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 May 2013 india
Daniel Magner
Now that I
really sit
and think
about it,
that was the
most heart
felt thing
anyone has
done for me
in a long long long
© Daniel Magner 2013

for Brooke
 May 2013 india
Daniel Magner
I'm broke
He glances sideways
As in, I don't work right*
nods, knows.
Somehow he has
© Daniel Magner 2013

For a (hopefully) friend for life
 May 2013 india
Daniel Magner
It's been awhile
since jasmine or
some soft, pastel
scent has graced
my senses
and the thawing
touch that
things afore  
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Apr 2013 india
Francisco DH
 Apr 2013 india
Francisco DH
Wishes  are for children
Dreaming also
Reality is too strong to ignore because it hits you everyday
Reminding you that it's always going to be there
And there isn't time to wish and dream.
 Apr 2013 india
Katlyn Orthman
Sometimes I pretend I'm someone else
So I don't have to be me
Until I open my eyes
And face my reflection
 Apr 2013 india
 Apr 2013 india
In late spring
Early summer
The moon shows during the day
Maybe this means the moon
Doesn't have to die
Just to let the sun live
They can be in the sky
Side by side
The moon finally gets to see
The sun
And marvel at the light
He gives off
The sun can stare in awe
At the moon
How lovely her shape is
How calmly she sits in the sky
Waiting for her turn to shine
 Apr 2013 india
 Apr 2013 india
It's not a big deal unless you make it one.
You can get out of things if you pack up and run.
But just cause you're gone doesn't mean this is done.
 Apr 2013 india
Sydney Victoria
You Again?
How Can You Bare To Come Through My Door?
The Key Isn't Underneath The Mat Meaning,
*You Aren't Welcome Here Anymore
You've Proved Your Point So Leave Me Alone
 Apr 2013 india
They'll be look into my
To see if I've ver had suicide as an

It is.
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