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 May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
 May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
When I first met you,
You has this smile on your face.
And I swear to god
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
But if you looked at the ground
The way you looked at me,
I promise you
At least four dozen flowers
Would have sprouted right up from the ground.
You were that magical.

But three months in,
And a bottle and a half of *****,
You hit me so hard,
That you left bite marks in my mind,
And scars on my heart composed of your fingerprints.

All the flowers have died.
 May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
Lynn A
You think life is easy
You think all you want comes to you
But no, this ain't true
You think he cares
You think he wants you
You think he loves you
But he doesn't care
He doesn't want you
And he doesn't love you
He's just happy without you
When will you ever understand that he doesn't care!
You cry for him
He doesn't know cry for you
You can't stop thinking about him
But he barely thinks about you
He won't take a bullet for you like you would do
He's not the guy he used to be
when will you understand?
He loves his girlfriend
He would take a  bullet for her
He talks to her, gives her attention, he respects her, and most importantly,  he cares about her!
You should move on
Carry on
Continue your life without him
Stop thinking about him
Live your life
Take advantage of every second
Do whatever you want
But don't think about him
Talk to other guys
Do the craziest things ever.
Without him.
Because you can survive without him
You're just a part of his past now
So make him a part of your past
Truth is, he loves his girlfriend
I know your not the same without him, but you should be!
Grow up
Forget him
And move on
Because he doesn't care!
I envision you in your Sunday best
Taking off my clothes in my tiny one bedroom apartment.
Just enough space for you and me.
Kissing my neck and moving down my torso,
Down to my heart shaped box.
But I'm stuck here alone,
Just for now.
Touching myself,
I like it so rough.
pretending it's you,
Oh my god, yes you.
I want you so bad right now.
I can see you in my head,
My breathing gets so quick,
I crave your touch every second,
I can't be satisfied.
Give me what I want.
Pink lip-stick on the **** of a cigarette,
You breathe me in and I can't forget.
You taste like ecstasy but feel like regret,
And love should never feel like a constant threat.
Inspired by a cigarette I saw on the side of the road.
Rough ,Wet, Make it hurt
Sore in the morning
No time to flirt
No love, no whispers
Not even a kiss
Like animals, Mechanical
Tasting this
Bruises, teeth marks,
hickeys, thirst
*******, licking, Harder, grinding
The spot, Almost
Screaming, finding
Spasm, tightening
******, blinding
 May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
And maybe I care to much.
But honestly even though your writing wrench my heart,
I'd rather read your writings because then at least I know you're okay.
You've been on my mind a lot lately. Probably because I have so much I need to tell you. But I miss you. And I worry about you. Because remember our promise? I stay you stay
A senior takes of his clothes like a *****

Committing himself to the shower, smiles

Offering me a bouquet of suds

I become the player of a flute

He moans enjoying the water music

I come up every few minutes for air

His soap cleans my mouth
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