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465 · Mar 2012
An End
Isobel G Mar 2012
It's all crashing down around me,
Buildings falling over hollow foundations,
The sky, collapsing into itself,
The shadows surround me,
My world, coming to an end
©Nicola-Isobel H.           14.03.2012
465 · Jun 2011
Why I Love You
Isobel G Jun 2011
I love you,
Because you make the sun,
Shine a little brighter,
And the pain,
Drift away to a place,
It cannot be felt,
I love you,
For your honesty,
Because of everything you are,
For giving me a reason,
To wake up,
I love you,
Because I feel so alive,
So real,
When I'm with you,
I wouldn't dream,
Of closing my eyes
©Nicola-Isobel H.     24.05.2011
464 · May 2011
Drifting back to sleep
Isobel G May 2011
In the bath tub,
I lie,
In my soaking black dress,
Vision blurred,
By pills,
Your hands are cold,
Like the water,
I drown in,
As you watch me,
Drifting back to sleep
©Nicola-Isobel H.      09.05.2011
463 · Dec 2010
Then Is Not The Same As Now
Isobel G Dec 2010
There was a time,
I lived to breathe,
Nothing but your name,
You were there,
To tell me how to see,
The world,
I saw only through your now empty eyes,
Now I see nothing,
Since you've left me with only my lonely, untrained eyes,
My vision is dead,
Like I am to you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     28.12.2010
463 · Jan 2011
I Can't Accept This
Isobel G Jan 2011
I think,
I'll just blow my heart,
To smithereens,
Because I can't,
Accept this
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
463 · Dec 2015
China Doll
Isobel G Dec 2015
Sometimes I don't recognise
my own frayed edges; that pale
painted-faced girl slung on the
mirror's edge, the shadow I have become.
©Nicola-Isobel H.       16.12.2015
462 · Oct 2011
His Vanity
Isobel G Oct 2011
It was too much,
Yet all in the same,
It wasn't enough,
He tore at my insides,
We fell in sync,
But I wouldn't die,
For his vanity
©Nicola-Isobel H.      22.06.2011
462 · Oct 2011
The Girl
Isobel G Oct 2011
I'm the girl with the scars,
With the blade in her fingers,
Blood and brittle bones,
The girl with the bruises,
With the troubled mind,
Darkness in excess,
I'm the girl without light,
The broken one,
The dying one,
I'm a girl,
I'm a mess
©Nicola-Isobel H.      05.08.2011
460 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
The bitterness rests,
Idle on your tongue,
The interlude of silence,
Falls softly on the wind,
The thawing wind,
Inducing the lullaby,
Of eternity
©Nicola-Isobel H.        17.10.2011
460 · Jan 2012
Isobel G Jan 2012
I didn't see your face,
When you loved me,
Maybe when I was dreaming,
But it was only cold,
It follows me now,
Your name across my world,
And you've stolen all the feelings,
All the places,
That I shouldn't have given you,
So I change my sheets and mattresses and hair,
But I still smell of us,
And you're still breathing on my neck,
So I stop crossing bridges,
And maybe I want to dream of you,
But you never loved me,
You're too cold to hold fire,
Too blind for emotion,
So I'll move my window,
And cover my doors with things you've never seen,
And bring strangers to bed,
Because that's all you are.**

And somewhere in this whirlwind of boys who don't feel and furniture, he takes my hand and shows me I never forgot how to smile.

