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Feb 21 · 32
About Love
Sabika Feb 21
What do you know about love?
About the way it has shaped you?
Do you know how it created the space inside?
Were you aware of the shapes of its rooms,
Made with breathing walls,
Its vastness decorated with memorabilias.

In each space, the same tune plays,
Like a subtle hum.
You carry it in the way you walk and talk,
In the way you look and feel.
You may have forgotten, you may doubt it,
But it is more real than
What you'd be without it.

Only love can make pain precious,
And turn sadness to a homage.
Only love can turn anger to an act of kindness.
Only love can cure your blindness.
Only love can make solitude warm,
Only love can withstand a storm.

And when you ripped from me
My love,
You rendered my heart but a shell.
My soul oozing blood,
My life, a living hell.

I should've cherished the kisses,
The warmth in those hugs.
I should've written down the stories,
Before paying that heavy cost...

So I ask you once again,
What do you know about love?
Feb 19 · 160
Heaven's Diaspora
Sabika Feb 19
You spent your life fighting for freedom,
You became liberated from life
Oh martyr.
People, enslaved by their delusions
Enslaved you,
none were wiser.

Tell me,
If the hearts that beat are the same,
If the lungs that breathe are
Capable of uttering the Name,
Could such evil come from me?

The devil doesn't answer once he is called to question.
The devil instead burrows your face,
And wears a copy of your skin,
And utters your words back to you.

Oh martyr,
You may have been but a child,
A woman, a fighting man,
An elder,
Maybe you had died offering a helping hand,
A mother, a father.
We grieve over the loss
Of our sister, our brother.
With each light that is cut off
The world grows darker and darker.
Robbed from your care and your love
It gets so much colder.
And the rest of us are left
Under the glaring shadow of imminent death
Because the war never ends
Until every pure soul draws its last breath.

Home is heaven,
The children of Adam are displaced.
Some of heaven's diaspora
Are still swooned by Satan's whisper.
What a shame.
Sabika Jul 2024
Revelling in its opulence,
I still thought the grass could be greener.
Poisoned with delusion,
My pride only grew with anger.
I had sought and I had sought and I
Suffered every step of the way.
I listened to the whispers and
My heart hardened, my eyes darkened,
Hair began falling, turning grey.
Poison seeped out my pores,
My words swayed those vulnerable
To have a share in my hell.

Dear God,
I have fallen.
This devil would like to return to heaven.
Purify my soul, offer me a chance
At redemption.
Dear God,
I admit to you with deep shame,
I have learnt my lesson.
Jul 2024 · 81
Sabika Jul 2024
Your blood
Submerged in the soil
Helps a red rose to grow.
Once cut, it regrows,
It is cut and cut again,
Uprooted, burned, and poisoned,
But there is an infinite mercy that
Brings it back.
And as long as there is life,
There is a path to forgiveness.
And as long as there is life,
There is a chance.
As long as there is a heart,
There is healing.
So do not lose hope whilst you're bleeding.
Look around and see the chances given
Glittering like stars in the night sky,
Twinkling as they say hello and goodbye.
I wouldn't lie to you.
Your rose will always grow.
It is a promise worth fighting for.
Jul 2024 · 75
Joyous Goodbyes
Sabika Jul 2024
The building still stands,
Cold, devoid of a soul,
We wait by its doors to
Say our goodbyes.

Every little bird passes by
One by one,
Looks back with a tearful smile
And a grateful heart,
And takes flight.
Our strings are not cut
It is stretching far and wide.
How exciting!
We are moved by the winds,
And in our laughter we cry,
We ask that you forgive our sins,
And take the chance to say your joyous goodbyes.
Jul 2024 · 62
Life's Art
Sabika Jul 2024
If you weigh as a feather
You'd shine as bright as the sun
And all those heavy knots will be undone!
You will be as if on a boat
Sailing safely across the sea,
And you'll happily sing a song
"No wave will phase me!"
And it will be true,
But this is known only to a few.
Whether part of the crew, or a captain,
You'll gladly play your part as you've imagined,
For this is how life makes its art.
Jun 2024 · 82
Sabika Jun 2024
Father died,
And yet it was my mother who became a ghost.
She is the one still haunting
The memories of him.

