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 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
you took my innocence
during that one night of lust
we were both seventeen
the night we made love
and it felt so right
I thought you
were my
but I guess
we're all wrong
sometimes in life
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I miss him. I guess it's because he was my first true love.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
It's as if you have seen my soul
And still adored what you saw
As if you witnessed me at my worst
And still wanted to hold me tightly within your clutch

*please don't set me free, I'll wither away
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I kinda fell for a boy
A college photographer
He was funny, very smart
Made life seem like art
He was my kinda thing
Filled me to the brink
With poems and drinks
He made my heart sink
His humor made me laugh
His face made me smile
His hugs made me giggle
****, I was in trouble
I fell, heart n'all
His eyes said it all
Boy, he was fine
Prettier than a dime
Oh hell, he was good
Playing on his guitar
But even better when
He gently used his hands
He made me feel inspired
Even when drained and tired
He could love me all night long
And I'd still carry on
He got me very hooked
His stare made me weak
We had a love affair
And made love over there
The first time was precious
He showered me with kisses
He became obsessed
And ****, so did I
I fell hard for the man
He helped me carry on
I really wanted to
But couldn't thank you
Unless in the bedroom
This is so personal
Like under those sheets
Where he held me down
To the bed, that drunken night
He had his hands all on me
Cuddled me when I was lonely
He was my best friend
And more when
We needed affection
We needed love
And attention
We became
It's been that way
Ever since then.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Wrote this a few months ago and never posted it, until now. Always liked this one.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
haven't felt so happy in months
feels like I've dried up my tears
and fought my way out
of this darkness
which used to possess
every part of my being
but now, it feels like
I am finally healing

no more are the mascara stained pillows
no more is the feeling of drowning in sorrow
gone is the emptiness in which I used to feel
seems like real life has re-gained it's appeal

couldn't be where I am without you
or the hope you gave me
I feel like I'm brand new
your love set me free
it helped me discover
my old self again
it helped me uncover
so much of a good thing
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Do I break secrecy
Or keep confidentiality?

One means losing a friend
So does the other

He could be gone
By a simple phone call
Driven miles away
To who knows where

He could disappear
By the flick of a knife
Into a small casket
Underneath the ground
Even though you didn't really care, I still feel awful.
don't ask permission
to make a fool of myself,
tell you publicly
what my near, dear ones
have no clue.

my torment,
the headache-constant,
imperial and impervious
to poetry, pills, therapy,
caring words
don't pay the bills.

a breadwinner has a job.
feed the family.
protect and serve.

do it well.
because there is
no acceptable excuse.

am afraid.
when was supposed
to be easing on down,
am slipping under.

have come so far.
my soul is old.
my tired is w/o definition,
in the legs, knotted shoulders,
aging faster than
hungers, fingers, can write.

reversal of causality,
the older he gets,
the more mouths to feed.

man, it is tough,
this unexpected,
for me,
a nine lives survivor.

can he do it
one mo' time
on borrowed lives,

it is simply amazing.
my eyes,
constantly tearing,
nobody notices.

Do not!
like this poem,
hate weak,
have been strong
so long.
but this well,
just got dregs left,
drudgery dregs ain't potable,
worthy of your drinking.

need nothing,
for myself, need nothing.
there's not a single
object on this planet
wanted to posses
or worse,
possessed by.

more cannot say.
jutting chin,
stomach ****** in.
nothing gonna
change my world.

wrestle with strife once again.
today, on the sabbath,
deny reality.

Do not!
like this poem,
hate weak,
have been strong so long.

when hearing Shakespeare
my own voice, stilled,
it's poverty exposed,
am ashamed
of every word
ever wrote.

hush me not,
for tis true,
yet write on for
an audience of one,
on but one subject,
a subject, a life,
still unmastered,
even after
decades of trying.
Begun Sept. 5th, completed 11/23/13
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
colors fade when I think
of the times I let you in
I gave you access
to my sensitive parts
my heart being one
my body being another
time changed before we knew it
and now we're both lonesome
pretending we don't love each other
but still we have times of small talk
you seem fine without me
and it makes my heart shatter
into a thousand pieces
into a thousand parts
you promised this
was going to last
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I miss you more than I say
I love you more every day
Little sisters want closeness
They want a bit of care
But if you're going to act like this
Then why am I even here?
Your strange emotion
It keeps me frozen
It leaves me numb
My heart is broken
I miss our bond
I miss the love
We displayed
When we were kids
Never knew growing up
Would tear us apart
I miss you, I need you
You're my sister
Can you hear me?
I don't know what to do
Sisters are forever, remember?
I can't even feel happy
Because of the distance
Between you and me
It stings, it burns, it kills
I'm surprised I survived
The tortures of this
Separation anxiety
It never fails
To break me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In tears. excuse my sad poetry.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
If I wanted to be ignored
I would have dug myself a grave
With not even a tombstone
Or anything to show my name
Just a small, little place
To put myself to rest
An unknown burial ground
To put my body at ease
And leave it with
Flowers surrounded
For a bit of luck
Or just to
Make it look nice
I'm not asking for much
Just for a bit of support
To make my existence
Feel like it's worth something
All I ever asked for
Was tender love
And tender care
I have a fragile heart
Take care of it
Before it's too late
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is depressing, but **** it, I needed to vent.
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