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I sit and stall late at night
When I can't sleep,
Hoping I hear your voice,
Waiting up to see if you call.

But I know that's not gonna happen,
Your heart sings out for another.
Even though it does, I'm still all yours.
Every last bit.

My friends hate it, my mother hates it, my other friends laugh at it,
But you know what?

I don't care. Cause if I did, then I probably didn't really love you.
But I do.

But what does it matter? Loving you has helped and killed me.
You will never know that, because I will never tell you.

And we'll grow old together
And spend time fighting and fixing and fighting and fixing.
But you'll call me an angel, a friend, a brother. Nothing more. Angel.

And you will never ask why I do the things I do for you,
Because maybe you're afraid to know the honest truth.
Maybe the truth you've known from the beginning.
Cause not one person has done what I've done for you.
I will always want you, always.

I wish I was drunk, high, ****** when I wrote this,
This little piece of me, this little mess in me. Written sober.

And while the world is all quiet and sleeping their lives away,
I live mine awake thinking of you.
I sincerely *Love you. Good night.
I would love to hear feedback.
We look deep into each others eyes
Glance at our souls
The self satisfying reason
We decide to live to see tomorrow
Yet as a tear escapes your eye
I know we are not forever
We will soon end
You can't face the fact that I love you
You think I deserve better
Well think again
I don't deserve anything but a bullet in my brain
Chasing out the thoughts that keep me awake at night
Laying in an empty bed
For countless hours
Wishing you were with me
Even if we are not forever
My love for you will be
And no one shall ******* love
No one shall know my love
My heart will petrify
Turn to stone
Till you learn that you are all I want
The only one I want and I don't care who knows
But you know this poem is for you
Because I talk to you everyday
I text you early in the morning
I love you with a heart broken
But still made of gold
Because this heart is in your hands
If I have to cut it from my chest
We are not forever
Because we will die
Its our love that will be forever
My heart cracks and snaps
not like a twig but like the lightning outside your window
like a red chested belly flop
it climbs up my throat to the top
teeth gritting becomes it's cage
broken free it climbs on this page
now you take it greedily
....i was gunna give that to you anyway
now there's a cavity in my chest
with authority you grin and return the favor
inside my chest you heart sits with fervor
i'll lie and say that was a fair trade
because right now i got it made
Lover's blush
Passionate blood rush
Insuppressible incandescence on skin
Harrogate, TN   March 2013
              ­                              she
                                                                ­      there.
Nashville,TN   October 1989
Charley Bob is a "walker".

He walks the roads and avenues where I live.
He doesn't appear to have a job, he just walks.....every day.
He use to walk with his zipper down
and with flacid ***** in hand proudly display himself to all who drove by,
but that embarrassed many
and they made him put his security blanket away.
Now he just grabs his crotch like the gangstas downtown.
Sorry Charley.
Every town has a "walker",
some have several.
You've seen them.
They walk the streets, lost in their own little worlds.
They look the same as they did 20 years ago.
There's the lady with nary a tooth in her head,
her ankle length skirt and her Pentecostal hairdo (PHD).
They say for 50 bucks she'll let you know why she has no teeth.
She's a "working girl walker", but she is still a "walker".
Once I was walking downtown,
and as I passed her she angrily mumbled something to me, all lips and gums,
"Muver Phucker", she said.
I don't even know her,
but she was as angry with me as if we were the best of friends.
Some "walkers" talk to themselves,
some answer themselves,
some stop and turn and scream out profundities to no-one,
or someone,
it's a matter of perspective.
It's like some shrink somewhere
gave them a prescription for their mental disorder,
walk 20 miles and see me in the morning.
Charley Bob is the best though.
I swear you can see him at 10am,
and by 5 he is still
making his way
from where
he went to.
I wonder what makes him turn and go home.

Charley Bob is a "walker".
Harrogate, TN  March 2013
Feel free to write about your "walker".
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
I wonder what is yonder!
Can it be different then here?
Can it be better then over there?

Where ever I go...
I take myself along.
This same person and all my flaws.

I have had a near death event.
Still, I am the same melancholy person.
Run and save yourself!

Try going over yonder,
leave your fears behind.
Else, there will be no point.
Inspired by another
...I think I
willl keep it
til the end of time
Melted and tainted
three days of mourning
under the dead sun
Let it bleed
but never choke
or enjoy an old beat
It's never too late it?
The rivers ain't dry
so as the cry
All is well...
maybe Was
never cared
but all the things that I keep inside
ruined my best
The seas of pain whine
Bashing into crags of doubt
The planks that creak upon
Sea foam fills the
The ship is sinking
"Yar she blows!"
The capsize of the soul
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