"Who are you?" I ask her,
And she looks up as a teenager
On that sunny day when you first met.
Eyes glistening with love and promise,
At a time where I was not born yet.

Father, she says you visit her,
But in fact it is she who visits you,
No doubt about it.
She keeps telling me she wants to go home,
Because that is what you took when you left.
I ask her "where are you?"
And she finally recognises me,
But she stares at me in horror
The way she stared at you hanging from the tree.

Death is selfish, father.
Death doesn't just come for the dying
But for the living,
When it has made a phantom out of the heart of my mother.

She asks me "who are you?"
But I don't have the heart to tell her,
That's the truth.
Everyone has become a stranger, father.
Everyone but you.
My heart goes to the people whose parents are living with dementia.
Jun 2024 · 75
Come & Go
Sabika Jun 2024
Whether buried in the depths of snow,
Where you don't always reap what you sow,
People come, and people go.

Be it in the fit of passion,
At the peak of love,
When precious time is either rationed or disposed of;
Or just when your rhythm settles on a flow,
People come, and people go.

Whether that is something you're prepared for or not,
Will you tend to that which can grow
Or that which rots?
Clench not, when a friend can become a foe.
You may run, but eventually you will know,
People come, and people go.
Jun 2024 · 87
Sabika Jun 2024
I am no different than those who've abandoned me,
I am no different than those who've hurt me.
Yes, I know, it has become repetitive.
I understand why I spent so much in avoiding this silence.

I am no victim, no exception,
For that reason, I want to keep my life.
I'll probably carry this grief wherever I go.
So old now, it's covered in mold.
I wash it off but it regrows.

It's the same thing, again and again.
I never mean the same to you,
And vice versa,
In a perpetual state of loss,
A cycle of death reminding me of itself.
This familiar silence, a memento,
It may never let me go.
May 2024 · 77
Sabika May 2024
Light of thine
Shining pon this heart of mine
Guiding me till I'm refined,
Showing me the signs
That I draw nearer to the Divine,
Purge the pain from my poisonous vines.
May 2024 · 77
Enough but Not
Sabika May 2024
He made fun of my beliefs,
What I held closest.
He said "I love you,
But not for what you deem dearest."
So what did he mean when he said to me:
"I love you for who you are"?

He called me boring,
But didn't listen to my answers
When I listened to his questions,
So what did he mean when he said to me:
"We have nothing to talk about, maybe if you were more interesting..."?

I let him degrade me, just a little.
But I also let him show me love.
He called me pretty, beautiful.
He kissed my hands, my neck,
In the seductive way that he does.

He was worried for me,
And asked to speak when we were apart.
So what did he mean when he said to me:
"I would worry if your future husband would be breaking your heart"?

He got me flowers,
And a note on love.
He took me to the next city,
Took me up a mountain,
Carried me over a river,
Made me dinner,
He made me feel like his love was enough,
And yet at the same time,
He did not.
May 2024 · 71
The Bridge
Sabika May 2024
The colours of the night have gotten deeper,
I see the addicts in the dark.
The stars have grown distant and faint,
It gets colder when we're apart.
Have I let go of something good?
The sun was shining when you were here;
The laughter was stronger,
The days were warmer,
And of course there was joy in the air.
The charming thing about pleasure is
That they will come to an end but
I thought, "we'll cross that bridge
When we get there."
May 2024 · 112
The Difference
Sabika May 2024
The old fog and the new light
Meet and unite,
I am there in the dawn.

Only now do I truly contemplate
The questions brought up in time;
What do I do with what was built
Among the people I know?
What is it I see beyond sight,
Beyond the horizon?
Why do I see an opening?
A different life -
When it is here I gave birth to the sun?

I understand,
I am consciously learning.
I heard familiar words uttered when
The leaves of autumn fell and
I said:
"I am starting to tell
The difference between the cries
Of heaven and hell."
May 2024 · 78
Methods of Love
Sabika May 2024
The breeze was still,
And yet I huddled into your arms
Begging for your warm embrace,
Begging for your hold.

