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it's kind of weird that I fell in love with you actually. you didn't sweep me off my feet or anything like that. you were a rude, self-centered, inconsiderate *******. you made jokes you'll probably spend an eternity burning in hell for. you woke up late and drove recklessly.
but I scares me because we had so much in common. you only cared about me and what people said about you.  I would laugh at your hell-worthy jokes. we had the same taste in music, and we both wanted to escape everything around us.

I want to write about our good memories. I sit here and think about them, and when I snap back into reality, my heart aches for you. so I don't think I can write about them right now. maybe one day I'll be strong enough to, but I don't think today is that day.
She told me
I was a bad boy
for breaking
her precious heart
& I said, "Well baby,
I'm so very sorry
to make you so very sad,
but I'm so glad, so merry,
'cause now I'm very free!"

And with that
she retorted,
"Right on bad boy,
me too!"

Seems like
she loved freedom
just as much as me,
who knew?
 May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
Nikki D
A malevolent glimmer in your eyes accents
That mischievous smirk you carry around,
Just like the half-dead cigarette between your fingers.
Smoke trails off in a gray hue every time you take a puff,
Impinging upon my innocent lungs.
They say you can die from secondhand smoke.

Boy you're a killer and it's such a thrill.
But your heart's a heart worth fighting for,
Forget about self-defense.
I hate to run into you
Because then your face sticks in my head
A good three days after I was done
Almost forgetting you

At least the eyes do
Brown, and impatient like a puppy
I was right
At least the lips do
That I hang from
Every word,
Silence they partake in
And conversation they refrain from

The way you lean back casually
And your button up opens to your chest
More manly than what I've ever been with
Soft hair
And a bit less worn than my fathers, but just as warm

You called me a friend
As I saw the only tattoos
That you couldn't hide
Sure, he brought you lilac
And made the usual

Promises, but he *****
Other girls to get rid

Of frustration and get
His own back; that’s the kind

Of guy he is, always
Has been and always will,

Even his mother gives
Him a wide berth and has

Little to do with him,
Other than what most good

Mothers will if pushed to
Their limits and need to

Take account of who and
What their offspring is

Or was. Sure, he brought you
Chocolates and candy,

But he sleeps with other
Girls who are easy and

Handy and give him a
Good time and don’t hang on

To his every word and
Gaze and look and try to

Fit him into this type
Or that or into this

Way of being or gaze
At some wedding day book.

Sure, he kisses you all
Shyly and gentle, but

Behind your back, he
Drives dames mental with his

Wanting this and that and
Wanting it regular

And here and now and right
Upfront or behind or

Have *** anyhow. Sure,
He promises you many

Things, gifts and funny jokes
And is kindly to your

Mother, but unknown to
You or any other

He’s having *** with the
Girlfriend of your brother,

And that’s not a new thing
Or a one off or a sad

Mistake, he’s out to have
Any *** he can, be

It gladly given or
What he can gladly take.
I heard that he was insane
That his feelings were uncontrollable
I heard he committed suicide
It sounds so incredibly horrible
I heard he was seeing a shrink
I heard he thought he was fine
I heard he told him,
told him he could call anytime
but when he really needed him
He was declined.
I heard his father
he told him to be a man
He told him he couldn’t
and would never understand
I wonder has the guilt
swallowed him whole
I wonder will anything
fill his now empty soul
I heard his girlfriend she said goodbye
she was sick of the whines and all his cries
he said he didn’t need her
he needed no one
but in the end we all know he needed someone
I heard he did it with a gun
I wonder if it hurt
I heard he couldn't take it
All the pain and all the hurt
I heard he had a brother
a mother and a dad
I saw them at the funeral
they were bitter sweetly sad
I wonder does a tiger cry
when a brother loses his life
I wonder can you catch a tiger with a tear in its eye?
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