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Jul 2014 · 653
4am thought
HS Jul 2014
i was never meant to be enough for you
HS Jul 2014
i saw the good in all of your bad
Jul 2014 · 423
HS Jul 2014
i have been told that love is the hardest thing a human being can put themselves through.
******* i believe it

i never intended on falling for you. not this hard, this fast.
but here i am

i saw the good in your bad and i loved every ******* inch of you and maybe that is what lead to our downfall

i loved what could never work

I'm left here wondering how the hell i am suppose to move on when you were the only good thing that ever happened to me
Nov 2013 · 541
HS Nov 2013
Holding your hand was the equivalent to holding the world in my palm.
Like all I ever needed was right there, interlocking fingers with me.
Looking into your eyes was like watching the most colorful sunset in the whole entire world.
And kissing you,
was like taking my last breath before diving into the sea,
breathtaking and beautiful.

I hope you never leave.
Oct 2013 · 413
HS Oct 2013
they kept asking what happened
so that night I went home and sat down to tell the story once more
oh, my wrists listened well as
the blade spoke words
messy and red
it was enough to get me by
Oct 2013 · 510
Late Nights
HS Oct 2013
sweetheart it's five past one and you're still swimming through my thoughts
leaving your mark throughout my mind
I don't know why you are there yet I'm here, vacant arms.
I crave the feeling of your skin brushing against my own

I begin to drift off into a different world where I'm kissing your lips and feeling the lines on your fingertips
I dream about your hands and the way they will piece together so perfectly with mine, a jagged puzzle becoming whole.

baby, morning is creeping up yet I'm still here, thinking about how perfect you are.
The suns rising and I can see your smile within the beauty.

sweetheart before I start my day please know I am no writer
so excuse my scattered thoughts.
but I must somehow express the nights I lie awake thinking of you.
Oct 2013 · 689
HS Oct 2013
I lay here each night and close my eyes before I drift off into a deep sleep.
Within those seconds I imagine myself wrapped in our embrace.
I can see our souls intertwining with each other like the vines wrapping around an old tree,
attaching themselves.
I almost feel the connection we would have.
It sends surges throughout my body and I feel as if I'll float into air, into space.

God you make me feel alive.

But my happiness is stolen right away as soon as I open my eyes the next morning.
Maybe it's because my first waking thought was you,
or maybe it was the second,
an image of you grasping his hand instead of mine.

my heart aches.

it's funny to me how love can fade without any sort of warning, how someone can completely shatter every part of your heart.
leaving you, alone, to pick up the pieces with your fragile hands.
A part of me wishes you would come back and help me
because my hands hurt and have started to bleed from the jagged edges you caused.

I lost myself in you.

— The End —