I spilled myself onto you,
I melted.
The slime, blood, and sweetness mixed in
With my juices.

But you held and listened to my tears flow as I
Gushed all over your hands and onto the very floor.
And on the night where the curtain between Heaven and Earth grew thin,
You respond with a voice I've grown to know,
A voice of love,
From without and within.

Though I hear it from my depths,
I know it comes from above.
And though I long for a simple death,
Instead you teach me how to ward these thoughts off.
And you remind me with your sweetest voice,
That although seemingly tough,
I need to believe in the different methods of love.
Apr 2024 · 78
Cold Sweats
Sabika Apr 2024
They ooze out of my pores like sweat,
Beads rolling down my neck.
The sun is blinding, her heat burns.
Have you forgotten me?
Rendered as ash into an urn...

Oh friend of flesh, bone and blood,
Have you forgotten the times we've had
Playing over gravel, into grime and mud?
Oh flesh of my bone,
Oh garment of mine,
Why would you limit me like this?
Your cold winds push me back,
Its intensity stops me in my track.
Are you afraid?
Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me.
Yet you make me pay the price.
Is this the value of my life?
And when I am abandoned
By friends of blood and soul,
They leave me with no other, but you,
The only friend of Spirit,
Or so I am told.

Are the winds capable of carrying my voice?
How will I feel your presence?
How can you fill a human void?
You are far greater,
And my limits come short.
It is a puzzle piece,
and while you are the table on which I rest,
You are not of the missing sort.

Is it deception? A heinous act!
Perhaps my capacity is far larger
Than the perceived aspects of the things I lack.
And as I study the human mind,
I am reminded of all the people and things I need.
And I've concluded: all I need is people.
So how would God wish that I proceed?

Up the hill I go, through
Shrouds of obscure sorrows and transient joys.
Cold sweats,
Cold sweats,
Shed from me old skin and I pass
Old threats.
Is it a hill?
For I assumed an unobservable peak in expectation.

Is it deception? A heinous act!
Something I've told myself?
But if there's only up
For as long as I'm alive,
How can there be eternal ease
Under everchanging skies?
Apr 2024 · 86
The Influence of Youth
Sabika Apr 2024
You love me in this
Throne of skin and bone, glittering
and new, dripping with the honeydew
Of golden jewels.
These supple curves are an adornment,
Soft, and it bounces with the slightest touch!
It groans, and rumbles, shaking in its folds,
Ripe in its prime.
The moment is now, this is the time!

The blood pumps under plumped flesh with vigor.
My taste is of the pleasures of sweet wine and I
Grimace at the thought of vinegar.
Entertain me with your touch, squeeze, and caress.
My fruit craves to be exposed and undressed
For it is not too late.
Time will take its tole, age will make it old,
In a predictable fate.
I am immortal in this moment, capture me in this state!
Untamed and feral, under the influence of youth,
Too drunk to see the truth.
Mar 2024 · 75
Desire Defined
Sabika Mar 2024
Born into the garden  as a pup with no teeth,
My pack sing to me the songs and stories and show
The different ways to be.
From their desires grows my shadow
Nurtured in fear and jealousy,
It covers the sun in an eclipse,
As its rays of darkness chain me
To the only path that was deemed worthy to exist.
In a fit I growl and hiss,
For the path leads to an apparition too tempting to miss.
Conviction due to a longing,
A kind of suffering,
Leading myself blind
Down the hill, away from the pack,
I throw the strength I had gained,
Intoxicated by the lack.  
In a violent pursuit
Within the real and fantasy,
Desire defined me in its boundary.
Jan 2024 · 100
Sabika Jan 2024
Sing! Oh people of the world!
Sing for the pain that brought you closer,
For the pain that taught you about trust,
Resilience, courage, charity, love,
For the pain that taught you about God,
Take hold of the diamond sword and,
Sing louder, oh people of the world!
And marvel at the pain,
So inhumane
Yet some became more human.
Cherish your cries,
Savor your tears,
Slay your fears!
And sing for a life lived in hours, days, and years!
Jan 2024 · 89
Sabika Jan 2024
How could I jeopardize
A moment of bliss,
A heart touched by your kiss,
A soul warmed in your hug?

