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Isobel G Jan 2011
Religion serves pure purpose,
As provider of hope,
Beyond this world,
It is not truth,
Not justice alike,
It does not retain the power to condemn,
Tortured and tempered citizens,
It holds no right to govern,
The yound minded,
Or dictate the opinions of society,
It is nothing but hope,
For the fearful
©Nicola-Isobel H.     11.01.2011
497 · Jan 2011
Empty Air
Isobel G Jan 2011
Drowning in my sorrow,
With nowhere to go,
There's no up or down,
Just the weight,
Of recent events,
Crushing my chest,
Suffocating me,
While I wait,
For something, someone,
To ease the burden,
And hold the pieces together,
Before they fall to the floor,
Where I lie,
Longing for something so simple,
For an embrace that says it all:
I love you,
I'm not going to leave you,
We'll get through it together,
Just something that's real,
That doesn't slip through my fingers,
Leaving me with a handful,
Of empty air
©Nicola-Isobel H.     18.01.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
Within the confines,
Of my empty room,
I dwell on sombre thoughts,
That haunt my heavy head,
Day and night alike,
For the musings,
Of my troubled mind,
Do not stop with light
©Nicola-Isobel H.     15.01.2011
493 · Oct 2011
Beneath You
Isobel G Oct 2011
I wonder how I feel,
Within those hands,
Am I as cold,
As I remember feeling,

Do the scars,
Hollow your fingertips,
As they trace,
The rips clawed into my flesh,

I wonder how I feel,
When I'm beneath you,
Am I bones and blood,
Under the webs,

Do the tears match,
The texture of my veins,
As your nails chase,
That hollow pulse
©Nicola-Isobel H.       21.10.2011
493 · Sep 2012
In Completion
Isobel G Sep 2012
You fill me
with a love so strong,
it could bring me to pieces.
You fill me
with joy.
©Nicola-Isobel H.            14.09.2012

To my beloved, happy anniversary.
492 · Jun 2011
Shining In The Blue
Isobel G Jun 2011
From within my abyss,
I observe the light above,
The cold, dim light,
Shining in the blue,
Falling short of grace
©Nicola-Isobel H.     20.05.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
Drowning under the weight,
Of mourning tears,
How could they not have told me,
There was so little time,

Even though inside I felt,
Something was wrong,
Didn't I deserve,
To be told anyway
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
492 · Feb 2012
Isobel G Feb 2012
Under my lids,
We pull blankets,
Over the plaster sky,
And sleep away time
©Nicola-Isobel H.       28.02.2012
491 · Dec 2011
Falling Again
Isobel G Dec 2011
I'll be falling again,
Tripping on gravity,
And cold footsteps,
High on wonder-lust,
Lost amongst white salvation,
With my black rubble hands,
Pawing at heaven
©Nicola-Isobel H.        13.12.2011
491 · Jan 2011
Where Is The Happiness?
Isobel G Jan 2011
I wonder,
At the world,
Far more beautiful,
Drowned in rainfall,
Than the too-bright sunshine,
I wonder,
Where is the happiness?
©Nicola-Isobel H.     11.01.2011
490 · Mar 2011
A Way Out
Isobel G Mar 2011
I am drowning,
Under the weight,
Of obligation,
And complications,
Out of my control,
All that I ask for,
Is a way out
©Nicola-Isobel H.      27.03.2011
489 · Aug 2013
Isobel G Aug 2013
I wish I could make music with my words
and spin a beautiful arpeggio, piano-piano web:
a breath-taking composition of minor cords
and soft leaps over thick ivory keys
that sing under my fingers.

I wish I could create an embrace
entirely of music. An embrace to hold
and to love and to kiss sweet, sweet joy
right into your ears.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        07.08.2013