                                                                      ­                                                                 ­                           I guess that's love.
©Nicola-Isobel H.          09.01.2012
459 · Dec 2010
So-Called Love
Isobel G Dec 2010
You break me down,
And call it love,
You lift me up,
To let me fall,
You broke my heart,
To hear me cry,
You left me,
Your so-called love,
Beneath the sky
©Nicola-Isobel H.    28.12.2010
459 · Oct 2011
When No-one's Home
Isobel G Oct 2011
I talk to him sometimes,
When no-one's home,
I tried today
I pretend to hear him,
In my footfall,
It was almost too hard
He's there,
The moon on my sheets,
But you wanted me to try
I can't help crying sometimes,
When I imagine him breathing,
Do you think about it?
I remember that feeling,
Of weight on my shoulders,
When I'm alone
I fall into the cold,
Like a makeshift embrace,
*Do you wish you could stop me?
©Nicola-Isobel H.        23.10.2011

Couldn't think of a better title. Any suggestions?
459 · Jan 2011
Can't I Just Go Back
Isobel G Jan 2011
I'm sick of hurting,
Can't I just go back,
To being blissfully unaware,
Sleeping in feigned security
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
457 · May 2011
I Don't Feel Empty
Isobel G May 2011
I stop to watch,
The sunrise,
And I believe,
For a moment,
I don't feel empty
©Nicola-Isobel H.      09.05.2011
456 · Jun 2011
My Words Are Not Enough
Isobel G Jun 2011
Tell me how the story ends,
What's lost and what remains,
Tell me when the rain begins,
To fall senseless without composure,
Tell me what to say,
My words are not enough
©Nicola-Isobel H.     18.05.2011
455 · Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
Perhaps I'm falling,
Into the bottom of this bottle,
Looking up,
From the palm of your hand,
Dancing between your fingers,
Perhaps I'm less now,
Wasting and diminished,
Perhaps I'm just not,
©Nicola-Isobel H.       12.12.2011
455 · Jun 2011
All That I Am
Isobel G Jun 2011
My problem,
Is not coldness,
Nor sadness,
It is not the absence.
Of my sense of self,
Or my longing to die,
All that I am,
Is lonely
©Nicola-Isobel H.     13.05.2011
454 · Feb 2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
I spend my days,
Staring out windows,
At effortless blue sky,
And the nights,
Blinking up,
At blatant, white ceilings,
Through the darkness,
Just waiting,
For it to be over
©Nicola-Isobel H.       03.02.2011
Isobel G Dec 2010
To whoever has the heart to hear:
I, a butterfly,
Have nothing but broken wings,
Unwilling to fly,
Though I know,
I am nothing,
But one of many millions,
I pray that you, God unto me,
May grant my wish,
And unlock the heavy doors,
Of my cruel cage,
Heal my broken spirit,
And lift the burden of this pain,
From my brittle wings
©Nicola-Isobel H.     28.12.2010
454 · Jan 2012
Caught and Overrated
Isobel G Jan 2012
It's hard to wonder,
If you're overrated,
When I'm caught,
Blurred vision to your fever,
Two steps behind
©Nicola-Isobel H.        23.01.2012
Isobel G Apr 2016
I live my life from one encounter to the next;
the way a ****** lives for his next pay check.
I need my fix and every moment in between is nothing,
every moment is empty until I'm beneath you.
© Nicola-Isobel H.      06.04.2016
453 · Jan 2011
I Won't, For You
Isobel G Jan 2011
Air escapes these punctured lungs,
Far too fast,
With too much ease,
Eager to leave,
This broken body,
Riddled with pain,
Blood flows,
Far too anxiously,
Through these brittle veins,
And fresh, bleeding wounds,
But I won't,
I won't end the pain,
If you ask me to stay,
Though staying kills me anyway,
Slowly but surely,
Inevitably, hopelessly,
I will endure it,
To stop your tears,
Falling, crashing,
Through the cracks of the earth
©Nicola-Isobel H.     02.01.2011
452 · Jan 2011
When You Smile
Isobel G Jan 2011
When you're around,
The complex and unforgiving world,
Seems so simple,
So beautiful,
I can believe there is such thing,
As happiness,
Because when you smile,
I don't have to pretend
©Nicola-Isobel H.     11.01.2011
452 · Apr 2011
I'm Not Suprised
Isobel G Apr 2011
I guess I'm not suprised,
I always knew this had to end,
But I never thought,
It would be like this,
I never expected,
You would give up so fast
©Nicola-Isobel H.      16.04.2011
452 · Jan 2011
Nine Words
Isobel G Jan 2011
Before I retreated,
To the safety,
Of my wardrobe walls,
Nine words escaped,
My father's lips,
I know this is going to upset you but...
Frantic, I did not wait,
To hear the rest,
But slammed the closet door,
And disappeared,
Into the darkness
©Nicola-Isobel H.        26.01.2011
451 · Jun 2011
Waking Up Alone
Isobel G Jun 2011
The thing I hate most,
About life,
Is waking up,
©Nicola-Isobel H.     22.05.2011
451 · Jun 2011
Surrounded By Night
Isobel G Jun 2011
Street lights for stars,
And smokey air,
Fogging the black curtains,
Of the sky,
I'm surrounded by night,
While I long for the day
©Nicola-Isobel H.     01.06.2011
450 · Feb 2011
As We Collide
Isobel G Feb 2011
Your voice,
Motions a collosal shift,
From within me,
The words make changes,
Between us,
And I dream,
Of summer sun,
In your eyes,
As we collide
©Nicola-Isobel H.       02.02.2011
450 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I'm just looking,
For something; someone,
Worth looking for
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
449 · Apr 2011
I Never Said Goodbye
Isobel G Apr 2011
The last time I saw him,
He was sick,
He was dying,
Surrounded by white,
A blank room of white,
Sharp and impersonal,
He couldn't speak,
I couldn't speak,
I never said goodbye
©Nicola-Isobel H.      18.04.2011
448 · Oct 2011
As I Remember
Isobel G Oct 2011
The winter winds,
The grey skies,
Exactly as I remember,
It seems I never left
©Nicola-Isobel H.     22.07.2011
448 · Oct 2011
I've Lost It
Isobel G Oct 2011
I've lost it,
That light shining,
Between our fingers,
It flickers,
From dim to bright,
On to off,
I'm losing it,
The words,
Paving my way,
Into the darkness of your mind,
Into the midst of another's sorrow
©Nicola-Isobel H.       20.10.2011
446 · Oct 2011
The Silence of The Night
Isobel G Oct 2011
Clouds befall the canvas,
Of the black, starry night,
Your voice,
A gentle harmony,
Playing on the wind,
The horizon falls from focus,
Matched with the flutter,
Of restless eyes,
The silence of the night,
Finds me back beside you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     21.06.2011
446 · Nov 2011
Farewell At Last
Isobel G Nov 2011
If I wake up,
Bring me home,
To the vacant dawn,