How could I sabotage
This peaceful smile
A rewarding feeling that
All of my efforts were worthwhile?
Oh how stupid I was to have nearly
Let this all go
For something so flippant and transient.
There must be a sickness in the heart,
A disease in the mind,
But nevermind that
I feel healed in your love.
Jan 2024 · 105
Sabika Jan 2024
It's like the stillness of nature,
It is not calm,
Like the hesitation of a wolf
Who sees sheep led by a shepherd
In a distant farm.
Like the sound of a fly
That's too far away to ****.
You're hesitant, uncomfortable,
You prefer it this way but
It's still ******* your knees when
You're going downhill.
Jan 2024 · 91
Back on Track
Sabika Jan 2024
I can see the distant storm,
Its anger looming,
Its inevitability grooming me.

The sky is wide,
It makes no sense to run from its shadow.
It moves like the sea
and I float in its current.

I was moving forward but now
I must fall back.
I have no choice but I'll always
Come back on track.
Jan 2024 · 83
His Bounty
Sabika Jan 2024
"You are asking God to give you from his bounty,
And I ask, what makes you worthy?"
God's pool is pure,
And my hands are tainted.
What I ask for is for
The hand of one of your beloved.
Yet, will your servant want someone like me?

To be worthy of your bounty
And a man so great, surely
I must be tested?
I cannot expect the best when
The best does not deserve that which is
Far lesser than perfect.

I ask for a human,
Not a thing.
I ask for a man
Worthy to be a king.
I ask for a love so sweet,
For a mercy so complete,
But perhaps I must come equal to such a treat.

I thought I've come close,
But it's not enough.
I've learned that there is no love without knowledge
And no knowledge without love.
So now that this is acknowledged,
Perhaps loneliness wouldn't seem so tough.
I can see you want what is best for me,
And the best requires to rise up and above.

I am hopeful,
And I'll pray, everyday.
You promised I come in a pair,
You assure me that you are fair,
And when the time comes to receive that gift,
I must be ready and worthy of being there.
Jan 2024 · 117
The Darkness of Sleep
Sabika Jan 2024
In every moment, in every place,
I must be strong;
Especially in the night
When the darkness blankets my eyes
And casts its shadow over my heart.

It's okay to be upset,
But the darkness speaks,
And I listen intently,
But I must not believe everything it says.

It looks into me and and sees
My past, my history,
It says treacherous things
About the people around me.

I recognise it now,
Now that I fight to be worthy of your love,
My Lord.
I see it now,
And how it can cause me to sting and sink
My venom into the people I love.
And when I wake it becomes clear,
What a horrible person I was.
Dec 2023 · 91
Attempt at Courage
Sabika Dec 2023
I denied myself your garden of Eden,
The heaven that you promised me.
I denied it even though I was deeply swayed by its beauty.
I reject your love knowing that you loved me.
I reject my love for you too, baby.
I reject it all, though it has been hard for me,
Because I can't have any of it without the Almighty.

So God, please accept my attempt at courage,
And if this was a test, make it so that I've passed.
For the things I've done,
I do not ask for a reward, but,
May I request for your love to replace
The pains of the past?
Dec 2023 · 117
Sabika Dec 2023
I remember the ways in which your body told me that you want me:
Pulling me so close so that our chests were inches away,
Your strong arms firm around my waist
Taking my breath away.
"Come here" you'd rasp, and I'd obey.
Grabbed my ******* and ****** the tip,
Picked me up and threw me on the bed,
Kissed my hand to my arm any chance you'd get.
****** and bit my neck,
Liked the way I tasted...
Yet all our efforts to hold onto each other,
Dec 2023 · 112
I Need You
Sabika Dec 2023
I don't know if it's true,
But I think I may have a temperature.
Doctor, what is your prognosis?
How do I heal this sickness?
My chest is burning,
Like an iron is pressed against it.
Well of course these are tears!
I guess I'm threatened by the silence...
I feel ill and feeble,
My only cure is to be with people!
Loneliness is evil,
I need you by my side.
Dec 2023 · 89
I Hope
Sabika Dec 2023
Baby if our lips cannot,
I hope our hearts can still kiss each other
As we remember.
If our hands cannot,
I hope our minds touch
When we recall our love.
Nov 2023 · 107
I Release You
Sabika Nov 2023
I embraced you for dear life
In my *****, where you comfortably reside,
To our detriment, our weights combined,
So in fear of violating the rights of mankind,
I release you, my love,
Though you may weigh heavy on my mind...
Nov 2023 · 84
What Have We Done?
Sabika Nov 2023
You look down on me from your high tower.
To me, you're full of beauty, strength and wonder.
I cannot count on the words you utter
To tell me the truth that lies in your heart;
Instead, I'll read your eyes as a start,
Then I'll study your expressions,
Look into the patterns of your mannerisms, your tone,
Study how you're different in private, with friends or over the phone.
I'll let you seep into my heart and mind,
Let you change me, I'll leave the me from the past behind.