The piano is undoubtedly my favourite instrument. When I listen to it, I can feel the notes reverberating in my very core. I cannot help but lose myself and find all the world beautiful under the spell of its song.
488 · Apr 2013
Child on Paper
Isobel G Apr 2013
Clothed in endless fibers of unsolved equations,
my skin is every A, B, C+ I've ever had.
My tongue and teeth carved from
over-used quotations.
Hair of flowing shreds of wasted time.
Eyes of burnt projector lights.
Red ink corrections on my lips.
I wear my science textbook heart on my sleeve,
dissected and un-beating
in your unyielding grasp.
©Nicola-Isobel H.            22.04.2013
487 · Dec 2011
Tomorrow I Will Dream
Isobel G Dec 2011
Tomorrow I will dream,
And the carbon sky will fade,
Finally revealing that blue wonder,
I have missed for so long
©Nicola-Isobel H.      10.12.2011
485 · Oct 2011
Grace The Birds With Sun
Isobel G Oct 2011
Soar o'er the sky,
Paint feathers on the clouds,
Breathe life,
Into the hollows,
Of the waxen, silver moon,
Fall like tears,
Brightness rippling on the ocean,
Gold in the summer sand,
Be not forgotten,
To the violet sky,
A mirror shattered,
By the lightning in your eyes,
Your eyes filled with shards,
Glass and broken stars,
Grace the birds with sun
©Nicola-Isobel H.     20.06.2011
485 · Dec 2010
November Snow
Isobel G Dec 2010
Lie with me on my un-made bed,
So I'll have a place,
To rest my troubled head,
As your heart beats fast,
I'll run with you,
Through the sunsets,
And milleniums of grey,
So we can spend centuries,
We'll sleep on lonely shores,
Forever more, together,
Don't have to care about the past,
The present is all we know,
I'll bury my worries,
Safe with yours,
In the November Snow
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010
484 · May 2011
Who You've Become
Isobel G May 2011
You seem so sure,
There's no good in you,
But I know you're wrong,
If only I could make you see,
All that you've done,
I will show you,
Who you've become
©Nicola-Isobel H.     09.05.2011
483 · Mar 2013
Isobel G Mar 2013
A humble void, announced
by glaring, violent neon.
Glowing between the bones
of dusk and reborn light.
You wander between the space
of almost and not quite.
You are never quite, never quiet.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             14.03.2013
482 · Jan 2011
Thank You
Isobel G Jan 2011
I just wanted to say,
Thank you,
For taking me seriously,
When no one else did
©Nicola-Isobel H.     19.01.2011
482 · Jan 2011
Looking At You
Isobel G Jan 2011
I've been feeling this way.
For days now,
So sick inside,
From chills to fevers,
Stomach turning over,
So hot I'm cold,
Unsure if I can hold back,
The acid in my throat,
I'm in knots,
Twisted and queasy,
I'm not sick,
I'm just looking at you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     11.01.2011
481 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
Such timid creatures,
We are,
So fearful of tomorrow,
Of rejections and goodbyes,
That we hold back,
The words we want to say,
And wait patiently,
For our lives to begin,
For the sun to shine,
For joy and love,
To make themselves known,
But sometimes,
Waiting is not enough,
You just have to jump
©Nicola-Isobel H.      19.01.2011
481 · Aug 2012
New Toys Get Old.
Isobel G Aug 2012
I hope you're all cut up,
seeing the red between
the lines. I hope you're
seeing me when you fake
it with her. I hope you're seeing
my reds on her whites. I
hope you **** her up just like
the last one. I hope you ****
her up, just like me.

I hope you're all cut up,
just reading this.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        05.08.2012
479 · Jan 2011
The Awakening Of Hope
Isobel G Jan 2011
You call to me,
From above,
Patience riddled with desperation,
While I slumber,
Waiting in Death's anxious hand,
Your gentle voice awakens something,
I thought it to be dead,
But hope arises,
I thought us both conquered,
But you breathe air,
Into my fragile lungs,
Reviving lost hope,
Stealing me away,
From Death's inpenetrable clutches,
With your passion
©Nicola-Isobel H.     01.01.2011
479 · Feb 2011
I Don't Want To Be Amazing
Isobel G Feb 2011
I don't want to be,
Just something,
More than yet,
Another face,
To someone,
Who meant everything
©Nicola-Isobel H.      16.02.2011
478 · Jan 2011
How Far We Have To Fall
Isobel G Jan 2011
Tears fall like dew drops in the morning,
Love recalls the early hours of the dawning,
Of the fire,
In our hearts,
In our eyes,
As we lost sight of what we've won,
In our minds,
In our souls,
See how far we've come to fall,
How far we have to fall,
We have to run,
To hold on
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
478 · Jan 2011
My Thoughts At 9pm
Isobel G Jan 2011
I want to know where you are,
While I'm thinking about him,
While I wonder why it feels so wrong,
When he says my name,
Why my heart doesn't beat when you do,

I don't want him to say anything,
I want you to say everything,
I want you to tell me we'll be fine,

Why does it feel so fake,
When he holds my hand,
And asks what's wrong,
Why do I wish you were him,
That he was gone, and you,
In his place,
A much better fit,
Walking into the sunset,
As I watch from heaven above
©Nicola-Isobel H.     02.01.2011
478 · Feb 2011
Desperate For His Promise
Isobel G Feb 2011
I wrap my arms,
Tightly around,
My empty, shaking self,
Struggling to breathe,
Inside and out,
So desperate,
For his promise,
And Death's mercy
©Nicola-Isobel H.      05.02.2011
478 · Apr 2015
Solitary confinement
Isobel G Apr 2015
I am trapped.
I am paralysed
by my own vile thoughts.

