronger
Than any drug
I have ever taken
But I can't live on
This addiction
For a lifetime

Sometime I'll reclaim myself
Get back to sparkling health
Forget that I ever got lost
In the wonderland of love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
It can take a second...a second to realize when your actions have created complete chaos and permanent damage.

A second to late, before your conscious kicks you in your sleep, Not allowing you to sleep at night

While your mind races, like it's trying to not crash at the Grand Pixs
like its running from all its well thought out mistakes, like it's escaping all it ever may have promised too commit.*

"Why do we make these mistakes? if we know the outcome of the cause?
why do we feign for the thought of despair and pain? Only to have self pity of what we have allowed to be lost?"

Judge me. Please. Judge me.

I need it every second, every moment.. as I walk the streets of this un controlled land
I won't dare stare back though, I won't ever judge the soul of another man...

it's not in my plans.

But neither were all my seconds I have lost where I've created so many mistakes.

A broken Heart, Painful tears, a perfect home in which my wrath caused emotional tremors from my earthquakes.

It took a second...It took a moment. Something else literally could of happened if I just thought things through...

but these moments weren't my fault at all, no...wait!

It was YOU!
I have decided
I need a new heart
For the one in this body
Is falling apart
All these cuts and holes
Are just a bit too much
Where once the blood ran red
It now flows black

So if you please
I need a new heart
The contemporary model
Composed of plastic parts

Cold and unfeeling
To the **** sapiens plight
Having no human emotions
Fresh off the assembly line
I need a new heart

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
 Dec 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Loving you drove me to the edge
And now I seem to have relapsed
Devotion put me to the test
It caused a major collapse

You broke me again
Just like I knew you would
All of this pain because
You were hard not to love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I hate myself so much right now.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
We both know it's over,
Though we haven't spoken a word.

And I hear your sleeve rustle
As you run your fingers through your golden hair,
Nervously. Impatiently.
You don't want to be here.

Our eyes meet;
They match the coffee sitting on my bedside from this morning.

My hands rest in my lap, clasped together;
As if to pray to some obscure divinity
That can't hear me.
Gaze fixed on chipped, red nails,
Trying not to bite my tongue.

You knew it was wrong;
You knew it would come to this.
You knew all along.

Didn't you?

Jaw clenched,
You stare out a window,
Plotting your escape.

I try to remember the good times,
But they all seem so out of context now.
Your smile seems so crooked now,
Your eyes seem cold and distant now.

Your charm,
But free deceit disguised as cheap love,
A poor alibi for worse decisions.

You don't love,
You lust.

Because that's all you've ever known in this world,
That's all you ever learned from your sick father figures:
I want.
I need.
I have.

Human connection,
A waste of time.
Love and affection,
No worth to speak of.

So, tell me.
Was she worth it?

"I love her," You say quietly.

"I know," I reply.
i want to be pretty          
people always told me
i'm a beautiful person
i'm wonderful              
on the inside

excuse my messed up head
but i wanted to be beautiful
on the outside                                      
so with a blade
slashed across skin
i got my insides
to be outside me
and only then
****** and tired
did i feel pretty
sorry its gruesome but i never said i like my thoughts
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Ruin Us
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
not sure if I should approach or not
whether to stay or walk
whether to speak or hush
my anxiety makes a mess of me
and it always seems to ruin us

I just feel so nervous sometimes
I say I'm ok but it's all lies
sometimes I am fine
sometimes I am not
I just really love you
but I ruin us...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
The motherly figure
Locked away in fumes
Smelling of skunk
The green smoke taking her away
To anywhere but here

The man of the house
Glass after glass
Of wine
Even Listerine
If that is what it took
To get even a slight buzz

I sit alone
Adding another mark to the tally
Behind the mirror
Only a few more
Before it is accepted
For my life to end

The youngest
Unaware of all of the despair
In her family
The only one
Who truly smiles
In our family portrait
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