All for what, I ask?
If it's a sin to love you...
Then why can't I let go?

Do I **** out the life from you
Like a leach?
Were you more excited about your future before meeting me?
Do I remind you of despair and insecurity?
Do I bring forth the future's unpredictability?
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Never thought about how all this could hurt you,
My Romeo...
The poison we'll take is heartache.
But which of us will have the courage to break this curse?
Which of us will drink from this cup first?
"Drink poison now, or live longer in thirst."

As I edge this vessel to my lips,
I remember the nights we spent together
Gazing into the lights in our eyes.
I remember you singing from the heart
As you held me tight, Oh Romeo...
Oh the things we'd whisper,
Oh the games we'd play.
And my favorite part was when
You would read my soul as if it was on display.

Yes, my Romeo...
I did warn you, didn't I,
That the lights that burn brightest, burn fastest.
And how bright did we burn for each other?
Oh how much did we yearn for one another?
But I still find myself yearning,
Dreaming of the possibility
That you'd see life the way I do.
But that isn't fair on you,
Neither of us will change.
"So the quicker we drink the poison,
The easier we'll be unchained."
May 2023 · 151
I Run
Sabika May 2023
Out of fear and into courage I run,
Between hope and despair I continue,
Passed humiliation and betrayal I go
And with every cry and whisper I know
That the goal is reached when you try,
And that I must not stop running 'til I die.

There are no friends in this life, I know.
There are only responsibilities and opportunities to grow.
So lives run with and depart from me.
I run fast through the valleys,
And slow from under the sea.
And around me I see sometimes,
As I get distracted by other's songs and rhymes,
I see their smiles and laughter,
And in that I remember my own tears and anger,
And I'm overcome by a rage and hunger,
And suddenly I want to run no longer.

But in the dark, yet in midday,
I hear you calling me to continue your way,
Be it with a smile or with tears,
With rage or with grief all through the years,
"The best is with Me, had you known.
"Despite all adversity, look how much you've grown!"
And to love
I answer,
And to you,
I run faster!
May 2023 · 140
Wilfully Optimistic
Sabika May 2023
As I sit on this bench
And the chilly breeze raises my skin,
The birds sing their beautiful songs,
And the leaves dance in the golden light;
The clouds sway and move,
They are thick and rich in colour,
And I cannot help but wonder -
How long before this moment lasts?

