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22.0k · Oct 2019
they see me as a stranger
fallacies Oct 2019
your eyes still look familiar
but the looks they give me now are foreign
3.5k · Apr 2018
let's burn
fallacies Apr 2018
our love was a candle
that burned out a long time ago

but the wax just melted
and did not disappear

so let's mold a new candle
from the remains that melted;
let it burn again and again
so we'll feel the warmth
of love all over again

2.2k · Jul 2018
fallacies Jul 2018
you were a beautifully constructed sentence
you were complete in thought and made sense

i wanted to be with you
i wanted to be a part of you

i thought i could be a period
and show you you how things end for us

then again, how about a comma
so we could pause and think of what's next

i also thought about being a question mark
so we'd both ask what we do not know

or an exclamation mark
to let your immense feelings show

an apostrophe maybe
to show the world that i belong to you

quotation marks, you see
i would enclose your brightest ideas

what about a colon
so we could begin a list of your dreams

maybe a semi colon
to join our common parts and themes

but i'll choose to be an ellipsis
so only i, can know and hide
some of your words and secrets
1.6k · Nov 2018
can't be granted
fallacies Nov 2018
i wish i could talk to you
on how ironic it is to be me

where you are the reason
why sadness dawns upon my chest
yet, you are also the only solution
that can soothe this emotional distress
1.6k · Feb 2019
do i dare go near?
fallacies Feb 2019
i was always behind you
and somehow it was enough;
loving you from afar
760 · Jan 2021
• •
fallacies Jan 2021
if your eyes look at me
like i'm some stranger
would it be possible that we
start everything over?
738 · Dec 2019
tayo (us)
fallacies Dec 2019
kinuha mo ang aking mga kamay- tinitigan mo ako
at sinabi mo, 'halika, lumayo tayo dito,' kaya tayo'y nagtungo
sa lugar na walang sakit at nakapanlulumong,
mga problema na ating dinaranas dati;
at nuon ding panahon na iyon,
nahanap natin ang tunay na kasiyahan
sa piling ng isa't isa, walang kamalayan
sa ibang tao sa paligid, pagkat magkasama na tayo;
wala nang problema na maaaring magdala ng bagyo

masaya na tayo, sa simpleng mga bagay na mayroon tayo
mga bagay na hindi man bago,
hindi man sapat para masabing masaya, pero alam ko,
ramdam ko, na masaya na tayo

teka, ano ito?
Teka, bakit nawawala na
ang lahat ng nasa paligid natin
TEKA LANG! -sambit ng mga labi ko
yun na ang huling nasabi ko sayo

akala ko, masaya na tayo
sa mga simpleng bagay na  mayroon tayo,
mga bagay na hindi man bago
ngunit ngayon, bumalik na ang simple sa kumplikado
hinahanap ngayon ang saya sa salitang 'tayo'

pero nagising ako;
at kahit anong pilit na ipikit muli ang aking mga mata
at subukang mahimbing sa kaisipan na mayroong ikaw at ako
huli na ang lahat, di ko na maibalik ang panandaliang suyo
ng minsang nanaginip ako na mayroong tayo
(rough english translation)

you took both my hands- you looked at me
and said, 'let us go, far away from here,' and so we did;
to a place where pain would never find us,
where no problem would ever exist like the ones we had before;
and at that moment
we found true happiness
in the comfort of each other's arms,
oblivious to the people around us, for we are now together
no more problems that would bring us storms

we were happy and content, with the simple things
that we have, things that may not be new; things that
may not be enough to consider ourselves happy, but i know
for i feel, that together- we are happy

wait, what is this?
why can't i make up a single detail from your face
Wait, why is everything fading
that was the last thing that i have told you

i thought that we were already happy and content,
with the simple things that we have, things that may not be new;
but now everything was the same as before,
what was simple became complicated again
desperately looking for the happiness in the word 'us'

but i woke up
and no matter how hard i try to close my eyes, and
try to fall asleep with the thought of me and you
it was too late, i could never bring back the temporary comfort
of that one time that i had a dream that there was an us
706 · Sep 2019
fallacies Sep 2019
why is it that you are my calm and my storm at the same time?
704 · Jun 2021
fallacies Jun 2021
i have since then lost the ability to feel love
ever since i failed to make you feel that i did
fallacies Feb 2019
the last time i stayed up late at,
it was because no matter what i tried
you wouldn't leave my mind

