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Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
Eyes seem less caught by
My own though constant desires
Variables could not deduce
Could be its me? Changed
As all before and all around
Less youthful and wanted
Grey hair and lines meeting corners
Of my eyes i view the world with
Poor me.  I had so many choices
I thought betrer was coming
I thought not rush give it time
I did with ignorant youthful abandon
more and more
As it went by only as fast
as the day
The month
The years... Years....
Looking half heartedly
Being picky and choosing rarely
Giving too much to the ones chosen
What if the one
My ever after better half
Walked by or one of them was the one
And i foolishly did little to try?
Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
My half-hearted finger motions
As the lonely 'others' scroll passed
                                                         Out of sight.

To be replaced
Over and over
By countless 'others'

Still, down
On and on and on
There is no end
        No bottom

Attention failing
with my hopes fading
Set to search again

        Another day...
   An unbelievably attractive smile
Perfect, brilliant eyes
Stealing my own
Owning my full attention

Timidly my finger does touch


She is the entirety of my vantage
All about Her
All she feels she wants me to know
Is taken in with such ease

She smiles up at me
Like heaven is real
Braile as each word i feel
They are humble and sincere

I feel my way
She seems so...
Exactly as...

My thoughts racing
Entertaining my own qualities
Checking off her wants
As hers my own

Dare I?
She truly is so
So so so


No.  I remind myself
My 'less than' sides
Insecurities and defenses
End those fantasies.

She is above

                 Far above

Out of my league.

Pwr btn... Goodbye.
Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
The steam it takes me
To reach each 6p.m.
Is unsustainable, exhaustingly so
With knicks and clotted flesh
Bruises aging brown
mix with, overlap the latest
Deep purples and ill hued blues
I am beaten by my own doing
Little to nothing is compensation
But the things i have touched
Broken made new again
From raw to finished, tangible
My hands, rough, scarred,
Talented and beat up
As is my body. Nightly.
By the end of the week i am a sight
Too tired to want morr from life.
Filthy and sore, single, alone
There has got to be more to life
Then the beast of burden i resemble
If not be the ending too soo
See i am beaten at the end
Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
Do you know why?

I am resting here, beneath

You can confess it dearest
In hushed whisper if you must...

Then be at last free to forget
As I will not
don't worry love

Forever and longer I will be keeper

As if written on Granite
polished, unmoving and lasting
Placed lovingly in its place...


Above yet under my watch

Where the lost are patiently aware
Of thoughts, and waiting
To be visited, thought of, remembered

Ready to catch and cherish those tears

Why am I here?

Do you know why?

Jack R Fehlmann Jun 2017
Rolling with the waves
upon an ocean of you
Knowing no Horizon approaching
only the sun reflecting
surface turmoil distorting reason
  why do you hold me lost
I asked the Stars and moon
but they don't hear me
you own the air and its winds
Refuse to carry the words away from me up and down,  Rising to begin another  fall,
rolling with no helm, no sail catching adrift lost and exactly where you want me at the mercy of this place
ocean of my memories, Lost
Clutching onto this vessel
Crestented 'Loss'
feeling lost missing
Jack R Fehlmann Jun 2017
Caught up,
By & in this
The long lost
Remains devastating
As beautiful, as dangerous
Stirring the fantasies
My foolish wants
longing to be
weightless the kiss
I entertain
As an idle question
Once more the
Unlearned lesson
Oh the way she looks
Timeless, but different
wrapped and adorned
By how many years?
Her eyes hold my breath
So much inner dialog
and I know, I do

Glutton for punishment
Jack R Fehlmann Apr 2017
Was all it was.

All it is.
When too too often
The hardest choice
An awful decision

The reason.
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