Home is infested with vermin
And no tool will help me clean it.
I pray in my room, and listen to sermons,
And I’m anxious over my future
For I cannot see it.
I cannot help it, I am afraid,
But I’ll wilfully enjoy this calm.
I’ll hold my hand as it shakes,
And I’ll wipe a cloth over my sweaty palms.
For what choice do I have
Other than to stop and wait?
I cannot agonise over that which
Is out of my control,
So I’ll work with fate,
And no matter what happens
God remains great.
Apr 2023 · 167
Judgement Day
Sabika Apr 2023
Judgement day is not near,
It’s here.
Ears whisper to me the things I’ve said.
Hands show me what I’ve done.
Feet take me back to where I’ve been,
Heart sings the songs I’ve sung.
Judgement day is here.
The future is happening.
The first seed is always infinite,
And the past is always taking place
Judgement day is here
And actions and intentions are
Never erased.
If you make a mistake you better do
Something else that can take its place.
Judgement day is here and
You verse yourself in the race.
Apr 2023 · 168
The Silence
Sabika Apr 2023
The silence
Embraced me with its gentleness
And caressed me with a form of peace
Lying below, or above,
Somewhere in a deeper dimension.
As I’ve been constantly at war with
My limits,
I saw how she struggled to connect,
Interpreted stillness and quiet as a threat
To her image: the girl she learned she had to be
Just so that she could make sense to other people…
To me.
I can’t believe you speak to me in this way.
But I’m only repeating to myself
The early words I learned as a cub,
“No, you must not speak, no one wants to hear, you have nothing to declare, you’ve been foolish, you must be embarrassed every time, how dare you come out of your shell!”
Never got to learn
Who I was beneath the clouds,
Beneath the fog and the illusions.
All I’m doing is trying my hardest
To avoid humiliation,
Trying my best to be liked by you.
Apr 2023 · 202
The Gift of Loving You
Sabika Apr 2023
Let me cherish this.
This pure love I have for you.
Not for what you look like,
Or for what you can do,
But purely for the person that you are.
Let me cherish this sweet innocence.
Let me rely on the remembrance of your smile,
Or the times when you’d speak to me,
To fill me with glee.
Let me hold on to the peace I felt
When remembering the fact that I’d be around you
Would calm the storm of my turbulent mind
Even for a short time.
Loving you isn’t painful,
It’s natural and comes easy.
It has been a blessing bestowed onto me.
I feel like I know you beyond words,
I feel like you know me.
It is tragic though, when I know that I can’t have you, it’s true,
But to have had the honour,
The pleasure of knowing you,
Even for a short time,
I am grateful beyond what words can describe.
Feb 2023 · 154
Pathetic Kinship
Sabika Feb 2023
Why do I think that
I’m exempt from certain fates?
Why do I think
That I’m different from others
And separate from their struggles?
Maybe because you were here with me
And we faced the world together
And we made a home
With hard solid foundations.
But with a huff and a puff
Satan shook the skeleton
The very structure
The very innards
And I felt the shiver
And the dread that
Perhaps nothing,
And I mean
Absolutely nothing lasts forever.

So it is in moments like these
That I feel a pathetic kinship
To the most desolate
And The most desperate of man.
Oh how small I am.
Jan 2023 · 139
The Submitted Lover
Sabika Jan 2023
Oh, I can't help but feel warm inside
When I think about
All there is to love,
All there is to fear,
All there is to see,
And all there is to hear.
I feel soft and gentle,
And I watch the waves of life
Flowing through me, around me,
And passing me by
With all there is to hate,
All there is to feel,
And all the scars that are left to heal.
And I love it! I'm alive! I'm living!
I can thrive! I'm floating! I'm swimming!
Oh I love it! I love it!
I'm alive, I'm living!
Oh why, I can't help it,
I'm dancing! I'm singing
With a smile and with tears;
The entirety of life's weight on my heart,
And I just fall so much deeper in love.