You hate me?
I hate myself.
©Nicola-Isobel H.     21.04.2015
476 · Dec 2015
"Clean up on Isle 5."
Isobel G Dec 2015
The icy sting shocks me into consciousness,
and the water weighs heavy on my lashes.
I blink away the soft blurred white
and the sink is bleached and
clinical as the water rushes
over it's slick, porcelain skin.
The coolness traces the blood-rush red
of my crippled fingers, and slowly, I crumble.
©Nicola-Isobel H.       15.12.2015
476 · Mar 2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
In those moments,
When the world slows,
To a stand-still,
And the seconds,
Take an eternity to pass,
Don't you wish,
It would all just be,
©Nicola-Isobel H.        30.03.2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
Lying awake for days,
All the things I'd like to know,
Do you ever feel alone,
You've never been alone,
Bleeding from the scars,
You drew, they never closed,
They never closed

I'm drowning in emotion,
That you're not feeling,
I'm falling apart,
'Cause you can't see this,
I'll break my own heart,
If it makes you smile,
But I've been keeping quiet,
Far too long

Inquisition of the sunsets,
All the doubts I'll keep at bay,
How could you not ponder,
If we're falling the right way,
You could be the lies,
Fuelling all this pain,
It never ends

I'm drowning in emotion,
That you're not feeling,
I'm falling apart,
'Cause you can't see this,
I'll break my own heart,
If it makes you smile,
But I've been keeping quiet,
Far too long

So here we'll lie,
In the darkness,
Does it matter at all,
How hard we try,
To pick up the pieces

I'm drowning in emotion,
That you're not feeling,
I'm falling apart,
'Cause you can't see this,
I'll break my own heart,
If it makes you smile,
But I've been keeping quiet,
Far too...
(repeat chorus)

I've been keeping quiet,
Far too long
©Nicola-Isobel H.        19.03.2011

This is the full set of lyrics for Keeping Quiet. Enjoy.
475 · Jan 2011
To Walk In The Sun
Isobel G Jan 2011
I think I'd like to be,
Someone else,
For just one day,
To shed my heavy cloak,
Of black and despair,
And walk in the sun
©Nicola-Isobel H.     15.01.2011
475 · Oct 2011
Monster and Man
Isobel G Oct 2011
There's something sinister,
Behind those eyes,
Lurking, waiting, preying,
Dancing between the whites,
And the lines,
Glowing with a passion,
That could only be fueled,
By your taste for vengeance,
A parasitic blend,
Of monster and man
©Nicola-Isobel H.         28.10.2011
474 · Feb 2011
What Was Once Happiness
Isobel G Feb 2011
He penetrates stone walls,
And sees the truth,
Behind the lies,
And the empty smile,

There is something beyond,
Something dark,
Something hollow and broken,

Layered with dust,
Lies the grave,
Of what was once,
©Nicola-Isobel H.     17.02.2011
474 · Oct 2011
I'm Alone
Isobel G Oct 2011
I'm standing,
On my own now,
In the rain now,

It's been a long time,
Since I saw you,
Since we last spoke,

And now I need to know,
Where you are,
Where you were,

You promised to hold me,
When they lost me,
When they found me,

You made your vow,
To close my eyes,
To guide me home,

But I'm alone now,
I'm alone.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        27.04.2011
474 · Dec 2011
Perfect Things
Isobel G Dec 2011
My mind fills,
With perfect things,
Perfect things,
That used to belong with someone else
Maybe they're not so perfect...
©Nicola-Isobel H.        26.12.2011
473 · May 2015
Empty shell
Isobel G May 2015
Why do we destroy ourselves?

Why do we live?