i hope the the next time i do,
even if i don't try, it would be because
you wouldn't want to leave my side
684 · Sep 2019
i just want to love you
fallacies Sep 2019
so let me love you until the time you'll feel the same too
and even after then, I'll love you--
through and through
683 · Jan 2021
every night before i sleep
fallacies Jan 2021
almost three years since then
and a year since the other
yet, i still cannot forgive myself
and i still think about you
over and over
636 · Dec 2018
time check
fallacies Dec 2018
it's 1 am and i'm missing you
sitting here and wondering
if you ever miss me too
454 · Jul 2018
like i said
fallacies Jul 2018
~when i start running, let go okay?
you said as i held the kite between my hands
how carefree and happy we were before
okay, but i will still go after you
i said as you started to run and go
how clueless you were with what i said

how time flew when we were together
but life's not always smooth, remember?
we started to fall apart,
creating distance between us.
then you felt that enough was enough;
you said you wanted to run and leave,
but i persistently stayed and followed you.

you asked me why i was still loving you

remember what you asked me before?
you said that, when you start running, i'd let go;
i said okay, but i'd still go after you
you see, i'd let go of the problems we faced;
and i'd still go after you and be by your side,
even at our worst days
453 · Dec 2018
believe me or not
fallacies Dec 2018
there are people and things worth giving up;
you're not one of them
441 · May 2018
fallacies May 2018
and tonight i pray

that you're

sleeping softly

to the sound

of your own voice;

but not me

fallacies Apr 2021
had i known that we'd be strangers again
i would have called you by your name
more often than i had when we were still together

and to compensate for what i haven't done for so long
i recite your name like they are words from my favorite song
fallacies Oct 2019
i've exhausted all the words i know
yet i still have a lot of things
that i want to tell you

but it's been so hard
not having to talk to you-
like how we used to
408 · Jan 2019
to say
fallacies Jan 2019
you are every word, with a soul;
i'm just a soul, without any words
379 · Nov 2019
you know why it's hard?
fallacies Nov 2019
it's because i love you
376 · Jan 2018
fallacies Jan 2018
I asked you for a second,
you gave me a minute of silence;
and with each passing tick of the clock,
my heart gets used to the violence

I asked you for a day,
you gave me a week of darkness;
and with each passing day and night,
my heart gets used to the emptiness

I asked you for a month,
you gave me a year of slumber;
and with each and every passing season,
my heart gets used to the fire.

If I asked you for a century;
will you give me a lifetime of misery?
Or with each passing millennia;
you'll let my heart, get used to the dementia.
369 · Dec 2019
i'll always be
fallacies Dec 2019
please understand that i text you, not to annoy you; i only want you to know that i'm still here,

even if you make it feel like i am not
fallacies Dec 2019
you saw every gesture of love i had in me as nothing more than friendly ones
361 · May 2018
who am i?
fallacies May 2018
i am not a dancer
but i can make words
dance at the tip of your tongue

i am not a singer
but i can make words
sing to the beat of your heart

i am not a painter
but i can make words
paint a scene from your dreams

i am just a mere writer
but i can make words
write their own stories
paint their own pictures
sing their own songs
and dance their own way
352 · Sep 2019
i'm sorry,
fallacies Sep 2019
for making you believe in forever
when i didn't even know what it meant.
343 · Nov 2018
anyone there?
fallacies Nov 2018
maybe the reason why
he explains himself too much,
reiterating what he wants to do;
is not because he is guilty of something
but maybe because
he's been guilty all his life;

and now that he knows he's not,
maybe he wants someone
to believe in what he says

because he is having a hard time
believing it, himself
339 · Jun 2019
one way to sleep
fallacies Jun 2019
it's one of those nights when sweet dreams turn to salty tears
321 · Dec 2018
fallacies Dec 2018
do we really move on?
or do we numb ourselves enough,
to not feel the pain of being
alone anymore?