To be tied, to be linked;
Oh it feels so euphoric to be so connected,
So in sync.
And I would hate for this to go away,
For my swollen heart to shrink.
This playful love that I have
For a life filled with pain and grief,
For a life so preciously brief,
Oh God, please don't take this away from me.
I feel deeply blessed and gifted
When I truly don't mind how life gets,
No matter how joyful and lighthearted,
No matter how dark and twisted.
Jan 2023 · 129
She Forgets
Sabika Jan 2023
She wakes up and forgets what it means to be human.
Your expressions, your mannerisms, your tone,
None of them evoke truth,
Or what is really going on.
There's always something more,
Something far far beyond.
So when you are plain and clear to her,
She doesn't trust it.
It's best if you write it with a felt-tip.
If she doesn't have another sounding board to bounce off of,
How does she know what reality is?
She cannot tell who is genuine or who is a fraud.
She wakes up and says she forgot.
So she would rather sit in her corner
And observe how we interact.
She'll memories what works
To make up for what she lacks.
Jan 2023 · 139
I Wish
Sabika Jan 2023
I wish you were a bit more daring.
I wish you would come and tell me how you feel instead of staring.
I wish you were bold enough to touch me.
You used to come close and smell me.
I wish you would have taken me home that night.
I wish you'd laid me down and kissed me
So that I could've felt alright.
Jan 2023 · 120
My Confusion
Sabika Jan 2023
To depict my utter confusion
Let me speak clearly.
I don't know anymore
What is wrong and what is right.
Perhaps I've never known
Exactly what separates daylight from the night.
And when I look into it
There are so many perspectives,
And time is spent on each
And each is compelling.
I've learned through experience
That to an extent, everything is true,
And I've learned that
No one is a villain of their own story
But they are all a victim of life's tragedy,
And I don't know what I know anymore when
I have empathy.
And I've been so deluded and mislead;
Made my own superstitions from my head,
And gave a character to life that was unfair,
So what am I really doing here?
Dec 2022 · 92
To Her
Sabika Dec 2022
Here's to the girl who lied constantly.
To the girl who thought she knew reality.
She was onto something, definitely,
But this is the girl who reveled in stupidity;
To the girl who nearly sold her soul.
To the girl who was taken as a fool.
To the girl who was there for her friends,
Through thick and thin,
And didn't get the same back from them.
To the girl who knew everything about them,
Yet she was still the stranger.
To the girl who actively put herself in danger.
To the girl who became popular and was still lonely,
To the girl who never got to know me-

I'm here now.
You can stop crying.
I appreciate how hard you were trying.
Dec 2022 · 99
Who Am I?
Sabika Dec 2022
I don't just listen,
I accept it as reality.
As I swim through past oceans,
The oceans swim through me.
Why do I reminisce over a memory
That does not remember me?
Why do I long for a moment
That was fundamentally hostile?
There's always something to learn
From an undiscovered experience.
And my chest shakes and I am scared to see
What it was like to live back then;
Constantly calling to me in whatever language I speak in,
Constantly calling me to let the devil back in.
And I've grown confused as I've wandered in the grey,
As the darkness claims much of the light for itself:
Flawed memories portraying a false sense of self
Getting in my way.

So who am I
In this wretched kingdom,
where you must sacrifice your soul to live in?
Who am I amongst a people
With hedonistic intentions and self-centered ambitions
Searching for love and belonging in propagandas?
Who am I
Amongst a community broken
Within a religious doctrine
Bastardised by hypocrite preachers
Assuming hell has frozen?
Who am I
Amongst my satanic desires,
Within my willful ignorance
And sinful longing?

Perhaps I'm being too harsh,
Too hopeless.
There's a light,
An innocence within me.
Above all
A desire for pure peace and harmony,
A magnetic pull to beauty,
A child-like curiosity,
A rebellious strength against established hierarchy.
You need to prove your worthiness for my loyalty.
And God has loved me,
And has gifted me,
And has taught me
All things good.
And I have to keep a balanced view of all things
If I could.
Nov 2022 · 105
He Raped My Future!!
Sabika Nov 2022
Her skin glistens like honey,
Her scent pulls me like gravity,
Her curves incite potential.
She is hazy,
Like a ghost, or an apparition.
When I move forward, I don't get any closer.
She is my envisioned future.
And you grab her, father,
You pin her down and you **** her, father,
Repeatedly, you hurt her, father!
She turns bleak,
Her screams make me run!
And I run! But I don't get any closer!
Her tears stream and stretch towards me in rivers,
Her hand, outstretched, quivers,
But I run and I run
And I don't get any closer!
Stop it!
Oct 2022 · 102
All Things
Sabika Oct 2022
Closer than it seemed,
Yet further in my eyes;
Reflection upon reflection,
Effected and Effecting live, in real time.
One eye shut while the other is open.
Half truths from half-arsed perceptions,
They become lies, an artful deception.
Yet that does not stop the reality:
All things, two sides of the same coin.
All things separate, yet as twins were joined,
All things are all things,
Intertwined as one from the beginning.
Understand one, you understand the other.
I move my body and my body moves in the mirror,
Mirrors in mirrors upon mirrors
Reacting to each other.
So I flip the pages of this book,
Teaching me about my mind,
Teaching me to look with one eye,
A mirror covered,
And suddenly
What you seek becomes easier to find.
Oct 2022 · 114
To Live
Sabika Oct 2022
To ebb and to flow,
To whither and regrow,
To rise and to fall,
To forget and be reminded,
To sway,
To float on a wave,
To bounce,
To swing back and forth,
To go through cycles, winter to spring,
To know,
To touch,
To feel,
To see with inner eyes, inner ears, inner heart.
Inclined towards what is sought.
Understanding the language of God
Oct 2022 · 128
I Feel Beautiful
Sabika Oct 2022
Tears are welling up.
A bit of sad, a bit of joy,
A bit of pain, a bit of peace,
A bit restless, a bit of ease.
I feel beautiful, I feel free!
I feel like I can dance with the swinging trees,
Like I can sing with the whistling wind;
While my heart is a little heavy, a little light,
A little dark and a little bright,
I feel beautiful when I can feel the balance,
I'm a delicate thing in their presence,
And I see a beautiful dystopia lurking.
What can I do but shed tears
For a prophecy unfolding?
Oct 2022 · 97
To Bed
Sabika Oct 2022
Does he know
That I fantasize about him?
Can he see it in my cold eyes?
Can he sense it when I stiffen?
Does he know
That I look at his strong arms,
And can he tell
That I long to feel them around my waist?

