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Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
is gone,
is not
today I'm okay.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As a child,
livin' struggle after struggle,
barely eating every night,
seeing different avenues every other night,
many parking lots,
and different hot dogs from different
gas stations,
I learned something so profoundly:

Life is crazy.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You two look great together.
Some may even say
a match made in heaven.
He's my best friend,
almost like my brother,
and you . . .
You were my everything-

This relationship was my

The two most important
people in my life
the most horrendous
known to a man's heart.

I was fooled, I was played.

Both of you grabbed my heart
and just destroyed it;
y'all tore it apart.

My soul,
my smile,
my everything
was just an illusion.

I loved this woman,
heart and soul.

And he,
who I thought was my brother,
knew exactly how I felt
for this woman.
He knew I wanted to give her
my name.

But they both schemed
a plan together.


And now I'm here,
drunken with anger and hate.
Asking myself,
"What did I do wrong
to receive this fate?"
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As children,
we are told
that the world
is one particular way.
And as we're
we, ourselves,
believe that it is
because we've been
believing it so
our entire life.
But then,
if we're bright enough,
just bright enough,
something stumbles
upon our ways,
and that's where our
comes in play;
if we're bright enough
to see what stumbles
upon us,
we grab it and see
what value can bring to us.
An idea,
a concept-
a vision that will forever
change of how
we view the world
we were taught to view
in another different angle.
And if we're bright enough,
something that not all are,
we will become
and have something
that not many have
and that is vision.
Vision to see something,
and be able to see more
than it really is.
To see ahead of what
it could be.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She was clothed in strength
and took on the world
with a smile entirely
that every shadow
that mumbled
hatred towards her
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She was what I wanted in a woman:
sensible, good-humored, and lively.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The power of poetry
is powerful as much
as any gun.
It could fill you with
much rage
or happiness,
but is powerful.
They say that the pen
is more powerful
than the sword,
and I believe
that because words
can really make
an impact in your life
whether you'd
like to admit it or not.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I admit,
I am very
physical and passionate.
Maybe not on the outside,
but I am.
Deep inside,
I truly do yearn for
I believe in fidelity.
But underneath
the secretive and mysterious
that I am,
resides a romantic streak
with an incredibly
All I ask for is patience.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What infatuated
about him
was the ability
he was blessed with
of touching her
in such a
unique and genuine
that no other living creature
had ever done.
How he could
touch her
and nothing else
ever mattered anymore;
a connection
so beautiful that neither both
could ever explain
in mere words.
How he could touch
without him ever
her at all.
That's what
the most about him.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Is my mind
playing tricks on me?
It must be
this broken heart.
I live in a world
paper speaks,
if you don't have
green card,
families get torn apart.
A world
there's too many
and not many
Where someone
can easily walk in an
elementary school
and ****
twenty small children,
walk in
into a movie theater
open fire
killing many innocent
whose purpose
was to enjoy themselves
their loved ones.
Is anybody even
tryin' to prevent things
like these
from happening again?
How can we ****
Adam's and Eve's
Our own
brothers and sisters.

*Time forgives,
people don't forget.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Being in this class
reminds me
of how unhappy
I am.
It reminds me
of all the dreams
and goals that
I want to accomplish.
The freedom
that I linger for
in my life.
The people that
I want to meet
and all the knowledge
that I want to
acquire before
I reach weakening
bones and white hair.

I want to live.
I dread being here.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
To believe that
she had to
hide all the parts of her
that were broken,
simply because out of fear
that someone else
was incapable
of loving what was less than
But then, out of the blue,
she found the true
that she needed to find:
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2021
Some eyes touch you more
than hands ever could.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You see,
I could stare at those
beautiful eyes of yours
for an eternity.
Admire the perfect
lining and texture
of your lips
and cherish your soul
with the warmth of my heart.

I want a relationship
between you and I
where sweet love-making
turns into rough ***,
hugs into kisses,
and a ring into forever.

