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537 · Mar 2018
Dianna Mar 2018
Sometimes I have no control
I just stop functioning
But I don't
My hands move
My head moves
My eyes move
watching it all happening
But it's not me
But it is
What is happening?
Who is in control?
514 · Mar 2018
Dianna Mar 2018
I'm not in love
I hope I'm not
I think I used to be
but I'm not right now...

I'm not in love
I mean there is someone
He's nice
I don't know

I'm not in love
But if I am
Things are gonna get

(I'm not in love
But if I really was
I bet my poetry
would be way better)
388 · May 2018
Dianna May 2018
With AGE comes beauty
With AGE comes knowledge
With AGE comes understanding
With AGE comes temperance
With AGE comes experience
With AGE comes memories
With AGE comes mistakes
With AGE comes humility
With AGE comes responsibility
With AGE comes wrinkles
With AGE comes weakness

With AGE comes death.

I wish I could have stayed a child.
Age is too much for me to handle right now.
284 · Oct 2018
Dianna Oct 2018
you are the iceberg
I’m the Titanic
My heart is Jack
My soul is Rose

My soul will go on
But my heart will die
because with you
I am destroyed
i dunno
190 · Mar 2018
Dianna Mar 2018
Please don't leave mad
Don't leave angry at me
Because if you leave
there is a chance,
you could never come back
And I don't want
the last thing I hear from you
to be: "I hate you"
You can be mad at me when you get back.
But for now
say: "I love you"
so I'll know
that if you ever go
and don't come back
these words will stay with me
and never leave
Is it bad that this is my mindset?
167 · Mar 2018
I hate things...
Dianna Mar 2018
I hate it how
people say things,
meaning to hurt,
meaning to scar

I hate it how
people scar themselves
meant to hurt
but meant to take the pain away

— The End —