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767 · Nov 2017
Mommy dearest
theresa caesar Nov 2017
The little kid whose life was hid from the world knowledge
Her daddy unaware of the life that was started inside her mommy’s tummy
Daddy went to war, but mommy found a new daddy who was not her’s
To her that man was not a dad he was a monster
When the girl would even talk out of place the
Monster would make sure the precious flower was black and blue
If someone was to find out about the little flower
The monster wouldn’t get money from his parent
When the monster was mad the flower started to wilt
From the snap of the belt when it would hit her skin
When the little flower would cry the monster found a sensation in it and kept swinging
Years went by with throws years more and more scars came to the flower
Her mommy found another daddy but he was not hers
To her this man was not a dad he was a demon
This demon craved to the smooth skin of a innocent girl
The demon’s fingers icy cold sent chills up her spin
His fingers ventured to places that made her cry
Where was mommy? She was not to be found the first couple times
The flower told her mommy, but mommy refused to acknowledge it
Mommy said the demon was drunk so it’s not the same
Mommy didn’t stop the demon
The demon hurt the little flower
The demon took the last piece of innocence from the little flower
But the little flower refused to lose to this fight
The little flower grew into a giant rose bush
Over time the wilts smoothed out the bruises faded away
Where was mommy? The flower didn’t know
The flower heart was open because of all the emptiness from her past it’s now over flowing
And mommy didn’t like that
because when mommy saw her little flower flourish into a life of love
It broke mom’s heart. But mommy won’t change because she is broken and refuses to see it.

— The End —