Being your shield throughout
the storms that life brings,
your rock when you most
need support,
but most importantly
be the love that you would
never forget.

Sure, we may have differences,
but those differences
would be meaningless.
Our love would be so much
more stronger
and much more deeper
than our differences.

Every flaw that you would
find in yourself
and would hate,
it would be another reason
why I would love you
even much more.

Those imperfections
that you would hate about yourself
would be the things
that I would love and adore
about you.

Imperfection is beauty.

And now whenever you wished
you could be perfect,
my love, you'd already be
absolutely perfect in my eyes.

Perfectamente, mi amor.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
You don't believe
in love,
but I will do
I can
so you may believe
in me.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As a tear ran down
her eye, laughing non-stop,
I paused for a moment,
witnessed something
and then realized
what I wanted to do from
that moment and on:
to give her a fulfilling life
filled with
laughter and love.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I lied next to her,
tracing the perfect lining
of her lips
with my fingertips.
Admiring its beautiful
texture, as times is frozen,
and profoundly lost
in her gaze.
Mesmerized by her being.
Flaws and all.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
While most people were
even terrified,
by storms, I smiled.
I realized
that even the grand
majestic sky needed
to scream
at times.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2016
They have told me that you pick yourself out
every time you look in a mirror.
I truly cannot understand why because
you are the most beautiful woman
I have ever met. Your mind, your soul,
the way you can put even the most bitter person
at ease with such calming and understanding
eyes and smile.
My love, you embody all that
beauty is.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Women's insecurities
can lead women
to do many
dramatic changes,
wether being good
bad changes,
but it always lead
to dramatic

it's always the feeling
of depression,
of wanting
self-body modifications
that lead women
to go
under the needle.

And sure,
there's absolutely nothing
wrong with doing
in one-self,
but that could also lead
an addiction;
no different than
smoking or drinking.

But there's always that void
that women
just want to fix
in order for them
to finally be pleased
a man is not
beautiful imperfections.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I just want
to be
so I could buy everything
my mother
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
3,000 years may pass,
you could kiss other lips,
but I will never forget you..

I could die tomorrow,
my soul could dry up,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you..

They could erase my memory,
they could take away our story,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm finding myself
staring at an empty wall,
the dark eclipsing
all that is left
of my hopes
as I'm reminiscing
years of waste.
that I have not
found my calling,
being someone
whom I do not want to be.
The question that keeps on taunting me is:
"Who am I destined to die as?"
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Sometimes you're a photograph
faded deep in my mind.
Suddenly strong feelings
are rushing through
my existence,
that no matter how hard
I try,
I just cannot hide.

Sometimes when I close my eyes,
I can feel your presence
on my skin.

Once believing
that you were Heaven's blessing
poured into my well,
but then after all the shattering
you caused,
I still torment myself
by telling me that no matter
you were still my most
precious and beautiful sin.

Though I know I deserve
someone whom
wants to share
her years and soul with me,
you're still that dark cloud
that haunts me
and won't allow me to see.

Confusing dilemma
between love and hate,
not knowing
if this is a test
or if our luckless romance
was fate.

Although you were
my absolute everything,
now that you vanished,
I feel absolutely empty.
I no longer feel anything.

But even after all of this,
you will always be
that beautiful thought,
that mistake one day to me brought.

Un maldito amor-
A ****** love.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
We all take a bite
off the apple,
we're all solid,
yet so fragile.
Finding a true meaning,
but still bleeding.
A pure heart,
but with a dark mind.
with good intentions,
but leaving
bad impressions.
in reality,
someone in a fantasy.
Solitude poisoning
the soul,
turning something
into a dark chunk of coal.
the world–
never being the first,
not even second,
lastly but third.
A bird who never
left the nest,
that he could fly;
his wings
are two featherless mess.

stuck almost,
to nothing but shame.
knowing himself,
he doesn't recognizes
his own name.
You can say
fallen angel
who was caught up
in an
unforgiving betrayal.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Even when I have
absolutely nothing to lose,
I still pretend
that I have a billion things
to lose.
I don't know why,
but I do.

