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I'm just a simple dreamer
With thoughts and passions
Bigger than my body

Thoughts uncontrolled,
Unbridled, run across
Plains of white,
Mountains of shadows

A dreamer who had
Rather look up at the skies
Whether there be grey clouds,
Starry nights, harsh sunlight

Someone who had rather spend
Midnight, looking and talking
to the moon, pretending to hear
A response to all the mindless drivel

My thoughts go unheard
As they run across those
snow-white plains, across
towering shadows, till one day

The plains crumble to give way
The shadows burn
Just an orange flame left
Where they once existed


People won’t find

They veer off
The meaning.

They are lost.

By own Choice.

As I’m blinded

Swallow sand.


Gnashing of teeth.

Skin ripped
In Stripes…

Nerves over-excited.

Dilated pupils
Wander desperately.

Hopelessly blinded.



Breathing at an
unbearable pace.

Do you want to truly terrify a man?
Expand his world.
The Lady is a month to me, A title and half her name;
Her mask sustains the mystery, the beauty beneath the chains.

The pompous men explain, about Christ in all his passion,
But they know not the pain, of a life spent folding napkins;
To serve and serve in silence, with no whisper of complaint,
The quiet of a painting and the patience of a saint.

Hold her petals gently, lad, but the stem you must grasp firm,
My Rose, a perfect pupil, never shy to grow and learn.
I'm sorry if I crossed you, it was only with respect,
As every rogue treats treasure, we must mark it with an X.

I could only give you words, and sadly I have known,
In truth what you deserved, was a kingdom of your own.
The maid will get her palace, and her carpets crimson red,
Fine wine in her chalice and gold ropes around her bed.

But first, we'll to the ballroom, along paths with gems inlayed,
The bedding will come later; there's other games yet to be played.
We'll dance there, Miss December, On the garnet tiled floor,
And every stance of mine will render, Love incarnate; underscored.

I know I wasn't perfect. No, your Highness, not the best,
And though I haven't earned it, for your kindness I was blessed.
So now lend your Bard his drummer and he'll sing for you a tune,
Compare your eyes to summer, if your name was Lady June.

Yet, I think the winter fitting, and I do not mean the cold.
For I'm on concrete city benches sitting, dreaming of your soul.
I sit beside a western shore and look at western seas,
The water has no more joy for me, the Lady's in the East.

The poem turns to rambling, but I'm half-drunk and it's late.
I only hope she's understanding, what my garbled words would state.
You know your Master's only letters, not a thing to see or feel;
And though I can't do better, at least for me, the words were real.
I am at the wall again,
nose in the corner,
just a friend.

Please tell me when
I'll be no foreigner,
I am at the wall again.

How long has it been?
Will this ever be over?
Just a friend.

'Keep it up, your chin'
says the mourner.
I'm at the wall again.

When will it begin?
I'm done being a loner,
just a friend.

Stop the sin,
find my heart's owner.
I'm at the wall again,
just a friend.
© Cassie Mae Writings 2012
Lazing in the arms of nature

the warmth of passion...

whilst gentle breaths
enflame my skin

tenderly held and stroked lovingly

a smile creeps in shadow

slowly across my lips.

For sun breeze and unmown grass
so comfort me

when you cannot.
Yes, she stole my thoughts*

devoured, digested and made her own
in the shortest possible time one could imagine,
made her imprint to make it a through job.
all between a stuporous sleep of my unmaking
after that frenzied mating instigated by
her  cheating instinct at its acme.

she did it quietly in the dim light
of the zero watt bulb,
after we slept together
for the first time;
it was eerie
my romanticized thoughts
were the first to
get drawn out,
a tree full of wild red blossoms,
the name of which slipped
from memory to oblivion,
migratory birds of different feathers
sitting on that tree chirping in love's sweet passion.

i woke up
when the thoughts circling
like blood in my veins were touched,
she was there prowling
with the look of a witch,
a happy one at that
how victorious she looked!
my angst has no place in her scheme of things
after that, she coughed and spat
and pretended ,IPR never was violated
When you get bitten by the
serpent called  lust,
and two ***** conjoin,
thoughts go down and hide,
one become unreasonable
and glide through moonlit sky,
stars wink, thoughts wink back,
and the stupor takes over.

yes, she stole my thoughts
how could one complain?
You need to be one or the other at a time.
Unending disputes about violation of  intellectual property rights get one confused beyond the limits of reason, girlfriends too will have to bear the brunt, i am sure. IPR demons may be  prowling within homes .
She lives in shade
Where muffled sounds of laughter from the sunlit place
Can't reach, and colours fade
To grey in this so silent space
Which, all alone, she yearns to leave
But still unseen, she leaves no trace
The shadow child, without a face
The nameless one
Maybe I've been out here
For close to half a year;
Or more

If you lay on your back
(Like I have done)
You'd see that the waves
Have a pattern -
Just up-and-down.

I haven't done it in a while but,
Sometimes I muster up the courage
To look into the water.
It's crystal clear usually
(My reflection is odd but endearing.)

Other times
The giant shadowy blackness
Saunters deep down in the clarity.

Out of the blue
Sometimes, I'll watch a tail fin
Circle my lifeboat.
Entranced by it's wake
I watch the sea-demon of the deep
Until it leaves.
It's a poem about schizophrenia.
Change the subject of the reason
To hold your hand in the whining
Twilight of spent dreams and
Penniless trust funds merging like
Waves crashing onto diamond sand

A voice calls out to you and
You listen but discover that
Histories red dress is burning, not
Flashing in the sunlight like you wished
Where there are friends there is
Remorse for the highest mountain-top is
A meaningless wish - you are already there

In dreams, we desert our lover's and
Dance with ourselves and everything
We need is on the page or in the street
Or felt in the touch of an old college ****
You thought was going to be the one
That was where the magic was
That was when you believed in happiness

Now, there is only this moment
The eyes tearing open the sores of
Your mistakes, seeing that there is no
Such thing as dreams, only reality
Only the seams of time that trickles
Like the melting snow of December
Like the first rain after a desert wind
Like an explosion of love after a season of hate

The sword silver swaying for so long
Unsheathes itself and prays to God for forgiveness
We are the same monsters that bore us
The usages are dead and dusty and smell of
Stale ***** and the sweat of the Devil's demons
Lava pours from my fingertips as I
Question myself and everything that I have done

People move on like chess pieces
Sprinting to die for their country
Their love their family their religion
Their ideologies their love their hatred
"To die for something is to die honorably -
Any other way is disgraceful," the magistrate preaches


Tell what you want
When you want to
Do not wait
Procrastination is
The poison that will not
Be forgiven

Prayers of the people
Shed the dim light of hope
On the living ******

We are at the harbor with
Open hearts and

Compassionate guidance
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