Lay me to rest,
On paper sand,
And farewell at last,

When I wake up,
Leave me prevented,
Black bouquet in hand,

Under the veil,
Of empty promise,
And wasted youth,
Farewell at last
©Nicola-Isobel H.        05.11.2011
446 · Jan 2011
Something Else
Isobel G Jan 2011
I just want to feel,
Something else,
Something other than pain,
Something worth feeling,
Something beautiful and hopeful,
Even just for a day
©Nicola-Isobel H.     16.01.2011
446 · Jun 2011
You Mean Everything
Isobel G Jun 2011
When I look in your eyes,
It's clear,
You mean everything to me,
I can't imagine,
Being without you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     03.06.2011
445 · Jan 2011
Why Was It Raining
Isobel G Jan 2011
Why was it raining,
That day,
One year ago,
When I left you,
On the balcony
©Nicola-Isobel H.       25.01.2011
445 · Mar 2011
He Loves Me
Isobel G Mar 2011
He loves me,
Should I feel the same,
Or shy away,
From love's uncertain embrace,
Though the force,
Of his words,
Draws me closer,
I feel the sickening twist,
Of confusion,
Within my chest,
How can I return,
Such sweetness,
While love is torn,
Contorted and shredded,
When my heart,
Should be flooded,
Bursting at the seams,
With equal passion
©Nicola-Isobel H.       02.03.2011
445 · Jul 2014
Isobel G Jul 2014
Do you ever feel the ice
wrap tight around your chest?
Its long, bone-thin fingers
fill the gaps between your ribs;
you feel those nails,
familiar as an old friend,
rake across your skin.