fallacies Jul 2018
before i go, could you please ask me to stay?
stay for the things we've been through
and the stuff we talked about;
the years we spent together
and the plans we laid out

before i go, could you stop me from walking away?
walking away from you, and the future
that we haven't even walked to yet;
and this, very beautiful picture
of goals and dreams we set

before i go, could you accompany with me?
accompany me through this road of life
that we'd walk with each other again;
and face every single day and strive
for our love, every now and then
310 · Jan 2021
never the same soul twice
fallacies Jan 2021
as the void in my soul
pulls me towards its center
with both hands tied together,
i can't seem to remember the last time i held yours
and it seems that forever has passed by
no— it's been an eternity
since mine last held grasp of your soul
and had conversations with the billions of pieces
that make it up—
tiny bits of your identity
i once all knew

i don't seem to know whether they're still part of you—
or has your soul been shattered too much
that more pieces have made their presence
making up the very essence of you
that mine lost the opportunity to touch

what i do know
every piece that make up your soul
is part of a perfectly-fitted-never-ending puzzle—
an ever-evolving beautiful masterpiece
no one could ever take apart
302 · Oct 2018
m a y b e ?
fallacies Oct 2018
i know for a fact
that she means a lot to me,
that i love her;
and care for her so much

but i couldn't say
the same thing
for myself
300 · Jan 2021
oh well
fallacies Jan 2021
just when i thought that my wells have dried up- buckets fill as i pull them back up
297 · Dec 2018
that keep me up at night
fallacies Dec 2018
why does your silence give me the loudest thoughts?
292 · Feb 2019
as it always does
fallacies Feb 2019
as tiring as this day was,
it got better when you asked me how it was
290 · Jan 2019
fallacies Jan 2019
everytime i dream of you
everything feels so true
i guess it really shows,
when i'm missing you
for the one who introduced me to sweven, and has always been the reason for my swevens
fallacies Nov 2019
i hate listening to the songs we used to sing,
songs that engraved a memory of you in my mind

but in the end, i'd still end up listening to them
because that's the closest you'll ever be,
now that you are not here with me;

the closest memory that i'll have of you.
286 · Jun 2018
are we
fallacies Jun 2018
the thing is,

we all have the time

to do anything we want

but the question is;

are we aware of the moment,

to  take it all in?
275 · Dec 2019
and maybe it is
fallacies Dec 2019
i will love you as if it is the only thing i know how to do best
274 · Apr 2018
good night
fallacies Apr 2018
i want to be the blanket
that keeps you warm at night
but it seems
i'm the cold air
that makes you cover up tight
fallacies Oct 2019
i'd do anything for you, use me as you will-
i only wished i had the same will to use myself, still
260 · May 2018
remember to not forget
fallacies May 2018
the thought of you forgetting me
leaves me in a state of despair
but on the other hand
i just need to make sure that you don't
because for me, i wouldn't dare
forget even the slightest
inch of you
254 · Sep 2019
fallacies Sep 2019
i don't want to settle for less
and i know you don't want to, too
but i guess what you meant
by not settling for less
is that i was not more than
what you expected me to
246 · Apr 2019
fallacies Apr 2019
the same
look of the
same wish we
both desire, then
why don't we take
turns to make the
first move,
and give
each gaze a try?
243 · May 2018
i n s e n s i b l e
fallacies May 2018
i thought i was numb,

not able to feel anything;

but you proved me wrong

when you held my hand,

and i felt something
239 · Oct 2019
it always does
fallacies Oct 2019
no matter what i do
no matter what i try to feel
i legitimately keep coming back to you
235 · Dec 2019
fallacies Dec 2019
i gave you company
i gave you things you never even knew you wanted
but you still accepted them as if you knew that i would have given you anything if it meant the world to you;

and you were right

i gave you my company
i gave you comfort through every moment life has mistreated you
away from all the unnecessary pain, stress, and heartbreaks

and i was alright

or so i thought...

i gave you company and i gave you things you never even knew you wanted
i gave you comfort through every moment life has mistreated you

i gave you company and comfort through the cold harsh night

but as soon as the first sight of light in the morning embraced your face
the moment you opened your eyes...

i ceased to exist to you,
as if i was a dream you had last night
but soon forgot in the morning...
231 · May 2018
what i do
fallacies May 2018
'at times
when you miss me,
what do you do?'
'i write poetry for you'
231 · May 2018
fallacies May 2018
it's not regret that i feel
for the what ifs that
we could've  done
it's regret that i feel
for the whats that
had been done
230 · Apr 2018
fallacies Apr 2018
'loving you was not the mistake
letting me love you was
230 · Nov 2018
b l i n d b e l i e f
fallacies Nov 2018
"do you believe
in something you can't see?"

'well, i believe that you love me;
even if i can't see it, i feel it'
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