If he just looked at me,
I'm afraid he'll know
That my heart is racing,
My breath is quickening,
And my mind is blank.
I act so stupid around him,
So different.
Does he go off and realise
That I embrace his thought,
That it's in my head,
And that I play with it
All the way to bed?
Oct 2022 · 96
Sabika Oct 2022
Out with the secrets,
The venom,
Out with it all.
Wear it all
In all its shades,
Out with it!
Even if you're scared!
Your concealment,
Your deception
Served you once,
Protected you once before,
It cannot protect you anymore!

Spit it out!
Spell it out!
Say it like it is!
Be real, be honest!
Put it on your sleeve,
Your heart at the centre of your chest!
Tell them you can't hold!
You can't take it anymore!

This is me!
This is who I am,
This is what I want,
And what I deserve!
And you can see all my flaws,
And study my weaknesses!
I am not afraid of you!
You will see and behold
All there is to witness,
And you shall either yield
Or be expelled!
Sep 2022 · 99
A New Era
Sabika Sep 2022
I've been trained for this moment.
A moment to let go.
The seasons are changing,
And I've been changed by the things I now know.
A new era is coming,
A new dawn,
A new horizon.
As I sing an ode for a lesser past,
I revel in the soil I was seeded in.

So I let go of all that I loved,
And all the pain it came with.
I tell them to grow without me, as I grow without them,
And let's tell the stories of the places we've been.
So let's welcome this new era.
You cannot force my stay.
The time has come for me to move on,
And go somewhere far far away.
Sep 2022 · 116
Loving You is Pain
Sabika Sep 2022
I shine bright and you don't notice.
There's always a miscommunication,
A misunderstanding
Between us.
Loving you has brought me nothing
But pain,
And it's caused me to distrust.
Three nights spent crying,
Wondering where you've been,
Wondering why you were so friendly with that woman.
I wonder
If I'm suffering for this because it's a sin?

I long for you,
I long for your approval.
I want you closer,
But loving you from this far
Has already caused me so much pain.
In fact, for loving you,
There's absolutely nothing to gain.
Aug 2022 · 95
Back From the Dead
Sabika Aug 2022
I poured out too much,
Disregarded a filter
Or a second thought.
I was not human,
I was a shadow
Under the spell of the past,
Remembering why certain friends and enemies last.

I was diabolical.
Forgot the person I was.
I was weak to the temptations
As my heart and mind raced
Under the adrenaline rush.
So many faces, and all these thoughts.
I began to float again, high up above.
And so, without being able to hear my own cries,
I hurt myself
With the things I said,
I hurt myself
With the things I did,
I hurt myself
When I bring the old me back from the dead.
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