I can feel him trace
the chill along my spine.
His whispers
raising the hairs of my neck,
as his darkness cloaks my eyes.

Do you ever feel him?
His devil's grin against your cheek;
that cruel, cold laughter
stealing your breath away.
©Nicola-Isobel H.       06.07.2014
445 · Feb 2011
Bleeding Truth
Isobel G Feb 2011
Breathing never satisfies,
This hunger,
For eternal silence,
And a simple, tragic ending,
Rather, it fuels the fire,
Of desperation,
For blood across my hands,
And tears me up,
Alive and open,
Bleeding truth,
Across the broken floor
©Nicola-Isobel H.      20.02.2011
444 · Jun 2011
I Miss You
Isobel G Jun 2011
I close my eyes,
And count the seconds,
That you're gone,
There's nothing else I can do,
But lie awake,
Because I miss you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     01.06.2011
443 · Dec 2011
I Do Not Dream
Isobel G Dec 2011
I do not dream in colour,
I do not dream at all
©Nicola-Isobel H.       11.12.2011
443 · Jan 2011
Take Me Somewhere
Isobel G Jan 2011
Take me somewhere,
Where this pain will take my place,
In Death's cold hand
©Nicola-Isobel H.     03.01.2011
442 · Oct 2011
Nobody's Breathing
Isobel G Oct 2011
Her eyes are closed,
But the ground's still shaking,
The frost has settled,
But the water's still racing,
The air is still,
Nobody's breathing
©Nicola-Isobel H.      16.08.2011
442 · Oct 2011
Winter's Calling
Isobel G Oct 2011
Find me in the snow,
You'll be seconds,
Too late,
The winter's calling,
Could you hear the darkness,
You never felt the darkness,
Pulling me away
©Nicola-Isobel H.      16.08.2011
442 · Jan 2011
How Can He Not See
Isobel G Jan 2011
Her soft, silent smile,
A lie to his eyes,
Steals hope from their heavy hearts,
Why can he not see,
How much she cares,
Unwillingly so now,
But no less than before,
Yet he turns her away
©Nicola-Isobel H.     06.01.2011
440 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I'm wondering why,
God betrayed religion,
So blatantly,

Why there's nothing,
The doctors can do,
Absolutely nothing,

Why they never told me,
"He hasn't got long",

Why I won't be able to say,
"I love you",
Enough times,
Before his blood runs cold,

Why the air doesn't fill me,
With life,
But with nausea,

*Couldn't it all just be okay?
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
440 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
If I could take you,
To the river of sinners,
I would show you,
The depths of my hell,
We would drink,
The black liquid-crystal,
And you would taste,
The acid of this thirst,
I could show you,
My mortal struggle,
Written over the planes,
Of my wrist,
And you would finally see,
That I have fallen.

*I could never take you there
©Nicola-Isobel H.        21.10.2011
438 · Apr 2011
Don't Forget Me
Isobel G Apr 2011
"I could forget..."*
The voice screams,
Through my speakers,
As I pray,
You won't forget me
©Nicola-Isobel H.      21.04.2011
438 · Apr 2016
Intimacy Issues
Isobel G Apr 2016
In the stillness of moonlight,
punctuated by your steady exhale
and the brief swell of your chest,
I sunk into your warmth.
Encased in your arms,
I felt myself slipping into a feeling
that I had almost forgotten.
Like a child with her ear
pressed to the whorl of a seashell,
I lost myself in the drumming beneath your ribs.
©Nicola-Isobel H.         26.04.2016
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