Even when I'm happy,
I get in too deep
in a zone that can trigger
all my bad experiences
and just bad things
that has, or had,
ever happened to me
in the past.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Her first mistake
asking someone
A promise
no human could
ever grant.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
A true relationship
isn't just about spoiling
each other
with lavishing gifts
or going out
to fancy restaurants,
but helping
one another grow
each and every passing day
as a person
physically, emotionally, spiritually,
and most importantly
A true relationship
consist of two souls
who sees one another
in each other's eyes;
where if one moves,
the other moves as well.
A bond so unbreakable
that it could be bent,
twisted, and twirled
but never break.
A relationship where
the two of you
can see genuine beauty
where others failed to,
and simply loving
one another unconditionally.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
She was a love letter woman
               in a text message world.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2015
Have you ever dealt with
such pain
that all you could ever
think of doing
take your own life?

Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Love her
                                               enough to
                                              keep her fire
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2015
Yes, like every other girl,
she smiled
when being called
but the one compliment
that truly
flattered her most
was the simple appreciation
of her excellent taste
in music.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2016
It is as if an angel
were sent
as she entered
the room,
with such grace
and sat in front of me.
Such beautiful
porcelain skin,
and with such warm
brown eyes.
And as the light
bathed her hair,
making it gleam
a mixture of
golden and brown
She could manage
to somehow
keep me at peace
when all I have ever felt
is emptiness.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
weak-minded men
wifey material
solely by her
physical appearance.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
She embodied
by the way she
still believed in love
after she has been hurt
too many times
in the past by men
who couldn't see the true beauty
that she was blessed
Her soul was a rose:
beautiful, delicate,
and symbolic.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
You don't have to be
great to start,
but you have to start
to be great.
And I understand
that there will be days
that all you want to do
is give up,
all you want to do
is give in;
that success is nowhere
to be seen,
but don't give up.
See, when you're
in the verge of giving up,
there's that little
in-between space
that determines
how strong your will is
what kind of person
you are.

Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
It does not matter what day,
or what time of the day it is,
this is all that I would much
rather be doing with her
and only her.

Just to lie next to her;
embrace every single fiber
of her existence.
To nurture her soul
with the nectar of my love.

Cherish her all:
her soul,
her heart,
her body,
her dreams,
her laughter.

And with each minute,
fall more and more
in love with each others'

Just her and I.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
She wanted
to be
not tamed.
2021 edit.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Don't let
small minds
tell you
your dreams
too big.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
She was intimidating.
She didn't take no for an answer.
Anything she was passionate
she executed and conquered.
She didn't waste
any time,
she made every moment
It never mattered
people thought of her;
she had better things to do,
like becoming
a greater woman than she
already is.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
She was a written love letter
              in a text message world.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Time passin' by
as a wind
on a cool evening day
in Fall.
And besides me,
an empty,
untouched notepad
waitin' for it to be
touched with its love,
the pen.
Infatuated still
with a thought-
a dream,
that rests in a hopeless
Miles and miles away,
still occupying
my heart and soul
each and every single day.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
I admire the moon’s unwillingness
to be photographed on a phone.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As the stars
our love,
she asked,
"What does your soul look like,"
I gently kissed
her lips
and softly
"Your existence, my love".
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
And as we were sitting
beside each other,
she leaned
a bit
and whispered,
"I love you.
Flaws and all.
But what captivates me
are your
true emotions
your beautiful
with that
eternal love
and had
finally found
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I hand my mother
a Mother's Day card
and a bouquet of her favorite
flowers, daisies,
I see what keeps me going
in life;
her smile.

And although I see her
genuinely smiling,
I cannot deny that deep inside me,
I am saddened.
I am saddened because
I know that my mother deserves
much more.
Far, far much more
and I have not yet
provided with
everything that she deserves..

— The End —