Why do I love you.
©Nicola-Isobel H.         14.05.2015
472 · Apr 2011
Save Me
Isobel G Apr 2011
Save me,
But what is there to save,
There is no life here,
It has been gone for years,
You can only postpone,
The inevitable,
For so long,
But I ask,
Selfishly, I ask,
Save me,
Before I breathe my last
©Nicola-Isobel H.     15.04.2011
471 · Jan 2011
Almost At The Bottom
Isobel G Jan 2011
I know there's no point,
Crying or pondering,
On whats been said and done,
That I'm wasting my time,
Waiting for things to get better,
But when you're stuck,
Hopeless and destroyed,
Almost at the bottom,
And the climb back up,
Seems so impossible on your own,
You can't take your eyes,
Off the darkness surrounding you,
Because in this place,
The light isn't bright enough,
To be real
©Nicola-Isobel H.    20.01.2011
471 · Apr 2011
Isobel G Apr 2011
I want to help you,
Please don't push me away,
I need you,
I want you to stay,
I'll still be here,
We don't have to change
©Nicola-Isobel H.       17.04.2011

Yes, I am attempting to rhyme for some unknown reason.
471 · Oct 2011
I Turn Away
Isobel G Oct 2011
He takes my hand,
Runs his fingers,
Through the broken veins,
Whispering the same words,
The lies that caught me,
Every time,
He fills my mind,
With sleepless nights,
Listening for Death's sirens,
As our blood stains the floor,
Red bleach filled with poison,
He finds my eyes,
Keep them closed,
I keep them closed,
To hide his tears,
To keep from drowning,
I turn away from yesterday
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.08.2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
I love the way,
He says goodnight,
Like there's no such thing,
As goodbye,
He drives me wild,
With his clarity and perception,
It's in the way,
He clouds my direction,
And takes control,
So effortlessly,
He's exactly who,
I wanted him to be
©Nicola-Isobel H.       03.02.2011

Not one of my best...
470 · Jun 2011
Suns Become Stars
Isobel G Jun 2011
When it's quiet,
I can still hear your voice,
Soft and lingering,
Surrounding me,
I can still feel you,
Faded yet fixed,
In my mind,
Your hands,
Cool on my skin,
And your arms around me,
Reality dawns,
Suns become stars,
You're gone,
When I most need you,
To stay
©Nicola-Isobel H.     31.05.2011
470 · Mar 2011
Screaming For Nothing
Isobel G Mar 2011
Hope eats away,
At my insides,
Hollow though they are,
It burns through it all,
A sickness fills my heart,
A chilling fever,
Freezing the emptiness,
'Til everything melts away,
And I'm screaming,
For nothing
©Nicola-Isobel H.      17.03.2011
469 · Aug 2012
Isobel G Aug 2012
You're closer, almost
in reach of my senses. Your
familiar sting on my skin,
that touch I could never quite
trust. Don't let me breathe
you in.
©Nicola-Isobel H.           13.08.2012
469 · Apr 2012
Isobel G Apr 2012
Wash the blood from your teeth;
you're all in pieces,
taking us in pieces,
to become your own.

Pull the dirt from your nails;
you are not whole.
We've always been empty
behind the illusion.

Cut the colour from your eyes,
stop beating.
I wish I could pull the stopper
and call you a monster.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        04.04.2012
468 · Jan 2011
It's Okay
Isobel G Jan 2011
I'm sorry,
For running to you,
When you have so much else,
Someone else to fix,
But what else can I do?
And when you see,
These tears,
You hold my hand anyway,
And ease the heavy burden,
That's when I know,
It's okay
©Nicola-Isobel H.     04.01.2011
466 · Jan 2011
I'm Leaving
Isobel G Jan 2011
I don't want to make,
These same mistakes,
Yet again,
So I'm leaving,
Don't speak,
I know what you'll say,
You need to let me,
Move on,
Do the same,
Just don't try,
To put us back,
Together again
©Nicola-Isobel H.     12.01.2011
465 · Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
A slave to all the poison,
Running through my veins,
Take my rights,
I've no will
465 · Jun 2011
Why I Love You
Isobel G Jun 2011
I love you,
Because you make the sun,
Shine a little brighter,
And the pain,
Drift away to a place,
It cannot be felt,
I love you,
For your honesty,
Because of everything you are,
For giving me a reason,
To wake up,
I love you,
Because I feel so alive,
So real,
When I'm with you,
I wouldn't dream,
Of closing my eyes
©Nicola-Isobel H.     24.05.2011
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